10 Ways to Manage When Eggs Are Scarce & Eggstra Expensive

Fretting over the price of eggs? We get it. But our 10 strategies can help you get all the goodness of eggs without having to mortgage your house to buy them.

Published February 11, 2025
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basket of fresh chicken eggs
Nitr via Shutterstock

I think we've all experienced sticker shock recently when buying eggs given the current egg shortage related to avian flu. It's not the first time eggs have been scarce, but it can definitely happen from time to time, and when it does, the price of eggs skyrockets.

If you do any cooking at home, then you know that eggs are in practically everything — from mayonnaise to baked goods. So what do you do if you want to use eggs but don't want to pay a premium? And how do you make eggs last longer when you do buy them so they don't go bad? Fortunately, we have some solutions for you to see you through.

Store Your Eggs the Right Way

You probably already know to store eggs in the fridge. But did you know they'll keep for three to five weeks once you do? Keep them in their shells — once they come out, they don't keep for nearly as long. 

If you're nearing the expiration date on your eggs, don't worry. Throwing them away would be like tossing out gold, but you can preserve them for up to a year by freezing uncooked eggs before the expiration date. You'll need to break them out of their shells, whisk them, and put them in a clean container to freeze them. Muffin tins work well for this, so you can crack one egg in each tin, whisk it with a fork, and then stick it in the freezer until it's frozen solid. Once frozen, pop it out of the muffin tin (I like silicon muffin tins for this), put them in a zipper bag, label them with the date, and put them back in the freezer. Thaw them in the fridge or put however many eggs you want to use in a zipper bag and run it under cold water until it thaws.

You can actually separate the whites and the yolks, too, and freeze them separately in freezer-safe containers for up to a year, thawing as mentioned above.

Use Chickpea Water (Aquafaba) to Make Meringues

Aquafaba, concept of vegan food and cuisine
AtlasStudio via Shutterstock

We talk about aquafaba a lot as a vegan egg white replacement in cocktails because it is a great use of the water from that can of garbanzo beans, it creates a beautiful foam or meringue, and you can't really tell the difference in flavor between it and egg whites.

So the next time you drain a can of chickpeas, don't throw the water away. Instead, pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it. Then, thaw a few cubes the next time you need whipped egg whites for something, and whip it just like you would egg whites — either to a foam for drinks or to stiff peaks for meringue. Add a little sugar to the meringue to sweeten it. Aquafaba will last in the freezer for a year, and we love that it's a low-food waste solution.

Related: 15 Frothy Aquafaba Cocktails

Try Vegan Egg Replacer When Baking

Baking is a little bit of a science, so when you start making substitutions all willy-nilly, you may not get the results you're looking for. That's why a vegan egg substitute is the perfect solution for baking. It usually contains some type of vegan starch and baking soda, and it will perform the same function as the eggs in the recipe. Follow the instructions on the package to get just the right results.

Use a Vegan Egg Mix for Scrambles

If it's a daily scramble you're after, you do have some non-egg alternatives like Orgran Easy Egg. It scrambles up just like eggs, and it looks like eggs. However, if you're not used to vegan eggs, it probably won't taste quite as eggy as you're used to. Which is why I like to add flavor to vegan eggs... chop some onions and add some garlic salt to your scramble. I'm all about adding a little spice, too, so I like to serve 'em up with a squeeze of my favorite Yellowbird blue agave sriracha on top, but you could add salsa, taco sauce, or a hot sauce of your choice to bring on the zip and flavor.

Use Flax Eggs in Baking

Flax eggs are an old vegan trick that works great in baking as an egg substitute. These work well in all sorts of things, from muffins and pancakes to your favorite chocolate chip cookies. You'll need flax meal and water. To make one flax egg (the equivalent of one large egg), mix one tablespoon of flaxseed meal and 2½ tablespoons of water in a small bowl. Let it rest for five minutes to thicken, and then use it in your baking as a 1:1 replacement for eggs.

Helpful Hack

You can also use chia seeds and grind them in a spice grinder and then use the same method as above. 

Scramble Some Tofu

Tofu can be pretty divisive (or at least it can be in my house), but when you know which type to use and how to flavor it, it makes a really tasty scrambled egg substitute. For scrambled tofu, you'll want to use extra-firm tofu to get the right texture, and adding a sprinkle of black salt will give it the eggy flavor you want while adding a few teaspoons to a tablespoon of nutritional yeast will give it an eggy color and umami flavor. Crumble the tofu, add some vegan butter or olive oil, cook some chopped onions, then add the tofu along with some garlic salt, black salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast. Cook, stirring, on medium-high until everything is cooked well. Then, add a splash of milk or non-dairy milk and cook, stirring, for another minute or two for a tasty breakfast scramble. 

Bake With Applesauce

Applesauce will work to replace eggs in most sweet baking recipes. For each egg called for, replace it with about ¼ cup of applesauce. This works best in things like pancakes or quick breads. 

Make a Frittata With Tofu

Missing frittatas or quiches? Extra-firm tofu to the rescue once again. Try Loving It Vegan's vegan frittata to fulfill your egg(less) craving. 

Make a Fluffy Omelet With Tofu, Rice Starch, & Potato Starch

If it's a light and fluffy omelet you crave, then you can use rice and potato starch to make an eggless version. School Night Vegan's vegan omelet is super clever, and it's fluffy, fillable, and totally tasty to fill the omelet void in your life and in your stomach.

Use Vinegar & Baking Soda in Cupcakes & Quickbreads

Former grade school science nerds, rejoice (woo!)! The reaction you loved in your science fair volcano can also bubble up to make baking rise like magic without eggs as a leavening agent. To replace one egg, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of white vinegar and add to your recipe. Easy peasy.

We Have Eggsactly What You're Looking For

Yeah — we totally understand. The current cost of eggs is eggstra stressful, but you can rest easy. With any of these techniques, you can still have all the things you love without sacrifice. Heck — you may even discover something you like even more than eggs. 

10 Ways to Manage When Eggs Are Scarce & Eggstra Expensive