6 Fruit Roll-Ups & Ice Cream Combos You'll Want to Try

There's a reason for the hype behind the TikTok trend of frozen Fruit Roll-Ups, and we've got some combos you're going to love.

Published May 11, 2023
fruit leather
Larysa Lyundovska / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

If you were a kid in the '80s, '90s, or anytime after that, you remember the joy of unwrapping a fresh Fruit Roll-Up and peeling off its cellophane backing (which usually sported the hilariously obvious warning not to eat the plastic). Like it has with so many things, TikTok has brought us a great new hack for this classic treat: fruit roll-ups and ice cream.

The appeal of this cool combo goes way beyond its amazing taste and into the realm of sensory satisfaction. Turns out, a frozen Fruit Roll-Up shatters in the most satisfying way ever when you bite it. If you love ASMR, you're going to be all over this. We've got some great flavor combos for you to try yourself.

How to Combine Fruit Roll-Ups and Ice Cream

Some recipes are a little tricky, but this is really not one of them. You need two things here: Fruit Roll-Ups and ice cream. Begin with the basic TikTok tutorial by Golisdream that started it all.

Watch on TikTok
  1. Unwrap your choice of Fruit Roll-Up flavor (more on that in a sec). Peel off the cellophane too.
  2. Place a dollop of ice cream in the middle of the roll-up. Pro Tip: Use a spoon and get a small, long scoop rather than a big round one like you'd get with an ice cream scoop.
  3. Wrap it up like a little dumpling. There are no rules here. You're just going to eat it, so no worries about making it pretty.
  4. Give it 30 seconds or so for the Fruit Roll-Up to get frozen by the ice cream.
  5. Take a crunchy bite and enjoy!
Need to Know

We did a taste test of this amazing combo, and wow is it good! Word to the wise, though - it's messy and sticky. Plan to spend a little time trying to get the Fruit Roll-Up out of your teeth.

Fruit Roll-Up and Ice Cream Infographic
LoveToKnow / Images by Carrie Grosvenor

Six Frozen Fruit Roll-Up and Ice Cream Combos You Have to Try

So the original TikTok video is all about a strawberry Fruit Roll-Up and mango ice cream, and who doesn't love fruity combos like that? Still, we live in a world of basically infinite possibilities here, so we've got a few other awesome flavor combinations we recommend.

Quick Tip

In order to give your crunchy treat a nice, balanced flavor, go for an ice cream variety that's not too sweet.

1. Blue Raspberry Lemonade Roll-Up

Inspired by our blue raspberry lemonade cocktail recipe, this flavor combo uses blue raspberry Fruit Roll-Ups and lemon sorbet to create a super tart and tangy taste sensation. If you love fruity things that are on the sour side, this one's for you. It's perfect if you want a summer afternoon snack that makes you remember that lemonade stand you had as a kid, too.

2. Dark Chocolate Strawberry Sensation Roll-Up

The classic choice for this whole trend is a Strawberry Sensation Fruit Roll-Up, but it can be a little too sweet when paired with vanilla or strawberry ice cream. This is where the darkest chocolate ice cream you can find comes in. Scoop up some of that delicious goodness and wrap it in a strawberry roll-up. We recommend walking away from the kitchen at this point because you will instantly want to make another one.

Related: 60 Ice Cream Sandwich Combos Worth Obsessing Over

3. Watermelon Margarita Mocktail Roll-Up

Watermelon makes a great mocktail base, and the Jolly Rancher Watermelon flavor of Fruit Roll-Up is also a perfect starter for something delicious. Unroll that baby and put a scoop of lime sorbet in the middle. If you're feeling adventurous, add a sprinkle of course salt before you roll it up. This is a refreshing combo that kids (and adults) totally love.

4. Caramel and Green Apple Roll-Up

We know we recommended going with less sweet ice cream options for your fillings, but the Jolly Rancher Green Apple flavor is tart enough to support the sweetness of caramel ice cream. This classic combo, reminiscent of a traditional fall caramel apple treat, makes a pretty incredible dessert for anyone who loves apple.

5. Double Rainbow Roll-Up

It's hard to say exactly what kind of berry the Blastin' Berry Hot Colors Fruit Roll-Ups really are, and you won't care anyway when you taste how good this combo is. Pair this psychedelic fruity wrapping with the traditional fruity ice cream: rainbow sherbet. The result is a double rainbow of flavor.

6. Grown-Up Tangy Tropical Cocktail Roll-Up

We're not telling you that you have to combine Fruit Roll-Ups with alcoholic ice cream, but trust us on this one. All you have to do is grab a Tropical Tie Dye roll-up and fill it with Proof Coconut Rum ice cream, and you've got the ultimate alcoholic dessert combo. It's perfect for parties too. For a non-alcoholic option, use rum-flavored NA ice cream like Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin.

Need to Know

Turns out this TikTok trend is creating a market for contraband Fruit Roll-Ups in Israel. The Israeli Tax Authority confiscated over 660 pounds of the snack in one week alone, as people tried to smuggle them into Israel to sell at a profit.

More Ideas for Frozen Fruit Roll-Ups

Although the ice cream and Fruit Roll-Up thing is definitely a winner, you can try wrapping other frozen delicacies in a fruity treat. One great option is a popsicle, since you can find them in so many amazing flavors.

Try these other creative options too:

  • Frozen bananas
  • Mochi, in your favorite flavor
  • Pureed fruit frozen in ice cube trays
  • Whole frozen strawberries

One final suggestion: Try adding popping candy to your roll! After unrolling the Fruit Roll-Up and adding your ice cream or other frozen goodie, sprinkle some popping candy on top and wrap it up. It gives you another layer of crunch, and a nice fizzy sensation too.

Quick Tip

Match your roll-up flavors with frozen fruit to mimic the combos in your favorite smoothie recipes.

Make Your Own Custom Combos

Here's the thing: there's really no wrong way to combine Fruit Roll-Ups and ice cream. You're taking two delicious things and adding them together, so it's a total win. Try out your own favorite combos to create a custom treat that's totally you.

6 Fruit Roll-Ups & Ice Cream Combos You'll Want to Try