6 Shareable Fishbowl Drink Recipes

Published March 22, 2022
blue color fishbowl cocktail with watermelon garnish

Tanachot Saelao / EyeEm / Getty blue color fishbowl cocktail with watermelon garnish

Fishbowl drink recipes are to the cocktail what sheet pan meals are to the culinary world: it's all about the least amount of dishes without losing any of the flavors. Don't stress if you're not one to keep a giant fishbowl on hand, as you can always substitute small pitchers, big bowls, or something else of your choosing (what about that cool vase?) that could hold enough of that liquid magic. So what're you waiting for? Grab two to six of your closest friends and your biggest, brightest straws.

Electric Blue Fishbowl

The iconic bright blue fishbowl is a colorful way to enjoy a drink with friends, and all you need are a handful of giant straws.

Electric Blue Fishbowl cocktail
Charles Wollertz / iStock via Getty Images


  • 3 ounces coconut rum
  • 3 ounces vodka
  • 2 ounce peach schnapps
  • 2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 ounces freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 ounce blue curaçao
  • 4 ounces pineapple juice
  • 4 ounces lemon-lime soda
  • Ice
  • Swedish fish, orange slice, and cherry for garnish


  1. In a fishbowl, add enough ice to fill halfway.
  2. Add coconut rum, vodka, peach schnapps, lime juice, lemon juice, blue curaçao, pineapple juice, and lemon-lime soda.
  3. Stir to mix.
  4. Garnish with orange slice, cherry, and several Swedish fish.

Strawberry Lemonade Fishbowl

Take a dip on the sour side with this tart yet delicious strawberry lemonade fishbowl.

Strawberry Lemonade Fishbowl

Westend61 / Getty Strawberry Lemonade Fishbowl


  • 6 ounces strawberry vodka
  • 2 ounces white rum
  • 3 ounces strawberry liqueur
  • 8 ounces lemonade
  • 1 ounce simple syrup
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Ice
  • Strawberry slices and lemon slices for garnish, optional


  1. In a pitcher or fishbowl, add enough ice to fill halfway.
  2. Add strawberry vodka, white rum, strawberry liqueur, lemonade, simple syrup, and lemon juice.
  3. Stir to mix.
  4. Garnish with strawberry slices and lemon slices, if desired.

Summer Peach Fishbowl

The name might be summer, but you and your friends can enjoy this peachy fishbowl all year round.

Summer Peach Fishbowl
MosayMay / iStock via Getty Images


  • 6 ounces vodka
  • 6 ounces peach schnapps
  • 4 ounces pineapple juice
  • 4 ounces peach tea
  • 3 ounces cranberry juice
  • Ice
  • Orange slices and lime slices for garnish


  1. In a fishbowl, add enough ice to fill halfway.
  2. Add vodka, peach schnapps, pineapple juice, peach tea, and cranberry juice.
  3. Stir to mix.
  4. Garnish with orange slices and lime slices.

Berry Fishbowl

Don't want to pick a berry flavor for your fishbowl? Go with all of them!

berry fishbowl cocktail
Alfredo Hernandez Rios / iStock via Getty Images


  • 3 ounces blueberry vodka
  • 3 ounces raspberry vodka
  • 2 ounces lemon vodka
  • 2 ounces strawberry liqueur
  • 2½ ounces freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 ounces orange liqueur
  • 8 ounces mixed berry club soda
  • Ice
  • Strawberry slices and lime wheels for garnish


  1. In a fishbowl, add enough ice to fill halfway.
  2. Add blueberry vodka, raspberry vodka, lemon vodka, strawberry liqueur, lime juice, orange liqueur, and mixed berry club soda.
  3. Stir to mix.
  4. Garnish with strawberry slices and lime wheels.

Blue Hawaii Fishbowl

Did you know you can quickly, and easily, take the Blue Hawaii cocktail and make it larger than life in a fishbowl? Welcome to the future.

Blue Hawaii Fishbowl cocktail

Fotosearch / Getty Blue Hawaii Fishbowl cocktail


  • 3 ounces vodka
  • 3 ounces white rum
  • 2 ounces blue curaçao
  • 6 ounces pineapple juice
  • 2 ounces pineapple liqueur
  • 1½ ounces freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ¾ ounce simple syrup
  • Ice
  • Pineapple wedges and cherries for garnish


  1. In a fishbowl, add enough ice to fill halfway.
  2. Add vodka, white rum, blue curaçao, pineapple juice, pineapple liqueur, lime juice, lemon juice, and simple syrup.
  3. Stir to mix.
  4. Garnish with pineapple wedges and cherries.

Green Apple Fishbowl

If you or your friends love the classic apple martini, or appletini, size up the flavors and mix it up in a fishbowl.

green apple fishbowl cocktail

Photo 100211572 © Nutwalai Uesuwanna | Dreamstime.com Dreamstime green apple fishbowl cocktail


  • 6 ounces vodka
  • 4 ounces sour green apple liqueur
  • 3 ounces orange liqueur
  • 2 ounces melon liqueur
  • 4 ounces lemon-lime soda
  • 4 ounces sparkling apple cider
  • Ice
  • Apple slices for garnish


  1. In a fishbowl, add enough ice to fill halfway.
  2. Add vodka, sour green apple liqueur, orange liqueur, melon liqueur, lemon-lime soda, and sparkling apple cider.
  3. Stir to mix.
  4. Garnish with apple slices.

Fishbowl Drinks for Sharing

Next time you're hosting a group or having friends over for a movie night, don't stress about fully stocking your bar or making sure you have every possible mixer on hand. Make things easy for everyone and whip up a fishbowl. Pick a beloved flavor, stir it together, and don't miss a moment mixing drinks while hanging out.

6 Shareable Fishbowl Drink Recipes