Printable Christmas Bingo Cards & Fun Game Ideas

Updated October 5, 2021
Wooden lotto barrels with bag and bingo cards

Vitalii Marchenko / iStock / Getty Images Plus - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Wooden lotto barrels with bag and bingo cards

Plan a holiday party activity using printable bingo cards for Christmas. Both the young and the young-at-heart will get a kick out of playing a festive version of this popular matching game.

Printable Christmas Bingo PDFs

All you need are a computer and printer to materialize your own fun Christmas bingo cards. Click on the format you like best, then download and print as many copies as you need. Each card features lots of cute Christmas images such as a Christmas tree, bells, a stocking, mistletoe, a wreath, an angel, a snow globe, and a gingerbread man. If you need help downloading the printables, check out these helpful tips.

Black & White Line Art Bingo Cards

Black & White Line Art Christmas Bingo Cards
Created by LoveToKnow - Images from via Getty Images

If you don't have a color printer, these are a perfect option for you. They won't require a lot of ink to print, and, as an added bonus, they can double as coloring pages if your kids want to dress them up a bit before playing.

Merry Christmas Bingo Cards and Markers

Merry Christmas Bingo Cards
Created by LoveToKnow - Images from via Getty Images

Instead of the word "BINGO" written across the top, these ten different bingo cards say "MERRY" across the top. You can print just the cards or the entire game set, which includes materials for the caller, and Santa Claus Bingo markers you can cut out. Don't forget to shout "merry" instead of "bingo" when you win!

Santa Claus Bingo Cards and Markers

Santa Claus Bingo Cards
Created by LoveToKnow - Images from via Getty Images

Celebrate the "Big Guy" with Santa Claus themed bingo cards. In place of the word "BINGO" these ten different Bingo cards say "CLAUS." You can print the bingo cards only, or print the entire game set which includes Santa game markers.

Printing Tips for Christmas Bingo Cards

Holiday bingo cards are typically colorful and bright, with common Christmas color combinations like red and green or blue and silver. Make your Christmas bingo cards stand out and bring cheer with a few simple printing tips and tricks.

  • Make sure the printer has plenty of colored ink before printing.
  • Use black and white ink printed on green and red colored paper to save on ink costs.
  • Print bingo cards on white paper then let players color them in using crayons or colored pencils.

Playing Christmas Bingo

Christmas bingo is perfect to play at a company Christmas party, club party or a family party. It is also ideal for a children's holiday party, as cards often come with pictures instead of words, making it easy for even the youngest kids to join in. The rules are the same as with any other bingo game.

  1. The caller draws a picture and a letter from a Santa hat or gift box, and players mark the space off on their card.
  2. The first person to have a straight line vertically, horizontally or diagonally is the winner.
  3. Make the game last longer by requiring a double bingo, where the person needs two straight lines to win.
  4. Some cards come with the traditional "free space" while others may not have this space where you can put a marker automatically.
  5. Each bingo game takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to play, so plan accordingly.

Christmas Bingo Game Ideas

Set up small card tables or television trays so everyone has a flat surface to play on. Get creative with your Christmas bingo game to make it more exciting and memorable. You can even make your own Christmas bingo cards using a free, printable bingo game board template and free, festive Christmas clip art.

  • The caller can act out or mime the called letter and image instead of saying it.
  • Every time a player puts a marker on their board, they get to open a present.
  • Instead of calling out the images, play while you open gifts, and players can put down a marker whenever someone opens a present whose gift wrap features one of the bingo card images.
  • Hide call sheet letter and image combinations around the room to make it a bingo Christmas scavenger hunt, where players have to find the called images instead of listening for them.

Christmas Bingo Marker Ideas

To make the Christmas bingo game go smoothly, make sure all necessary supplies, like cards and markers, are gathered before you start. Fun things to use as markers include:

  • Holiday candies like peppermints, M & Ms, or Hershey Kisses
  • Mini gift wrapping bows
  • Christmas light bulb covers (pulled from an old strand), particularly the multi-colored ones
  • Mini Christmas cookies
  • Christmas stamps
  • Red craft pom-poms to resemble Rudolph's nose

Shout for Christmas Bingo!

Christmas party games are difficult to come up with when the crowd is diverse in age and personality. Bingo is the perfect fit for situations where both kids and adult Christmas games are needed. Everyone can have fun hunting for the selected Christmas images and shouting out Christmas terms when they win.

Printable Christmas Bingo Cards & Fun Game Ideas