Planning and building a feng shui house with good chi energy means following some basic rules. By keeping these feng shui building tips in mind, you can create an auspicious home design that will ensure that positive chi energy flows through every room.
Feng Shui Tips When Building a House
There are several feng shui home design rules to follow when selecting a building site for your new home. While it's possible to hire a feng shui professional to assess your location, you can also avoid common pitfalls by following some basic principles.
- A mountain behind your home is a feng shui ideal for building, as it provides abundance to the front door.
- Feng Shui poison arrows such as street intersections, church steeples, and tall buildings, can direct negative chi energy toward your home, and should be avoided.
- Don't build near sha chi (negative chi) accumulations, such as cemeteries, garbage dumps, hospitals, landfills, or prisons.
- Cul-de-sac lots can create a pooling of chi energy that becomes stagnant and can't enter your home easily.
- Homes positioned at the end of a street are in a difficult location since all the chi energy will rush towards your home.
If you can't avoid any of these inauspicious elements, there are many feng shui remedies you can apply, such as landscaping, walls, water features, and more.
Feng Shui House Layout
Auspicious shapes for a feng shui home include rectangle, square, stepped, and round. Oddly shaped or irregularly shaped homes, especially L-shaped or those with missing corners and other difficult floor plans present challenges that require feng shui remedies. There are design ideas and guidance for each area of your home's layout that can provide direction for enhancing beneficial chi energy.
Apply Feng Shui to the Front Door and Foyer

The front door and entrance area of your home is a vital area, as it's considered the mouth of chi which allows positive energy to enter the house. By creating a welcoming front entrance, you invite positive chi energy to enter and flow through your home.
Feng Shui Front Door Rules
There are special feng shui considerations for your front door, as it is the gateway to inviting beneficial energy into your home:
- If you have a sidewalk leading to your front door, make sure it is curved and meandering. Avoid straight walkways that lead directly to your door; the chi energy will rush down a straight pathway and storm into your home.
- The front door should open into the house, never out. This allows the chi energy to enter easily and flow from outside.
- A foyer that is separate from the rest of the house allows the chi energy to pool and then disperse through the home. The absence of a foyer floods the home with chi energy that can often be overwhelming.
- Don't align the front door with a window or other door directly across from it, as the chi energy will rush through the front door and out of the house through the back door or window.
Feng Shui Kitchen Design and Layout

The kitchen is vital to the health of its occupants. It should ideally be located at the back of your home. The worst location for a kitchen is in the front near or immediately beside the front door area or foyer. It's considered bad feng shui to look into, or stand in, the kitchen the moment you enter the house. This is especially true if the oven is directly across from the front door.
Feng Shui Kitchen Rules You Should Know
Basic feng shui kitchen rules can help you make decisions as you plan your home.
- When designing a kitchen layout, follow the good feng shui design of a triangle that places the refrigerator, oven, and sink at the corners of a triangle. This avoids the mixing of water and fire elements.
- Avoid placing the oven and range in a position that forces you to cook with your back to the door. If this is unavoidable, use a mirror behind the stove so you can see behind you when cooking.
- Don't place the kitchen facing a bedroom door.
- The living room, dining room, and kitchen areas should be on the same level.
- Avoid a kitchen and bathroom sharing the same wall or the bathroom door facing the kitchen.
Designing Feng Shui Bedrooms

Bedrooms are best located away from the main activity in the home. The back of the home is the best location for bedrooms. There are several feng shui rules that can help you locate your bedrooms.
Avoid Inauspicious Bedroom Locations
To place your bedrooms in the most beneficial locations, follow these tips:
- Avoid locating a bedroom at the top of a staircase with the bedroom door directly across from the staircase.
- Don't locate bedrooms directly over a garage, office, or kitchen.
- Don't locate a laundry room beside bedrooms.
- Never locate a bedroom on a lower floor underneath an upper floor bathroom.
- The bed should not be placed on the same wall as an en suite bathroom or closets.
Bathroom Location for Good Feng Shui
Because bathrooms have a significant impact on your home's good feng shui, it's important to place them carefully when building or remodeling your home. In feng shui, the bathroom's role in moving wastewater from the house can create negative chi energy. Follow good bathroom placement considerations to find the best location in your home:
- Avoid a bathroom door or closet opposite the front door, as these inauspicious placements have a negative effect on health and wealth.
- Don't place a bathroom underneath a staircase. The water element is considered unlucky for generational wealth.
- Avoid locating a bathroom directly over an upper floor bedroom.
- Don't locate a second-floor bathroom above the kitchen.
Feng Shui for Staircases

Staircases can interfere with the natural flow of chi energy and should be located in the most benign locations. If the most-auspicious placement is not possible, follow the guidelines for the types of staircases that encourage positive chi energy to flow up the stairs of your home.
- The ideal staircase is wide and gracefully curves in a clockwise motion.
- Staircase top and bottom landings should not face the front door.
- If possible, avoid aligning a staircase with a front door. Chi energy will rush up the stairs and the main floor will suffer from a lack of beneficial chi energy.
- Staircases work best placed along the outer wall of the home.
- Never locate a staircase in the center of the home, especially spiral styles. This creates a tornado effect for chi energy moving around as well as up and down nonstop.
- Avoid open staircase tread designs. This design allows you to see between and through the treads as though the steps are floating on air.
Living Room Layout for Auspicious Feng Shui
Typically in contemporary homes, both the living room and dining room are close to the kitchen and often part of an open floor plan that includes the kitchen. The living room will be the epicenter of much of the family activity. It should be a large enough space to fit the family and double for hosting social events, and decorated in feng shui colors to encourage positive socializing and family connections.
Best Feng Shui for Dining Rooms and Dining Spaces
One of the most important rooms in your home is a separate dining room. This room represents the family's abundance and wealth. It should be accessible to the kitchen without being in the kitchen. As a symbol of abundance, the dining room should be open and large enough to accommodate family and visitors. If the dining space is part of a great room, a chandelier, and a large table with an area rug to anchor it, can create positive energy of its own.
Feng Shui Architecture
Choosing the right building site is paramount in feng shui architecture. The land contour and surrounding land must be conducive to auspicious chi energy flow. For example, you don't want to build on the top of a hill. Like many of the feng shui architecture rules, this rule is practical since building on top of a hill will expose the dwelling and residents to all of nature's elements with no type of protection. