Modern Wedding Vows for the Contemporary Couple

Personalize your vows to reflect your unique journey as a couple

Updated February 10, 2025
Couple Exchanging Vows
Bread and Butter Productions / DigitalVision via Getty Images

If traditional wedding vows do not fit your needs, use contemporary wedding vows. Personalize modern vows to fit your personality as a couple.

Contemporary Wedding Vow Ideas

To many people, traditional wedding vows and ceremonies seem archaic and restrictive. For this group, an exchange of contemporary vows will touch the hearts of all those who attend. Customize the following samples with the couple's names or draw inspiration from them in order to write your own wedding vows. In addition to reciting the vows, couples may like a contemporary poem or a few inspirational verses included in the vow portion of the wedding.

Select the vows that best suit your needs. Modify the examples below to meet your personal situation.

A Spiritual Path

I'm so excited you have come into my life to share a walk along a spiritual path with me. Today, I pledge my unconditional love to you as we walk this path together. I know we are twin flames who will grow together. I promise to challenge you, accept your challenges, grow with you, and walk beside you, supporting and respecting your individual journey of growth and belief.

Joining Two Families

Today is a monumental day in the life of our two families. I know it's not always easy to blend families, but I trust that together, our new family can be stronger than either was individually. I welcome you as my partner, and I welcome your children with the same unconditional love I have for my own. I promise to grow with you and with all of our children to create a beautiful, loving blended family.

Welcome Into My Heart

My love, I dreamed of the day we could stand here together before our friends and family declaring our love. Today with an open heart, I accept you as my spouse and offer you a life of love and understanding. I promise to treat you honorably and to remain faithful to you only. I welcome you into my heart as my loving spouse and I welcome your family warmly and with open arms.

Shared Dreams and Devotion

Today, I take you as my partner. From this day forward, I give you my heart and my life. My eternal love and devotion belong to you. To you, I pledge myself truthfully and with all my heart. Let us share our dreams, thoughts and lives. Knowing that tomorrow, I will have you in my life fills me with joy. I love you and I will love you forever.

Eternal Pledge

I give you this ring as a symbol of our unity and our eternal love. I promise to honor you as an individual and as a person. I accept you, your faith and your ideas. I pledge to love, support and protect you through any storms that lie ahead of us. I know that together, we will build a loving home for our new family. I will be close by when you need me near. I will love you in the good times and the bad. Like this ring, my loving pledge is eternal.

Vow Examples Led by Your Officiant

You may want to have the officiant presiding over your ceremony to lead you in your vows. This is a great idea if your wedding is faith-based, or if you don't want to memorize the vows yourself. It also works well if you want the congregation or guests involved in your vows.

Religious Themed

(To the Congregation) Dear ones, today we have the privilege of witnessing the birth of a new family. Stand together as we bless the family with kind words and good thoughts. Please repeat these words after me: "________ and _________ we bless you with kindness, goodness and our earnest prayers. May your lives be intertwined together like God and His goodness. May you always greet one another with a smile and supportive words. We charge you to keep your promise of faithfulness to one another. We, your friends and family stand together in recognition and blessing of your union."

Secular Option

Please face one another and take one another's hands. Say these words simultaneously: "My friend and my love, I take you as my partner. With my whole heart, mind and body I accept you. I pledge to cherish you, honor you, consider you and carry you in my heart. Today, I promise to love only you. I recognize you as my spouse and my partner. I forsake all others."

Saying Your Modern Vows

Discuss your vows with your partner before the wedding day. Surprising your spouse with special original wedding vows may seem like a good idea, but both people should be involved in the planning so you're on the same page, whether you choose contemporary funny vows or modern simple ones. Practice saying the vows you choose together a few times before the actual event.

Modern Wedding Vows for the Contemporary Couple