Whether you're one of the expectant parents or simply a shower guest who'd like to help make the day just a little more special, baby shower poems can help you express many sentiments about the little one on the way. Read some original poems and get ideas on ways to incorporate them into the celebration.
A Collection of Baby Shower Poems
The following poems could be nice to read or include in a speech at a baby shower or share with the expectant parent(s) or guests in another way. Perhaps one expresses what you'd like to say.
A Bundle of Love
By Kelly Roper
A bundle in pink,
A bundle in blue,
A bundle of love
Is coming to you.
Treat it with kindness,
Treat it with care,
Always be gentle, and
Great love you two will share.
Babies Are Like Flowers
By Kelly Roper
Babies are like flowers...
Give them a rich foundation so they grow strong roots.
Let them bask in the sunshine of your approval so they sprout and grow.
Feed them your love so they come into bud.
Shower them with self esteem so they blossom and thrive.
We Can't Wait to Meet You
By Kelly Roper
We can't wait to meet you
So we're gathered here today,
To shower you with presents
That you're going to need someday.
Until the day that you arrive
And we all get to see you,
We'll give your mom the support she needs
And eagerly wait to greet you.
There's Nothing Like a Baby
By Kelly Roper

Ten delicate fingers
And ten plump little toes,
Two big eyes and a
Cute button nose.
Soft tufts of hair
As fine as angel floss,
Warm and fragrant, and
Soft as new moss.
Chubby little legs with
Little dumpling feet,
Tiny arms that one day
Will give hugs so sweet.
There's nothing like a baby
To prove the reality of love,
Just hold one in your arms and know
It's a gift from heaven above.
A Note to Mr. Stork
By Kelly Roper
Dear Mr. Stork,
There are a few things I'd like to say,
About that little baby
You'll be delivering any day.
Please Mr. Stork,
If it's a little boy,
Make sure he has his daddy's smile
That shines with so much joy.
If it's a little girl make sure
She has her mommy's eyes,
That never fail to see the wonder
In each morning's new sunrise.
And please Mr. Stork,
Try hard not to delay.
This baby's parents can hardly wait,
So hurry on your way.
Welcome Baby!
By Kelly Roper
With arms wide open, baby we welcome you.
We can't wait to see all the things that you will do.
From cutting your first tooth, to saying your first word,
To those first steps you'll take, like a wobbly baby bird.
The whole world awaits you, ready to be explored,
Filled with people who want you to know you'll always be adored.
Baby Shower Gifts
By Kelly Roper

Bottles and nipples, bibs and socks,
Pacifiers, bouncers and baby blocks,
Blankets and bumpers, Teddy bears too,
These are the gifts we bring for you.
Padding and sheets for your bassinet,
A quilt for your crib, and we can't forget,
Diapers and wipes, you'll need plenty of those,
And booties to cover your cute little toes.
Hooded towels, washcloths and a diaper pail,
A tiny pair of scissors to trim each little nail,
Powder to dry off your cute little bottom.
A brush and a comb and a mobile - we've got 'em!
We've brought all these things to help take care of you,
In shades of green, bright yellow, pink and blue,
Because we don't know who you'll be quite yet,
But we wanted to make sure your parents were set.
Now all that we need is for you to arrive,
So we can all watch you grow strong and thrive,
On the love and support your parents will give you,
And know that you'll have love from each of us, too.
There's Something Special About a Baby Boy
By Kelly Roper
There's something special about a baby boy...
Maybe it's the way he clenches his little fists
As though he'll conquer the word one day.
Maybe it's those heavy sighs he makes
As he wearily drifts off to sleep.
Perhaps it's in the way his lips randomly smile
As if he's dreaming of his mama.
Or it could be the way he thrusts out his chin
That seems so much like his father.
Whatever it is that makes a baby boy so special.
You're surely about to find out.
A Sweet Baby Girl of Your Own
By Kelly Roper
You've always wanted a baby girl,
And your wish is coming true.
There's a bundle of dainty joy
Growing right inside of you.
A darling little girl for you to hold
And sing to and cuddle and kiss.
To bundle in blankets and rock to sleep,
And dress all in pink, if you wish.
Exactly the child you've hoped for,
A precious girl who'll steal your heart.
You couldn't resist if you wanted to,
She'll make it her own from the start.
A Gift Basket for Baby

By Kelly Roper
I couldn't decide which present to get,
So I brought an entire basket.
It's filled with all kinds of useful things,
Which I'll tell you about, no need to ask it.
There's a diaper changing kit with wipes and powder,
And ointment for baby's little bottom,
And special baggies for those smelly diapers,
I wanted to make sure you got some.
There are cloths and towels so incredibly soft
You can use each time the baby is washed.
And I didn't forget those miniature clippers
to trim the nails on your precious little nipper.
There are bottles, a dish, and a tiny silver spoon
You can use to feed baby morning, night and noon,
And some bibs to protect when the little one spits up
All that milk, peas and squash, and other gross stuff.
There are receiving blankets, sheets and sleepers
To keep baby comfy after closing those peepers.
This monitor here is for really for Dad and Mom.
So they can hear when baby cries or toots a stick bomb.
There are other things I've probably left off the list,
But from what I've already said, I'm sure you get the gist.
I wanted to make sure you had all these useful things
Once you start taking care of whoever that stork brings!
The Baby Show Poem Game
By Kelly Roper
This game is best played in a circle. The shower host should read the poem aloud.
Let's play a game that's lots of fun,
This poem will tell you how it's done.
This gift right here will be the prize,
First it goes to the oldest person with brown eyes.
Don't get too attached to that gift just yet,
Pass it to the left to the first brunette.
Sorry, but that gift can't stay with you,
Give it to the person directly across from you.
And now we must do exactly what you're fearing,
Pass that gift to right to the first person with gold earrings.
Now let's mix things up a bit,
Give that gift to the person most likely to baby-sit.
Prepare yourself - you're about to get the blues,
Pass that gift to the right to the first person with high heel shoes.
You look quite happy; that gift looks good with you...
But now you have to give it to the one with the shortest hairdo.
And now our game is almost done,
Pass that gift 8 times to the left and let's see who won!
Ways to Use Shower Poems
- Read the poem right before shower guests toast the parents-to-be.
- Frame the poem so the parents can hang it in the nursery.
- Use the poem in a printable baby shower invitation.
- Include the poem in a homemade card the parents can keep as a memento.
- Short poems can liven up a gift tag.
- Attach a poem to your shower favors.
- Include the poem on a scrapbook page that leaves a space to add the baby's first photo.
Read More Poems
Of course, there are plenty of other poem options for baby showers. Check out these rhyming baby shower sayings and diaper cake poem as well as other sites that offer suitable baby shower verses.
- Plan the Perfect Baby Shower - This website offers a collection of short verses you can use in announcements and invitation. There are sections for boy, girls, and multiples.
- Babbee Baby Showers - Babbee offers several pages of poems you can use on your own shower invitation and thank you cards.
- Cutest Baby Shower Ideas - Here you'll find poems for traditional baby showers as well as poems designed for sprinkles - smaller showers held to welcome second babies and beyond. There's even a section with shower poems for twins.
Share Your Feelings Through Poetry
A baby shower is a momentous occasion. After all, a new life is on its way into the world. It's a time to share emotions, memories, hopes and dreams, and poetry can provide a very special way to do that. For other options of what to say, consider newborn quotes and new baby congratulations messages.