Ann J. MacDonald


Ann MacDonald has more than 12 years experience as a professional writer and editor. She also has an extensive background in project management for interactive software development.


Software Development.,Health and Wellness,Web and Software Usability,Food,Cchildren's Issues,Parenting,Cruises


  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Software Development Project Manager
  • LoveToKnow Senior Product Manager


  • University of Iowa: B.A. Communications Studies

Education and Work History

Ann holds a bachelor's degree in Communications Studies from the University of Iowa. This degree served her well in her past position as LoveToKnow's Senior Product Manager. She held this position for over 12 years before moving on to an exciting new opportunity as Product Manager with Peerfit, a company that facilitates workplace health and wellness opportunities.

Topic Interests

Ann is passionate about a variety of topics including web and software usability, food, children's issues, parenting, and cruises.

Keep Up With Ann

Ann is currently a resident of Southern California. She lives with her daughter, husband, and two mischievous felines. To learn more about Ann's work, visit her LinkedIn page.