31 Baby Christmas Picture Ideas That Will Melt Your Heart

Updated June 2, 2021
Baby Wearing Santa Hat At Home During Christmas
D-Keine / E+ via Getty Images

Your baby's first Christmas is a milestone you will not want to miss capturing on camera. Whether you're taking a DIY approach to taking baby Christmas pictures or hiring a professional photographer, getting the best shots possible means getting inspired with some great ideas. With a little inspiration and a bit of preparation, you'll have the most adorable holiday card out there this year, and the perfect photos to preserve this important memory.

Newborn Baby Christmas Photo Ideas

If you have a newborn during the holiday season, you have tons of options for incredible photos. You can use these to create a birth announcement or simply to document this miraculous time. Staging a newborn Christmas photoshoot is easier than you might think. The key is doing it in the first few weeks of baby's life when they're still sleepy. Make sure your little one has a full tummy and a clean diaper, and then take your time making some great photos. You can call in a professional photographer or get some great Christmas baby photos yourself.

Place Baby in a Christmas Wreath

Use holiday branches or decorations to make your newborn Christmas photos really stunning. Simply choose a plain background like a soft blanket, a worn wood floor, or a solid sheet. Then wrap baby in a pretty cloth and place them in the middle of the wreath or decoration. Shoot the photo from above to get the best angle, using a chair or stepladder if you need extra height.

A portrait of a newborn baby wrapped in Christmas themed cheesecloth and crochet wrap
sampsyseeds / E+ via Getty Images

Use Soft White Christmas Lights in the Background

Blurred white Christmas lights make the perfect background for newborn Christmas photos. You can use your tree if it has white lights, or you can hang white lights on a wall and use those. The key is shooting with a large aperture, which lets you blur the background. A professional photographer can do this, or you can do it if you own a camera that allows you to control its settings.

Newborn in front of a background with sparkling lights
by Marion C. Haßold, www.marionhassold.com / Moment via Getty Images

Pose Your Newborn in a Santa Hat

There's nothing like a Santa hat on the tiniest of babies; it's festive and funny at the same time. Pose your sleeping newborn in front of any background you like, and then place a Santa hat on their head. For the best photos, get down low and shoot from the same level as your baby. This is a good way to show their face and make the photo feel intimate.

Newborn baby with Santa Hat
jfairone / E+ via Getty Images

Dress Baby in Cozy Christmas Knits

Newborn Christmas pictures don't have to be red and green. Branch out from the traditional Christmas colors and use your tree to tie in the holiday theme. Dress baby in cozy knit clothing and place them in a basket beneath or next to the tree. Add plenty of handmade blankets and other warm touches to make this an adorable Christmas image.

Baby boy sleeping under the Christmas tree
Amax Photo / E+ via Getty Images

Slip Baby Into a Stocking

Newborns are tiny, and you can make the most of their size by slipping your baby into a large Christmas stocking. Make sure you leave their head and arms out, and choose a plain background to show off this sweet pose. Bonus points if you have a stocking with lots of Christmas charm.

Baby in stocking
Petri Oeschger / Moment via Getty Images

Christmas Baby Photoshoot Ideas for at Home

There's no need to haul your little one to a professional photography studio. You can shoot holiday photos of your baby at home or ask a professional photographer to come to your house. The advantage is that you can set the timetable and keep baby happy in a familiar environment. There are lots of ideas for a home-based baby photo shoot for the holidays.

Show What a Gift Baby Is

You know your baby is a wonderful gift, and you can show everyone on your holiday card list too. This is an adorable photo idea that's easy to do. Simply choose a large cardboard box and wrap it in colorful Christmas paper. Dress your little one in something simply that matches the paper and place them inside the box. Make sure you can easily see your baby's face over the top of the box, and then snap lots of photos.

Baby girl playing in Christmas gift box
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Let Everyone See Those First Christmas PJs

If you have special pajamas for your baby's first Christmas, you can make them part of your photoshoot. Dress your little one in those cute PJs and pose them on a simple blanket or near the Christmas tree. Take lots of shots from different angles, especially shooting low to show off your little one's adorable face.

newborn baby girl wearing a Christmas pajama
MNPhotoStudios / Photodisc via Getty Images

Document the Tree Decorating With Baby

There's nothing quite like decorating your Christmas tree with your baby for the first time. All that sparkle and color is sure to get their attention, and you can capture that magic by shooting lots of pictures. While this isn't necessarily a posed Christmas photo, it can be one of the most meaningful images you take this holiday season. The key is to shoot way more photos than you think you'll need; you'll end up with a perfect photo that way.

