Make Your Christmas Festive for $25 or Less With DIY Dollar Tree Table Centerpieces

This is how you craft an affordable and festive Christmas centerpiece with items from Dollar Tree.

Published November 22, 2023
Dollar Tree Christmas Centerpiece
Sydney Stephens

Christmas on a budget can still look stylish and fun. That's why Dollar Tree centerpieces for your dining room table are a holiday win. With table decor sourced only from Dollar Tree, you can create a lovely holiday display featuring current trends and your favorite Christmas colors, and avoid blowing your yuletide budget. 

How to DIY a Dollar Tree Centerpiece

With a little Dollar Tree DIY experience under my belt from my Thanksgiving Dollar Tree adventure, I went into this shopping trip with a bit more creativity.  I bypassed the pre-made faux flower arrangements and sought out everything I would need for a holiday floral arrangement, plus a few decorative extras. With my usual $25 decor budget, I set out to craft a Christmas centerpiece using only items from Dollar Tree.

Decor Supplies

Dollar Tree Christmas Centerpiece Decor Supplies
Sydney Stephens
  • 2 glass vases ($1.25 each)
  • 2 packs Christmas vase filler ($1.25 each)
  • 1 large gold garland ($3)
  • 7 holiday floral sprigs ($1.25 each)
  • 2 Christmas tree candlesticks ($1.25 each)
  • 2 glittering gold flameless tapers ($1.25 each)
  • 1 roll red ribbon ($1.25)

Total Cost: $23

Decorating Instructions

  1. I started by filling both vases with one pack of colorful Christmas vase filler.
  2. To get an idea of how much room I had to work with, I arranged the vases among the garland spread across my table.
  3. Next came the floral sprigs. I cut some of them to create more variety among the vases.
  4. The two candlesticks went side-by-side in the center of the vases
  5. After working with the tapers for what seemed like forever, I finally had them both standing straight in the candlesticks.
  6. I halved the red ribbon so I had enough to make a bow for each vase.
  7. With each of the halves, I folded the ribbon in half twice to create volume.
  8. After folding the ribbon like this, you're left with three loops and two edges. I used the third loop to wrap the bow and secure it with one loop and one ribbon edge on each side.
  9. Using the third loop's extended piece on the back, I just tucked each bow into the arrangement.
Need to Know

I first arranged this centerpiece with the floral arrangements in the center. I realized something didn't feel quite right and found that the height of the candles worked better for the center of the arrangement. Decorating requires a lot of trial and error sometimes, and that's okay.

Tips for DIY Dollar Tree Centerpieces

I can design a space all day long, but DIY projects take a lot of effort for me. If you aren't the craftiest person you know, use some of these tips for a successful Dollar Tree holiday DIY.

Tips for DIY Dollar Tree Centerpieces
Sydney Stephens
  • Think of simple projects you could make your own, like floral arrangements, wreaths, and frames.
  • Look in the Christmas wrapping department of your Dollar Tree for crafty items that might make your project a bit more festive.
  • Start with basic pieces, like glass vases or plain wreaths, and build your project from there.
  • Do a pre-project shop to get some inspiration. You may see something that sparks your creativity.
  • Browse department stores, boutiques, or websites to discover what style you like and find some inspiration for your DIY.
  • Remember that every item has potential: you can use ornaments or bows in a new way or transform basic gift boxes into decorative props.
  • If you think it might be useful, buy it! If you're debating whether an item that's only $1 might come in handy, go ahead and toss it in your cart.
  • Give yourself options. You may or may not use everything, but that's okay. The beauty of DIY is that anything you don't use this time can always be used for a future project.

Make Your Home Merry With Dollar Tree Decor

You deserve to have a home full of Christmas spirit this year. With a spark of holiday creativity and the affordable pieces at Dollar Tree, you can create your own Christmas magic. 

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Make Your Christmas Festive for $25 or Less With DIY Dollar Tree Table Centerpieces