DIY Goo Gone Recipe That Actually Works

Published July 7, 2022
woman pouring baking soda to a water cup
Marcus Chung / E+ via Getty Images

Do you love to upcycle? Getting rid of those little labels can be a nightmare. Save time and money by creating a simple, natural DIY Goo Gone cleaner. Learn how it works, what it can remove, and tips for cleaning adhesive from your stuff.

How to Make DIY Goo Remover With Oil and Baking Soda

Did you get a beautiful plate from the store but it has a gaudy tag? Maybe your toddler got a bit overzealous with the stickers. Sticky situations can be resolved at home without the harsh chemicals found in the commercial Goo Gone. To make your own adhesive remover, just grab a few simple ingredients.

  • ⅓ cup of baking soda
  • ⅓ cup tablespoons of vegetable oil/coconut oil/olive oil
  • 10 drops of citrus essential oil (optional)
  • Mason jar

Once you've grabbed everything, the rest is easy-peasy.

  1. Add the baking soda and oil to the jar, then add the essential oil. (If you don't have essential oil, it will work without it but not as well.)
  2. Mix them together until you have a paste.
  3. Put the lid on the jar to store.

How to Use Homemade Goo Gone

Homemade goo gone is effective on any glass, plastic, and metal surfaces. You can also use it on sealed or finished wood surfaces to remove any sticky residue. Application is nearly as easy as the creation.

  1. Apply a good coating of the adhesive remover to the sticker or adhesive.
  2. Allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rub it away with a cloth until all the sticky adhesive is gone.
  4. Clean with soap and water.
  5. Buff to dry.

How Homemade Goo Gone Works

The essential ingredients for creating homemade Goo Gone are oil and baking soda. You can create it without the essential oil. However, citrus essential oil gives an extra boost. Check out how these simple chemicals work.

  • Oil dissolves the adhesive.
  • Baking soda works as a gentle abrasive that doesn't scratch.
  • Citrus essential oils lift the adhesive from the surface.

Stains Homemade Goo Gone Works On

Homemade Goo Gone is perfect for removing adhesive and sticker messes like labels. But that's not the only thing it can remove. You can use this adhesive cleaner on:

Homemade Goo Remover on Untreated Wood

Oil can leave a stain on wood that hasn't been sealed. So, you might not want to use the oil recipe on untreated wood. White vinegar or rubbing alcohol can be effective in removing sticky residue on untreated wood.

  1. Use a plastic spatula to scrape away as much residue as you can.
  2. Add white vinegar or rubbing alcohol to the remaining residue.
  3. Rub until all the residue is gone.

Helpful Tips for Using DIY Goo Gone

Homemade Goo Gone works great and is gentle. You can even use it to remove greasy stains on your hands or your dog's fur. However, when using this recipe, keep a few things in mind.

  • While baking soda is a gentle abrasive, it's important to test it in a small area first. This is essential for any antique glass pieces.
  • Avoid using this on leather, suede, or unsealed stones.
  • Use the cheap oil. No need to spend more money than you need to.
  • If you are in a hurry, rub away as much as you can before adding the cleaner.

Simple DIY Adhesive Remover

Who doesn't love Goo Gone? But the ingredients can leave you wondering if it's safe. Rather than worry, just pick up some oil and baking soda. You've got a gooey mess remover that's hard to beat. And if you make a large batch, it's always available. Now that you know how to remove sticky residue, it's time for another mess. Learn how to get wax out of a candle holder or jar.

DIY Goo Gone Recipe That Actually Works