21 Super Bowl Party Games to Amp Up the Fun

Make game day even more exciting for kids and adults with these awesome games.

Updated January 10, 2022
Family cheering while watching a football match
skynesher/ E+ via Getty Images

Although the game is the big attraction at a Super Bowl party, games will help keep guests entertained and get the laughter going at your celebration. Choose simple, fun games that appeal to guests of all ages and your party is sure to be one of the best Super Bowl parties yet.

Simple Super Bowl Games for Adult Groups

Several families have Super Bowl parties, where friends and family come over to watch the big game. For many, it is considered an annual get together like Thanksgiving or Christmas. A successful Super Bowl party allows everyone to have fun and still watch the game. Planning Super Bowl home party games involves getting everyone in the action, even those who don't know an interception from a first down.

Wagers on the Game

Friends and family will often bet on the overall outcome of the game. However, you can also plan a number of fun wagers and guessing games. Instead of betting money, give prizes to everyone who guesses correctly. For game-related ideas, you can ask guests to guess:

  • First team or player to score
  • Score at half-time
  • Final score
  • Number of touchdowns
  • Number of field goals and penalties

Counting on Half-Time Commercials

However, commercials are as much a part of a Super Bowl viewing party as the game itself. To add some variety to your wagers or to appease the non-football fans, take bets on:

  • Number of commercials
  • Number of commercials featuring beer
  • Most popular commercial
  • Funniest commercial
  • Most unique commercial

Calling Out Your Friends

If your party is filled with close friends or family, you can also have fun making guesses about your fellow party guests. However, make sure that none of the bets are mean-spirited. Some ideas include:

Super Bowl Trivia

Create a list of trivia questions. Questions can be about Super Bowl history, recent games, the two teams facing off, and even trivia about the teams' locations. You may even want to include famous commercials into the mix. If one of the teams in this year's competition is your home team, you may want to focus your questions on the franchise. You can pass out a sheet of questions for guests to fill out throughout the evening, or you can ask a few trivia questions during breaks in the game. Forming small teams can add fun to the game, in addition to keeping non-sports fanatics from feeling left out.

Super Bowl Trivia

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Don't Say It

This game is played throughout the party and can result in some hilarious moments for the guests. Each person needs a whistle on a lanyard to wear during the party. One or two words are designated as off-limits. Choose words that your guests will tend to say a lot during the game such as football, touchdown, or score. If someone says the forbidden word, the person who catches him takes his whistle. Play the game throughout the night, awarding a prize to the person with the most whistles at the end of the party.

Hilarious Half-Time Game

While the commercials might keep you entertained during half-time, you can try this hilarious game with football-shaped crackers. Depending on the people, you'll split your group into teams of two. One person is the kicker, while the other is the field goal.

  1. Get about 5 feet apart.
  2. The field goal will stand with their arms raised.
  3. Using an underhanded throwing method, the kicker will toss the cracker.
  4. The goal is to get the cracker through the person's arms without hitting them in the face to get one point.
  5. Getting the cracker in their mouth gets you 2 points.
  6. Hitting them in the face or body is no points.
  7. The team to get to 10 points first wins.
  8. Let the hilarity ensue.
Goldfish Goal Game
Irina_Strelnikova / iStock via Getty Images

Kick Off

Divide teams into group of two. One player will throw mini footballs while the other player tries to catch all the balls with a bucket. Whoever catches more football until the time runs out wins.

Rate the Super Bowl Commercials

Have each guest write on three separate sheets of cardstock paper using a marker - "Nah", "Pass the wings", "It will go viral!" Guests will rate the Super Bowl Commercials by holding their signs.

How Many Chips

Place several chips in a bowl (count and take notes). Whoever guesses the closest to the actual number wins.

Pizza Boxes Assembly Race

Leave pizza boxes unassembled and have a race to see who can assemble the boxes the fastest under 30 seconds.

Guess the Chicken Wing Flavor

Arrange four types of chicken wings on a plate with numbers attached to each wing. Players are expected to guess which flavor each chicken wing is.

Examples: Buffalo, lemon and pepper, jalapeño, and funnel cake.

Super Bowl Games for Fans of All Ages

If your party will include children and teens, Super Bowl party games will be even more important for keeping them interested. These games are sure to be a hit with everyone.

Excited kids tailgating with other fans at college football stadium
SDI Productions/ E+ via Getty Images

Football Hot Potato

A foam football adds a theme-friendly twist to this classic game. The players form a circle with one person holding a foam football. The football is passed around the circle while music plays. When the music stops, the person holding the football is out of the game. This continues until only one person remains. Another option is to use the Super Bowl commercials as the timer instead of music. The person holding the football at the end of each commercial is out of the game.

Football Bingo

Adding football symbols or words to a traditional Bingo board provides a fun game for guests of all ages. If the children at the party are young, stick with football symbols to make the game easier. Make plenty of extra Bingo boards so the guests can rotate them as desired. Peanuts or pretzels make a fun and tasty marker for the game boards.

Fun Football Field Goal

For this game, you'll need small stuffed footballs and a basket for each team. The kids will then pick a partner, football, and basket.

  1. The team will place the basket about two feet away from them.
  2. One kid will drop the football on to the other kid's foot. (If it falls off, they start again.)
  3. Their teammate will then try to kick the football off their foot into the basket for one point.
  4. The teammates will then rotate until they get to 5-10 points depending on ages.

Cheering Competition

The Super Bowl cheerleaders shouldn't have all the fun. A friendly cheering competition pits the guests against each other in a battle of team spirit. If the group is divided down the middle when it comes to a favorite team in the game, use the divide to your advantage. Challenge each team to create a cheer complete with actions. Homemade pom poms using streamers and tape add a fun twist to the competition. After each group performs its cheer, determine the winner based on creativity and overall fun.

Football Charades or Pictionary

Create a list of Super Bowl words, football terms and words related to the party for guests to act out. For instance, if the New Orleans Saints are playing in the Super Bowl, you could include Mardi Gras or Bourbon Street on the list. Tailor the words to the age of those playing. Children can draw footballs, stadiums and jerseys, while adults may be able to communicate more complex football terms.

Football Toss

Purchase soft foam footballs for indoor use, or if weather allows, head outside during halftime for a fun contest. You can award prizes for:

  • Who can throw the football the longest distance
  • Who can throw the ball through a hula hoop or tire the most times out of 10

Going Long

Test your popcorn tossing skills during halftime with this hilarious game. You will need popcorn and teams of two. The teammates will start close to each other at about one foot and try to shoot the popcorn into the other's mouth. With every successful shot, the teammate moves back by one foot. The team that is the furthest from each other after a few minutes wins. Switch the thrower and catcher and try again. Just try not to laugh.

Popcorn with American football

CatLane/ E+ / Getty Image Popcorn with American football

Football Knockdown

Grab some plastic brown cups and use white table to make laces on the cups. Stack the cups upside down and knock them down with a small football toy.

Pin the Football

Create a large field goal post on the wall using painter's paint. Blindfold the participant and hand them felt footballs to see who gets closest between the posts.

Don't Drop the Pizza

Give participants a pizza box to see who can get from point A to point B balancing it on their heads. Whoever gets from point A to point B without dropping the pizza box on the floor wins an extra slice of pizza.

Keep It Interesting

No matter which games you choose to play, they are sure to add to the fun of your next Super Bowl party. Games work well as a warm up before the Super Bowl begins or during breaks in the football game. Adding a few games to your Super Bowl bash is sure to keep the party interesting for all involved.

21 Super Bowl Party Games to Amp Up the Fun