Crafting the Perfect Retirement Toast

Deliver a heartfelt retirement toast with these simple tips

Updated February 10, 2025
Retirement party
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Giving a toast to a colleague or loved one who is retiring is an honor! There's no need to get stressed over what to say. Simply honor the retiree with words of thanks and encouragement for the future, and you're sure to make them feel appreciated. Use these example toasts, which are all easy to download and modify with Adobe.

Appreciation for Accomplishments: Colleague Toast

Close coworkers, supervisors, or workplace partners may end up giving a retirement speech at a workplace gathering (such as a luncheon or a party) to a formal dinner in a fancy restaurant. If you've been asked to offer the speech, you'll want to mention accomplishments and contributions to the team as well as the retiree's personal qualities. Use this sample toast as-is, or change it as appropriate.

Click to download the Accomplishments toast.
Toast from a colleague

Revel in Retirement: Family Member Toast

Family members, such as spouses and children, may also be invited to give a toast at a loved one's retirement party. These are usually on the less formal side and may mention future plans. This sample speech is a good starting point if you've been invited to give this kind of toast, but be sure to personalize it a bit.

Click to download the Revel toast.
Toast from a family member

Tips for Writing Retirement Toasts

Delivering a toast at a retirement event is very similar to delivering a speech. You'll likely find the task to be easier when you follow a few quick tips:

  • Mention the retiree's work history. You can bring up his or her rise in the company, important contributions, awards, and other accomplishments over the years.
  • Discuss one or two memorable work incidents. These could be something funny, such as a lighthearted running joke among the department, or a time when the retiree saved the day. Just be sure to offer a quick background so everyone can follow the story.
  • Share your appreciation of the retiree's work and personal qualities. Let your retiring co-worker or family member know you hold him or her in high esteem.
  • Wish the retiree well in the future. Retirement is the start of a new beginning, so be sure to congratulate him or her on the past and offer up well wishes for the upcoming journey.
  • Find out when you'll be giving the toast. Toasts are usually given after the dinner, either before or after dessert. However, sometimes the toast may be first on the agenda, as a way to kick off the celebration. It's best to know ahead of time so you aren't taken by surprise when it's time to speak.
  • Edit your speech to fit the timeline of the event.

Congratulations to the Retiree

Regardless of what you discuss throughout the speech, the two main things to emphasize are your gratitude and your congratulations. The goal is to help make the honoree feel appreciated as a result of the toast. You may also want to include a funny retirement quote in your speech to give the honoree a chuckle.

Crafting the Perfect Retirement Toast