Easy Chalkboard Cleaners You Can Make Yourself 

Updated December 14, 2021
woman wipes chalkboard

It only takes one Google search to find numerous ways to get a chalkboard sparkling. But what about recipes? Well, you can find a few tested DIY chalkboard cleaners to have your chalkboard spotlessly clean once more. In addition to materials and instructions for making each one, you'll find out how they measure up.

Quick and Easy Water and White Vinegar Recipe

When looking for a quick and easy recipe to remove chalk you have in your pantry, look no further than water and white vinegar. This is a tried-and-true recipe to get your chalkboard back to black.

Materials You Need

This recipe is easy to create and only takes a couple of ingredients.

How to Make the White Vinegar Cleaner

Cleaning with Vinegar

With the white vinegar and water recipe, you don't have to worry about the spray bottle you use. It can be clear, colored, and in a range of different sizes. If you have a large spray bottle, you can double the recipe.

  1. Mix the ½ cup of vinegar and 2 cups of water in the spray bottle.
  2. Shake to mix well.
  3. Store the mixture in a cool, dry place when not in use.

Using the White Vinegar Mixture on Chalkboards

Before using the white vinegar mixture on the chalkboard, you want to make sure you use an eraser or a microfiber cloth and remove as much chalk as possible.

  1. Spray the mixture onto a cloth until it is damp, not dripping.
  2. Start in one corner of the chalkboard and work your way up and down the board.
  3. Reapply the mixture when necessary.
  4. Continue swiping the board until all the chalk is gone.

Advantages and Disadvantages to the White Vinegar Mixture

In addition to being simple to make, the white vinegar recipe is gentle on chalkboards. It's also effective in removing any chalk buildup. However, this method does have a few disadvantages.

  • This method does not work well for stains.
  • Ineffective when using chalk markers.
  • It can take several applications to get the board completely clean.

Lemon Oil Recipe for Shine

lemon oil in a glass bottle

Lemon oil is a solution made from lemon rinds. It's often used to clean guitar fingerboards. It will also work well on the blackboard. Lemon oil is antibacterial, making it especially appropriate in classrooms that serve young children. It also smells pretty darn good.

Materials for Making Lemon Oil

Lemon oil isn't hard to make, but it does take a few more materials than the white vinegar method.

  • Small glass jar
  • 3 cups coconut oil
  • Peeler or grater
  • 6 lemons
  • Small saucepan
  • Strainer

How to Make Lemon Oil

Making lemon oil can be a little tricky the first time, but after a few tries, you'll quickly get the hang of it.

  1. Wash your 6 lemons thoroughly and allow them to air dry completely.
  2. Take the peeler and peel the zest off the lemon. You want to make sure you stop when you get to the white stuff.
  3. Put the zest in a saucepan and cover it with 3 cups of coconut oil.
  4. Bring the oil to a simmer and let it cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Remove it from the heat and allow it to cool.
  6. Strain it into a glass jar. (You want to get the oil in there, none of the leftover zest.)
  7. Store it in a cool dark place for about a month, then toss it.

Use Lemon Oil to Clean Chalkboard

When using lemon oil to clean a chalkboard, you will need a cloth to add it to and a storage bag.

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of your lemon oil to a cloth.
  2. Allow it to sit overnight in a storage bag to soak up that lemony goodness.
  3. Pull out the cloth and wipe down the board.
  4. Add more oil and have the cloth in the bag on standby for when you need it.

Pros and Cons of Cleaning With Lemon Oil

Lemon oil smells fantastic. And it can leave your chalkboard with a nice shine. This is especially true if you have a bit of stubborn residue you are trying to get rid of. And it's natural, so it won't harm children that want to clean the board. But there are a few things to keep in mind when using this recipe.

  • It takes prep time. You must let it sit on the cloth overnight so it doesn't leave a residue on your board.
  • It doesn't have the cleaning power to handle tough stains.
  • It will not remove chalk markers.
  • You need to prep the board before using the lemon oil method by cleaning it with a chalkboard eraser.

Baking Soda Paste Recipe for Stubborn Stains

Baking Soda Spilled On

When you have tough stains on your chalkboard, the white vinegar and lemon oil recipes might not be enough to handle it. Therefore, you need to pull out the big guns and grab the baking soda.

Materials to Grab

When creating a baking soda paste recipe, there are a few must-haves to grab from your kitchen.

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • ¼ cup of water
  • Drop of Dawn dish soap
  • Container

Creating the Baking Soda Chalk Cleaner Recipe

This tough chalkboard cleaner is easy to make and effective for cleaning crayons on chalkboards and chalkboard markers. You'll love the clean.

  1. Pour the 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the container.
  2. Add a drop of Dawn to the water and mix.
  3. Pour the water mixture into the baking soda until you have a runny paste.
  4. Throw this mixture away after using.

You can double or triple this recipe for large chalkboards.

How to Use Baking Soda Paste on Your Chalk Board

You will use the baking soda paste recipe like you would an abrasive cleaner on your tub or toilet. So, it will take a bit of elbow grease to get those stains to lift completely.

  1. Add the baking soda paste to a damp cloth or sponge.
  2. Use a circular motion to scrub the chalkboard marker or crayon off the board.
  3. Add more paste as necessary until all the marks are gone.
  4. Use a clean damp cloth to provide a rinse for the board.
  5. Enjoy your clean blackboard.

Baking Soda Paste Things to Think About

The baking soda paste recipe is extremely easy to use on your blackboard. It also works well to provide a little abrasive for stubborn stains other recipes are struggling to remove. But there are a few disadvantages.

  • You can't store this recipe. While you could put this in a Tupperware container for a few days, the baking soda dries out.
  • It takes a bit of elbow grease to use this method.
  • It is not recommended for old or cracked chalkboards.

The Perfect Chalkboard Cleaner for You

You can use a lot of different things to clean your chalkboard. Magic erasers, Coke, and alcohol are just a few of the things you might try for a chalkboard wall. However, when you are looking for an excellent chalkboard cleaner to contend with the commercial cleaners, these are some of the best.

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Easy Chalkboard Cleaners You Can Make Yourself