Goodbye, Christmas Blahs: 12 5-Minute Hacks I Use to Get in the Holiday Spirit

This is a hectic time of year, but if you've got a few minutes, you can make it magic.

Published December 13, 2024
 young family making Xmas tree together at home, getting ready before Christmas Eve,

Some years (and some days), it's just not that easy to be in the holiday mood. After all, it's a dark time of year, and there's plenty of chaos that comes with this festive season.

When I'm struggling to find my seasonal spirit amid the gift lists and clutter, I try these quick and simple hacks to rekindle my holiday joy. One of these is bound to work for you, too, so give them a try. You're five minutes away from feeling that Christmas spirit.

Bring on the Eggnog

Christmas is not the time for counting calories, and eggnog is proof of this fact. While it might not be a diet drink, it's a quick way to get into the spirit of the season (no pun intended). If I'm feeling a little bit blah in December, a little glass of eggnog can turn my whole mood around. Add a dash of nutmeg (and maybe a little rum), and it's the perfect Christmas treat.

Related: Creamy Homemade Eggnog With a Boozy Boost

Play 'It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas'

Everyone has those favorite carols that call up some holiday joy, and I have a lot of them that I really love. I'm partial to the crooners of my grandparents' generation, and the Perry Como version of It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas is my fast fix for the holiday blahs. As an added bonus, my kids hate my taste in Christmas carols, and that really just adds to my joy.

Breathe in That Christmas Tree Smell

We always get a real Christmas tree, and there's just something about the smell that creates that holiday mood. Even when I don't have the tree up yet, a fir-scented candle or a fresh wreath can instantly lift my mood.

Related: 16 Ways to Make Your House Smell Like a Christmas Wonderland

Plan One Small Holiday Happening

I've found that planning something special for the holidays can help me get excited. I'm not talking about a giant party or major family event or anything — just a little shopping trip with my sister or a cookie-decorating evening with my mom. Obviously, you don't want to over-schedule yourself if you're already busy, but having something fun to look forward to can add to the joy.

Buy a Gift or Brainstorm Gift Ideas

The holidays are about gift-giving, and coming up with gift ideas or buying a present can help a ton with the holiday spirit. Even if I'm just browsing Amazon on my phone for holiday gift ideas for my tween, I tend to feel my spirits lift a little bit. It's fun to think about how much people will love the present I pick for them.

Put Up an Extra String of Lights

Here's a holiday spirit hack I just figured out this year: adding an extra string of lights to your decorating can bring a lot of joy. We have a little apple tree in our backyard that we planted during the pandemic. We don't usually decorate in our backyard because no one can see it from the street, but I decided to put a single string of white lights on the apple tree. Now every morning and evening, I get to look out my kitchen window at something pretty and sparkly.

Quick Tip

You don't have to limit yourself to adding lights outside. A string of lights around a window or above your kitchen cabinets can add cheer, too.

Eat a Christmas Cookie (or Five)

A plate of Linzer Christmas cookies filled with strawberry jam and dusted with sugar, with spruce tree branches and straw ornaments

I purposefully wait until later in the holiday season to make cookies because otherwise, I will eat them all month long. Still, once the cookies are in the house, they're a quick little taste of Christmas. I like making the same cookies every year so the the flavors have a strong holiday association.

Related: 8 Creative Ideas for Throwing a Great Christmas Cookie Decorating Party

Look for a New Holiday Recipe to Try

Even though I love the tradition of making the same cookies each year, it's also fun to try out some new holiday food. Searching for a Christmas recipe can make you feel that holiday magic. Think about what you might serve as a side dish or how you could create a special Christmas breakfast or brunch.

Related: Crush Christmas Breakfast With These 19 Easy Options

Send One Christmas Card to Someone Special

I send out holiday photo cards every year, and I do really like that little point of contact with the people on my address list. Still, photo cards aren't as personal as a hand-written note. That's why I sometimes write a real letter or card if I want to get rid of my Christmas blahs. Just connecting with another person like that can make a big difference in how I feel.

Make a Donation to a Good Cause

Another way I like to feel connected during the holidays is to donate to causes that are important to me. Giving money to the food bank or picking up toys for kids in need can do a lot of good in the world. It can also make me feel like I'm part of something bigger than myself, and that's important during the holiday season.

Look at Old Pictures From Past Holidays

If I need a quick mood boost (and a little dose of nostalgia at the same time), I get out the photo album. I love looking at the pictures of my kids as toddlers holding their stockings or of my sister and me sitting on our grandpa's lap to read a Christmas book. It's just a great reminder of how the holidays aren't just about this one year but all the joys of the past years, too.

Watch a Few Minutes of a Christmas Movie (or the Whole Thing)

If you've only got a couple of minutes, look up your favorite scene from your favorite holiday movie. Mine is the classic It's a Wonderful Life, but any good holiday movie will do. And if you've got a little extra time to spare while you wrap gifts or just relax, why not watch the whole thing?

Try Lots of Ways to Bring Holiday Magic

The holidays come with a lot of pressure — both for how much we need to get done and for what we expect to feel. It's okay not to be in the holiday mood all the time, but when you do want Christmas spirit, there are lots of quick ways to feel the excitement of holiday magic.

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Goodbye, Christmas Blahs: 12 5-Minute Hacks I Use to Get in the Holiday Spirit