Whip up Frosty the Snowman cakes for your next holiday party or for a fun, wintry baking session with your family. These tasty treats are bound to please everyone, young and grown alike. From cupcakes and cake pops to a towering Frosty cake, turn on that oven because this is one time Frosty magically comes to life in the heat.
Frosty's Universal Appeal
Children and adults are warmed by the sight of loveable Frosty the Snowman. The song was written in the 1950s and was soon followed by Frosty television specials, starting in the 1960s. Still popular today, these programs add a nostalgic feel to the holidays for adults, and excitement for children as they see Frosty for the first time. There are countless Frosty the Snowman Cake recipes out there, but these are the cutest, most unique, and tastiest creations.

A Traditional Snowman Cake Two Ways: Flat or Stacked
Nobody does baking like Ms. Betty Crocker herself, so you know a Frosty the Snowman cake from the Queen of Batter is going to be worth its weight in gold. This particular recipe for a Frosty the Snowman cake uses ready-made cake mix and frosting in the can to make life sweet and simple for anyone creating this tasty, adorable treat. While baking can be a tedious process that even most adults find challenging, this Frosty cake is straightforward enough for children to take on with minimal adult supervision.
To begin, follow the recipe provided on the cake mix box. The dry ingredients are already provided and mixed, so all that needs to be added to the bowl are eggs, vegetable oil, and water. Pour the contents of the cake batter into two round and greased pans, one being an 8 inch round pan and the other being a 9 inch round pan. Follow the baking directions on the box. Once the cakes are done baking, they will need to be cooled and brought out of their rounds. Have a large tray or a large piece of cardboard standing by to serve as a cake platter. Arrange the two cakes so that the smaller round is at the top of the tray and the larger one is placed directly beneath, the smaller one.
Get frosting! Cover your cakes with white frosting and sprinkle a generous amount of coconut flakes atop. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas now! Use gumdrops to create a smile, a nose, eyes, eyebrows, and buttons. Think licorice strands to create a smile on Frosty the Cake's face. Where your Frosty's ears would be, press cookies into the frosting. Attach the cookies using a long, thin licorice strand. These are Frosty's earmuffs. Be sure to use the extra licorice to create a red bow around Frosty's neck. (Go ahead and eat what's left because licorice is downright delicious, and you earned it)!
If you want to stretch your baking skills, take this simple recipe and use it to make a 3D cake. The trick to 3D baking lies in the baking and the pans. Once you have the correct baking materials and solid knowledge of assembly, you can easily create a snowman cake that "stands" on its own.
This cake checks all the baking boxes. It is simple, delicious, adorable, and packed full of fun and flavor.

Frosty Cake Pops
In recent years, cake pops have taken the baking world by storm. They are fun and creative spins on traditional cakes, and while they are small, they pack a powerful flavor punch. These adorable Frosty the Snowman cake pops are perfect little cakey treats to serve family and friends during the winter months. The only true drawback is that one cake pop will certainly not be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Follow a simple cake pop tutorial to make the cake pop itself. The process of creating cake pops is far less labor-intensive than many people originally assume. Once the cake pops are cooked, rolled, and popped onto sticks, they are ready to be transformed into tiny Frosty the Snowmen. To create these cake pops, you'll need a few essential components for the candy coating, hat materials, and items to make Frosty's delicate little face, including orange sunflower seeds.
Because of the skill level needed to draw Frosty's face on, a steady adult hand might be necessary for this dessert. Kids can certainly lend their skills to the cake pop baking component of the project, coating the cake pops, and helping to assemble Frosty's black hat.

Mini Frosty Cake: Major Deliciousness
Good things come in small packages, and these mini Frosty cakes prove that theory correct. Sometimes a massive cake is a bit much, and cake pops, while cute, don't fill hungry bellies. Mini cakes are the perfect solution to such a quandary. Using a small snowman cake pan and a reliable fondant recipe, mini Frosty the Snowman cakes can be created. Creating several fondant colors takes time, as does cutting the tiny pieces of fondant out to create elements of Frosty's face, and rolling fondant balls if making snowmen bodies. If you are making these treats for many people, take a crack at working with fondant beforehand.

ID 203360307 © Olesya Kuzina | Dreamstime.com dreamstime.com Melted snowman cake
Melted Frosty the Snowman Cake
By now, everyone knows that Frosty the Snowman melts, so play on the timeless tale with a melted Frosty the Snowman cake. For this whimsical creation, you'll need your favorite cake recipe, fondant in several colors, and toothpicks for anchoring facial features to the cake itself.
As far as baking skills go, this cake looks more challenging to make than it is. As long as you can bake a cake and have some knowledge of how to roll fondant (either store-bought or a homemade marshmallow fondant), you'll be fine in the kitchen.
Place your completed cake on a pretty cake stand and use it as the centerpiece for your next winter gathering.

Sweet Marshmallow Frosty the Snowman Cupcakes
Cupcakes are a more relaxed approach to cake dessert, and people often turn to a tried-and-true cupcake recipe instead of a giant cake. These Frosty the Snowman-inspired cupcakes are easy to make, require very little baking skill, and you only need a few key ingredients to make them. While cheap and easy to whip up, they taste like a million bucks.
To create them, you'll need to whip up a batch of cupcakes. The flavor and type of cupcake recipe you go with is entirely up to you. Bake something directly from a box or go with a homemade recipe. Frost your cupcakes with buttercream frosting; again, you can use store-bought frosting or make this yourself. Use a marshmallow, mini chocolate chips, and butterscotch chips to create a Frosty face atop each cupcake, or specially designed edible markers to draw features onto your creation.
Try a Frosty Cake This Year
Follow up your Christmas dinner with a delicious Frosty the Snowman cake. Whether you make it yourself or order one, the whimsical character will please everyone's palate.