28 Random and Funny National Days to Consider Celebrating

Published May 13, 2022
Happy female friends with drinks walking in city
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Every day is a great day to celebrate something! Major holidays are great, but there are only so many of those. Fortunately, there are a lot of funny national days that you can choose to observe. You won't get these days off from work or school, but you can still have a blast celebrating them. Discover some of the most humorous and clever national days, along with some fun ideas for marking the various occasions.

Funny Food-Focused National Days

Some of the funniest special observances are days set aside in honor of specific food items or certain types of food. No matter what your culinary preferences are, you're sure to find a food-related celebration day that brings a smile to your face.

Funny Food-Focused National Day

pjohnson1 / E+ / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Funny Food-Focused National Day

  • National Buffet Day (January 2) - Just when the holiday food fest is over, it's time for National Buffet Day! New Year's resolutions aside, head to an all-you-can-eat buffet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three!).
  • Fruitcake Toss Day (January 3) - Wondering what to do with leftover holiday fruitcakes? Get out a cornhole board and challenge your friends, family, or neighbors to toss chunks of fruitcake at the hole instead of beanbags.
  • I Hate Coriander Day (February 24) - If you love to hate coriander (or the cilantro plant that produces coriander seed), celebrate this day by leaving the cilantro out of recipes and posting pictures with suitable hashtags on social media.
  • National Something on a Stick Day (March 28) - Who doesn't love food on a stick? On this day, start out with basics like corn dogs and popsicles, but move on from there to fancy foods like salmon satay and fruit kabob skewers.
  • National Food Truck Day (4th Friday in June) - Street tacos, anyone? On this day, make a point of finding a food truck for lunch or dinner. Have a blast munching on street meat, a falafel, or another tasty walk-and-eat treat.
  • National Avocado Day (July 31) - Avocados are a fruit to be celebrated, but don't mark the day with guacamole (as there's a day specific to guac in September). Instead, get creative by using avocado to make chocolate pudding.
  • National Candy Day (November 4) - Wondering what you're going to do with all that leftover Halloween candy from a few days ago? Invite your friends or coworkers to a candy swap in honor of this super-sweet special observance!

Comical Pop Culture Celebration Days

Some things are so much a part of pop culture that a day of observance has been set aside in their honor. Have a great time celebrating something you already love or jump on the bandwagon with others and make a bit deal out of something that's new to you.

  • Polar Bear Plunge Day (January 1) - Feeling brave and unafraid of the cold as the New Year arrives? Welcome it in spectacular style by taking a plunge into some really cold water with other similarly adventurous (and freezing!) souls.
  • National Rubber Ducky Day (January 13) - If you never really outgrew your childhood rubber ducky, there's a day for you. Celebrate by passing out rubber duckies to your friends or blast the song Rubber Duckie of Sesame Street fame.
  • Talk Like Yoda Day (May 21) - If you love Star Wars and are a fan of Yoda's way of speaking, you have an excuse to appropriate his way of phrasing things on this day. The most fun, surely shall it be.
  • World UFO Day (July 2) - Go beyond a national observance to celebrate a day in honor of unidentified flying objects. Take out your telescope and search the skies for signs of visitors or watch your favorite UFO movies.
  • Hobbit Day (September 23) - True ringers (Lord of the Rings fans) celebrate the birthdays of Frodo Baggins and Bilbo Baggins on this day. Throw a Hobbit-themed birthday party or at least play a Lord of the Rings board game.
  • Mad Hatter Day (October 6) - Whether or not you're a fan of Alice in Wonderland, this observance is a great time to wear your wackiest hat wherever you go. You're sure to inspire more than a few chuckles.
  • Chucky, the Notorious Killer Doll Day (October 25) - Love them or hate them, Chucky and the Child's Play movies that featured him are cult classics. Get warmed up the week before Halloween by watching all of the Chucky movies.

Laugh-Worthy Days to Celebrate What You Love

Whatever you're passionate about, chances are that there's a national day set aside to let your geek flag fly and share the love. From special interests to hobbies and more, check out these hilarious observances and celebrate the ones that speak to you.

  • Word Nerd Day (January 9) - Do you geek out on words? Celebrate by posting a selfie with a creative caption that shows off your passion for words. For example, declare yourself a logophile, logomaniac, or verbivore.
  • Houseplant Appreciation Day (January 10) - Do you love, love, love houseplants? Post photos of them on social media in honor of their special day! Spread the love by sharing plant clippings with your friends.
  • Sock Monkey Day (March 7) - Do some of your favorite childhood memories involve a sock monkey? Make a new sock monkey--or a whole family of sock monkeys--in honor of this special celebration.
  • Puppy Day (March 23) - Do puppies make your heart go pitter pat? This special occasion was created to celebrate the most youthful of dogs. Post some uber-cute puppy pics or go all-in by adopting a new puppy.
  • National Pun Day (May 15) - Whether puns make you laugh or groan, this funny national day is anything but pun-ishment (get it?). Share your funniest jokes in honor of this giggle-worthy occasion.
  • National Absurdity Day (November 20) - Are you a fan of the absurd? There's a day for that! Do something absurd (yet harmless) and take a picture to post on social media, along with #NationalAbsurdityDay.
  • National Ding a Ling Day (December 12) - Even though phones don't really make a bell sound anymore, pay homage to their heritage by changing your ring tone to a classic bell sound in honor of this wacky national observance.

Even More Humorous Holidays

Not every funny national day fits cleanly into one of the categories above. From a love of laughter to funny fashion faux pas and beyond, there are a lot of humorous national days to observe.

Even More Humorous Holiday

Sergio Mendoza Hochmann / Moment / Getty Images - Modifications made by LoveToKnow Even More Humorous Holiday

  • Belly Laugh Day (January 26) - It's so easy to get so caught up in tasks and to-do lists that we don't always remember to really laugh. Make it your mission on this day to roll with belly laughter and inspire others to do the same.
  • National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day (Last Monday in January) - Love to pop bubble wrap? You're probably not the only one! Get your stockpile of bubble wrap out and have a blast popping it with your friends, family, or colleagues.
  • Thumb Appreciation Day (February 18) - This day provides a great reminder that opposable thumbs don't always get the love they deserve. Post-thumbs-up selfies paired with #ThumbAppreciationDay in honor of this special day.
  • International Goof Off Day (March 22) - Do you love goofing off? If so, you'll have a blast on a special worldwide day dedicated to doing nothing. Celebrate by procrastinating, ignoring your to-do list, and being more than a bit lazy.
  • National Talk in an Elevator Day (last Friday in July) - Make a point of hopping on an elevator this day and strike up a conversation with anyone (or everyone) who happens to be there instead of silently being lifted to your destination.
  • International Skeptics Day (October 13) - Do you doubt if there really is a day set aside for skeptics? If so, this worldwide observance was created with you in mind. Light up social media with things you love to doubt on this questionable day.
  • National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day (third Friday in December) - Adopt this national day to host an ugly Christmas sweater party or contest for your friends or work colleagues. Be sure to award prizes for the most hideous holiday sweaters.

Celebrate With a Smile

With so many silly national days, you don't have to look far to find a funny reason to smile and celebrate. Encourage others to participate by choosing a chuckle-worthy observance to turn into your own signature event. Whether you host a party, plan a special event at work or school, or go all-in with theme-specific selfies and hashtags, you're sure to have a great time. Not only that, you just may bring a bit of joy to others along the way.

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28 Random and Funny National Days to Consider Celebrating