How to clean a toilet brush isn't a thought that crosses most cleaners' minds until it's all yellow and nasty looking. However, did you realize it's essential to clean your toilet brush regularly? Learn the tips and tricks for how to quickly and easily clean your toilet brush with simple ingredients, and how often you should do it.
How to Clean a Toilet Brush
Everyone always thinks about cleaning their toilet, but do you think about the brush that cleans your toilet? Cleaning your toilet brush after using it is a pivotal part of the cleaning process. This brush holds some of the nastiest germs in your house. So you want to make sure you disinfect it properly. You can do this with bleach, peroxide, or another disinfectant you have on hand.
Materials You Need
Hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant
White vinegar
Baking soda
Spray bottle
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How to Keep a Toilet Brush Clean With Bleach
Bleach is a powerful disinfectant that can quickly and easily clean your toilet brush, but it does take time.
After using the toilet brush to clean the toilet, flush away all the crude.
Add two tablespoons of bleach to the clean toilet water.
Put the toilet brush in the water and let it sit for an hour.
Lift the lid of the toilet and put the handle of the brush against the lid.
Close the lid of the toilet so the brush hangs over the toilet.
Allow toilet brush to dry completely.
How to Clean the Toilet Brush With Hydrogen Peroxide
If you aren't a bleach fan, you can opt for the more natural hydrogen peroxide.
Fill a spray bottle with straight peroxide or use another germ-fighting disinfectant.
Place the handle of the toilet brush under the ring of the lid.
Close the toilet ring wedging the toilet brush between the two.
Spray every area of the toilet brush head with the peroxide or disinfectant.
Allow to sit for 10 minutes.
Rinse under hot water.
Wedge it back under the toilet lid to dry.
How to Get Rid of Brown Stains on a Toilet Brush
If you have a yucky brown toilet brush that you're looking to breathe new life into, then you need more than a little disinfecting to get it clean like baking soda. Plus, the baking soda is excellent for removing odors from a toilet brush.
In a clean toilet, add one cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar.
Stick in the head of the toilet brush.
Allow it to sit for at least one or more hours. Check to see if the brown stains are gone.
Wedge under the lid to dry completely.
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How to Clean a Toilet Brush Holder
You can't talk about cleaning a toilet brush without giving the proper attention to the holder. While the toilet brush isn't involved in your toilet's actual cleaning, the germs can get transferred to the holder after use.
Hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle
Baking soda
Another disinfectant
Microfiber cloth
Cleaning a Toilet Brush Holder With Ease
Check the bottom of the holder for any standing water and dump it out.
Mix baking soda with a bit of water to create a paste.
Use the paste on a toothbrush to remove any crusted areas or dirt on the holder.
Rinse the holder with hot water.
Spray down the holder with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant.
Allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes.
Use the baking soda mix to attack any remaining crust.
Give it a final rinse.
Wipe down with the cloth and allow it to dry completely.
How to Store a Toilet Brush
Typically, you store a toilet brush in a toilet brush holder. This can be one that came with the toilet brush itself, or you could create your own out of a container. When it comes to storing your toilet brush, it's important to remember to only put the toilet brush into the container after it's had time to dry completely. Putting a wet toilet brush in the holder can allow those germs to grow and multiply within the container. The wet, humid area could also be conducive to mold growth.
How Often Should You Clean Your Toilet Brush
It might come as a surprise, but you should clean your toilet brush at least as often as you clean your toilet. Additionally, you want to replace your plastic toilet brush at least every six months. Wooden toilet brushes can last a little longer, but as with any cleaning material, it's crucial to replace them regularly.
Getting Your Toilet Clean
Cleaning your toilet isn't your favorite job, but it has to be done. Just make sure that when you are cleaning your toilet, you don't forget about your toilet brush. Otherwise, you'll leave a lot of germs behind.