How to Make Homemade Chewing Gum for DIY Dynamos

If you're a dedicated DIYer, making gum is the ultimate kid-friendly project. With adult supervision, they can make gum in an assortment of flavors & colors.

Updated December 16, 2023
chewing gum

Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds cut bubble gum

Calling all dedicated DIYers... here's something you probably haven't tried yet. Homemade chewing gum. We bet you didn't even know it was possible — yet our recipe offers proof you can actually do it.

We'd love to tell you that you can make it with stuff you have in your kitchen right now, but it does require some special ingredients. With adult supervision, this can be a fun kiddo project. We bet you'll be the only parent on the block doing this one today.

How to Make Homemade Gum

The following recipe makes a gum that is chewable and pliable. You may be able to blow small bubbles, but it will be a little different in texture than what your kids are used to in regular chewing gum. 



  • Wooden cutting board
  • Ceramic or glass microwave-safe bowl; no plastic
  • Metal fork and large metal spoon
  • Wrapping supplies such as wax paper and string or candy foil


  1. Before you start cooking the gum base mixture, put your powdered sugar on a wooden cutting board or similar surface. (Note: You want a surface that will not move easily.) Make a well in the middle of the powdered sugar and set aside.
    Powder sugar well on wood cutting board

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds powder sugar well on wood cutting board

  2. In the microwaveable bowl, mix gum base pellets, corn syrup, citric acid, and glycerin.
    gum base, corn syrup, citric acid and glycerin in microwave safe ceramic bowl

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds gum base, corn syrup, citric acid and glycerin in microwave safe ceramic bowl

  3. Place the bowl in the microwave and the cook mixture on high in 15-second intervals until completely melted. Stir in between the intervals — the mixture will boil.
  4. When the mixture is completely melted, take the bowl out of the microwave using oven mitts. Add flavoring and food coloring using a metal fork. (Hint: to help prevent the mixture from sticking, you can coat the fork with a little cooking spray.)
    add flavoring and coloring

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds add coloring and flavoring

  5. Mix the flavoring and food coloring in thoroughly, and carefully pour your mixture into the powdered sugar well.
    hot gum mixture in powder sugar well

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds hot gum mixture poured into powder sugar well

  6. Mix the powdered sugar into the gum base mixture with a metal fork until it is cool enough to handle with your hands.
    kneading gum dough with a fork

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds kneading gum dough with a fork

  7. While mixing, add powdered sugar, in small increments, to the mixture if it is too wet or sticky.
  8. Once the mixture is cool enough, use your hands to knead the gum. Keep kneading until the mixture resembles gum.
    gum dough ready for hand kneading

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds hand kneading gum dough

  9. You can roll the mixture into a square and cut sticks out, or pull bite sized pieces from the mixture and roll them into a ball.
    chewing gum rope

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds bubble gum rope

    cut chewing gum

    Vikki Olds Used with permission from Vikki Olds cut bubble gum

  10. Let the gum dry for about 30 minutes to an hour. Make sure it is dry before wrapping.
  11. Wrap each piece of gum in a small piece of waxed paper or candy foil.


Once you've got the base recipe down, you can play with different types of gum.

  • Color the gum to resemble the flavor, such as blue for blueberry, or yellow for banana.
  • Be creative with flavorings, mixing and matching to form combinations like strawberry banana or cherry cheesecake.
  • Sprinkle powdered sugar over the gum before wrapping for an extra bit of sweetness.
  • Decorate the wax paper you use to wrap the gum with cutout shapes for a special touch.

Have Fun With the Kids

With adult supervision, making gum is a great activity for a rainy day. It's part baking, part science project, and a whole lot of fun.

How to Make Homemade Chewing Gum for DIY Dynamos