25 Fun RSVP Wording Examples to Make Your Guests Smile

Show your creative spirit with these cool and cute RSVP responses.

Published September 3, 2024
overjoyed couple showing wedding invitation to smiling friend at home

There's nothing wrong with the standard RSVP card, but you can go one better with a light-hearted alternative. Let these fun RSVP wording examples inspire you, whether you're planning a wedding, a birthday party, a family event, or any other kind of party. We guarantee guests will love getting (and hopefully returning) these cool RSVPs.

RSVP to Label Complicated Feelings

This funny RSVP response lets guests express their underlying feelings about attending your event. It will definitely get some chuckles.

  • Yes, we are happy to be there.
  • No, we're sad to miss it.
  • Yes, we'll be there a little resentfully.
  • No, we're happy to decline.
  • One of us wants to come, but the other doesn't. You can guess which is which and whether we'll show.

Fun RSVP Wording for Keeping It Casual

Weddings and other big events don't have to be super formal. You can let guests keep things relaxed with your RSVP wording options.

  • Yes, we're so in!
  • No, we're bummed we can't come.

RSVP Responses to Build Your Playlist

Music is a pretty big deal at any event, and it can be fun to have guests weigh in on your playlist with their RSVP responses. This is an awesome way to make everyone feel included (and make sure they love the music, too).

  • Yes, and we'll even dance if you play ______.
  • Yes, we're in, as long as you don't play ______.
  • No, sorry.

Dancing Shoes Funny RSVP Response

Speaking of music and dancing, you can set the tone for guests to get down with RSVP cards that focus on their dancing shoes.

  • Yes, and we're bringing our dancing shoes.
  • Yes, but we don't have dancing shoes.
  • No, we hate dancing shoes.
  • No, sorry.

Cute RSVP Response for Any Situation

A cute RSVP card can let guests know you're keeping things light for your event. This type of response can work for anything from a birthday party to a wedding.

  • Yes, we can't wait to celebrate with you!
  • No, but we're toasting you from far away!

RSVP to Let the Good Times Roll

Channel that party atmosphere from the moment they receive their invitation with an RSVP about letting the good times roll.

  • Yes, and let the good times roll!
  • No, sadly, the good times are going to roll away without us.

Fun RSVP Response to Celebrate Either Way

You know your guests want to celebrate with you, whether they can be there or not. This cute RSVP lets them share your moment either way.

  • Yes, we'll be celebrating with you in person.
  • No, but we'll be celebrating with you in spirit.

Be There or Be Square RSVP Wording

Even though no one calls people "square" anymore, this RSVP response has a funny, retro feel.

  • Yes, we'll totally be there.
  • No, we'll totally be square.

Ducks in a Row Funny RSVP Response

We all know how hard it can be to get our ducks in a row, but it makes a really cute RSVP card.

  • Yes, we've got our ducks in a row, so we'll be there.
  • No, sadly, our ducks are all over the place.

Hilariously Reluctant RSVP Wording

Crack everyone up with this sarcastic and funny RSVP response.

  • Yes! Like we had a choice?
  • No, sorry.
Quick Tip

When you're using creative RSVP responses, it's really important to make sure the answers are clear. Some guests might be confused, so there's no shame in including a simple "yes" or "no" option with your fun alternatives.

Life's Too Short RSVP

The humor in this RSVP comes from the "no" option.

  • Life's way too short to say "no" to you.
  • No.

Fear of Missing Out RSVP Response

We all suffer from FOMO sometimes, and this RSVP embraces that.

  • We've got way too much FOMO to say no.
  • We're missing out.

Super Simple (and Fun) RSVP

Sometimes, it just comes down to "no" and "not no."

  • Definitely not "no."
  • No.

RSVP That's All About the Magic

Ask guests if they're going to share the magic or if they've already got plenty of their own.

  • Yes, we can't wait to share the magic.
  • Sorry, no. We have to take our unicorn for a walk.

Short and Casual RSVP

Sometimes you only need a few syllables to get your point across.

  • Uh-huh!
  • Uh-uh.

Yeah, No RSVP Response

Some people have their own way of saying "yes" or "no."

  • Yeah, no. (No)
  • No, yeah. (Yes)
  • No, yeah, no. (I would like to, but I can't.)
  • Yeah, no, yeah. (It might be tricky to arrange, but I want to.)

Midwestern RSVP Wording

Embrace Midwestern culture with an RSVP that speaks the language.

  • Yep, you betcha!
  • Ope, sorry. We can't.

Southern RSVP Answers

Having a wedding in the South? Try these RSVP answers.

  • Bless your heart, but we can't.
  • Yes, Ma'am. (or Sir)

Responses Without a Doubt

Let guests express whether they have doubts (about attending, not about your event).

  • No doubt! (Yes)
  • We have some doubts. (No)
Happy mature couple reading wedding invitation

French RSVP Response

RSVP stands for the French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît," so let your guests respond in French.

  • Oui!
  • Non.

Related: RSVP Meaning & Why It's Still Used on Invitations

Pooch-Perfect RSVPs

If you're dog lovers, you can include a little pooch humor in your RSVPs.

  • Even our dog wants to come, so yes!
  • Can you see our tails wagging? We'll be there!
  • Sorry, no. Our tails are between our legs.

Cool RSVP Wording for Cat Lovers

Dog people don't get all the fun. These cat-themed RSVP answers are purr-fect.

  • Meow we're talking. Yes!
  • No, we need to sleep all day.

Even if They Hated You RSVPs

This funny RSVP response will crack anyone up.

  • Yes. We'd be there even if we hated you.
  • No, sorry. (We don't hate you, though.)

Fun RSVP Wording That Spells It Out

Let guests spell out their answers with these RSVP wording options.

  • Give me a Y! Give me an E! Give me an S!
  • Sorry, but we've only got an N and an O.

Count the Thumbs RSVP

How many thumbs up for your event?

  • ____ thumbs up.
  • ____ thumbs down.

Let Your RSVP Reflect Your Event

No matter what kind of fun RSVP wording you choose, guests are going to love answering (and that might even translate to more returned RSVP cards). Get creative and let your wording reflect the kind of event you're hosting.

25 Fun RSVP Wording Examples to Make Your Guests Smile