Baby boy beside Christmas tree
Flavia Morlachetti / Moment via Getty Images

Show Off Baby's Favorite Present

Are you giving your baby a special present for Christmas? If you have a big gift like a ride-on toy, a rocking horse, or a doll house, you can take lots of photos of your little one enjoying the special new play thing. This is especially charming if you capture the fun with the Christmas tree in the background.

baby riding on old-fashioned truck
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Get Close and Show That Smile

While a lot of baby Christmas pictures are designed to show all the action and magic of the holiday, you can also get some very close shots. If you have Christmas lights in the photo background and some great, soft window light, you can get adorable photos of your baby's smile. Get super close so your little one's face fills most of the picture for an extra great result.

portrait of a baby girl at Christmas time
Hispanolistic / E+ via Getty Images

Let Baby Open Some Gifts

If you let your baby open a present before Christmas, you can take photos of their reaction and still have time to share the shots before Christmas. Pick a gift and choose a time when your little one is happy and rested. Then let them rip into that wrapping paper while you shoot.

Baby girl unwrapping Christmas present
PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou / PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections via Getty Images

Wait for Your Little One to Fall Asleep

If your baby is a deep sleeper, you can get some absolutely wonderful photos of them sleeping near the Christmas tree. Dress them in holiday pajamas or a special sweater and wait for them to fall asleep. Then move them to some pretty window light near your tree.

baby girl sleeping
Daniela Jovanovska-Hristovska / E+ via Getty Images

Outline Baby in Lights

This fun baby Christmas photo idea can work for newborns and older babies alike. Simply choose a simple background, such as a fur rug or throw, and lay your little one in the middle. Then create a heart outline out of white Christmas lights and start shooting. For the best results, make sure you do this when there's plenty of light during the day. That way, the lights won't be too bright in the photo, and your baby's adorable face will show up clearly.

Baby surrounded with Christmas lights
fotostorm / E+ via Getty Images

Try a Different View

There's no reason you need to shoot all your baby Christmas pictures the same way. Think about the details you love about your little one, such as their adorable toes or sweet fingers. Then take photos of that body part from an interesting angle, such as straight above. Add some Christmas lights or decorations to give in a holiday feel.

High Angle View Of Baby Playing With Ball On Floor
Matt Jeacock / EyeEm via Getty Images

Show the Christmas Morning Light

Babies often wake up early, and you can capture that beautiful morning light on your baby's face with the Christmas tree in the background. To do this, have your baby in adorable pajamas and get them to sit next to a large window as the sky is just getting light. The window will light your baby's face, while the tree will add a fun Christmas touch.

baby in front of christmas tree in the morning light
Cavan Images / Cavan via Getty Images

Put on That Christmas Sweater

A Christmas sweater can make for a wonderful photo. Whether it's an adorable or ugly sweater is up to you; your little one will be cute either way. You can have Christmas lights in the background or simply let the sweater be the holiday part of the photo.

A dad hugs his newborn daughter on Christmas Day
Fly View Productions / E+ via Getty Images

Baby Christmas Pictures Ideas to Try Out and About

Christmas is a time of lots of adventures for babies, from getting the Christmas tree to meeting Santa for the first time. Don't forget your camera so you can capture these moments. They can be perfect for your holiday card.

Capture Baby Meeting Santa

Something adorable is sure to happen when your little one meets Santa for the first time. Get beautiful photos of their interaction so you can show friends and family this special moment. Even if something unexpected happens, like baby crying when they see Santa, you'll have some wonderful images.

Baby meeting Santa
AleksandarNakic / iStock via Getty Images

Use Christmas Decorations for a Creative Background

Many cities and towns put up holiday displays with lights and decorations, and these can make a perfect backdrop for outdoor baby Christmas photos. Pick an overcast day or go to see the decorations just before sunset so the light isn't too bright. Then simply take tons of photos. You'll be sure to get some you love.

Mother and daughter in Christmas time
RuslanDashinsky / E+ via Getty Images

Show Everyone Baby's Christmas Tree Adventure

Are you taking your little one along to pick out a Christmas tree? Whether you're cutting your own or buying a tree off a lot, this is the perfect chance for some Christmas photos of your baby. You can use these on your holiday card or share them on social media.

Mother walking with baby in carrier at Christmas tree farm
Christopher Kimmel / Aurora Photos via Getty Images

Explore That Winter Weather

Winter weather has a distinct Christmas feel, especially if you live some place where there's snow. Dress your little one in cozy clothing and then get some shots with a sled, falling snowflakes, or a pretty winter background.

A Little Girl Sitting On The Sleigh In The Winter Forest
Olga Gimaeva / EyeEm via Getty Images

Build Frosty the Snowman

For an adorable baby Christmas photo idea, incorporate a real snowman. Build a snowman in your yard or a park and then have your little one sit next to it. This makes for a cute and creative Christmas photo that will look wonderful on a card.

baby boy outdoors with snowman in background
Christopher Kimmel / Aurora Photos via Getty Images

Baby Girl Christmas Photoshoot Ideas

While most baby Christmas picture ideas work for either gender, you can try some shots that play up your little girl's feminine nature. These ideas are fun and easy.

Show She's Your Angel

Pick up an angel costume or simply put a pair of fairy wings and a pipe cleaner halo on your baby girl. Then photograph her against a white background or a wall with some white Christmas lights.

Angelic baby
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía / Moment via Getty Images

Pose Her With a Poinsettia

Poinsettias are everywhere during the holidays, and they are the perfect addition to a baby Christmas portrait. Dress her in a red holiday dress and put her next to a poinsettia for a colorful and cheerful Christmas photo.

Baby sitting under a red Poinsettia
Photography by Rayleigh / Moment via Getty Images

Try a Tutu and Christmas Lights

Nothing says "baby girl" like an adorable tutu, and you can give it a Christmas feel by adding some holiday lights. A strand of white twinkle lights is perfect, and you can let her play with them as long as they don't get hot. Try this shot from different angles, since she may look down when playing with the lights. If you shoot lower, you'll get more of her face.

Little girl in tutu skirt is sitting around the Christmas tree
copyright by Elena Litsova Photography / Moment via Getty Images

Put Her in a Pink Santa Hat

There's no rule that says Santa hats have to be red. You can pick up a pink Santa hat online or in a store, and have your baby girl wear it for photos. Keep the background simple so the hat and your little one can be the focus of the photo.

Baby girl in pink Santa hat
Photography by Rayleigh / Moment via Getty Images

Wrap Her Up Like a Present

You know she's a gift, and you can show it with this adorable baby Christmas photo idea. Wrap her in a holiday-colored piece of fabric and tie a giant bow in her hair. Then take lots of photos from above so you can see her adorable face under the bow.

Baby girl with red ribbon on her head wrapped in red blanket
Westend61 via Getty Images

Baby Boy Christmas Picture Ideas

Girls don't have all the fun. There are some wonderful ideas for baby boy Christmas photos too.

Put Him in an Adorable Hat

Pick up a hat with reindeer antlers or another cute Christmas motif, and photograph your little guy wearing it. You can keep the rest of the shot super simple with a plain background and natural window light. Do some tricks behind the camera to encourage smiles.

Cute Baby Boy Wearing Santa Hat
Saeil Oh / EyeEm via Getty Images

Let Him Play

One of the easiest ways to get a little guy smiling for the camera is to bring out some of his favorite toys. You don't have to choose a new present he received or anything fancy. A favorite truck or stuffed animal is perfect. Make sure you have the Christmas tree in the background and then get down low to the ground to shoot the photo. He'll be looking down at the toy, so the lower you are, the more of his face you'll be able to show.

baby boy playing with toy truck by Christmas tree at home
Cavan Images / Cavan via Getty Images

Try on a (Too Big) Santa Hat

There's something super cute about a little guy in a Santa hat that's too big. Pick up any adult-sized Santa hat and have him wear it for the photo. Take tons of shots, since the hat will be sliding over his eyes or falling off from time to time. You'll definitely get at least one hilarious one that's perfect for a holiday card.

Santa Hat Baby
devonanne / iStock via Getty Images

Show Off Your Little Elf

Pick up some elf shoes or an elf hat and dress your baby boy in striped Christmas pajamas. For little babies, you can take these shots with the baby on his back on a simple blanket. Older babies can sit or stand in front of the Christmas tree or a plain background.

Baby elf at Christmas tree
M-image / iStock via Getty Images

Put on His Christmas Finery

If you have a special outfit for him to wear this holiday season, dress him up and pose him in front of the Christmas tree. This is a classic choice for a holiday baby photo, and it's an image you'll treasure forever.

Baby Boy Crawling On Floor Against Christmas Tree At Home
Elizaveta Kondrashova / EyeEm via Getty Images

Get the Whole Family in the Frame

While you're shooting Christmas baby photos, take a few minutes to get some pictures with mom and dad too. Christmas family photos can become an important holiday tradition, and you'll love these family portraits for years to come.

31 Baby Christmas Picture Ideas That Will Melt Your Heart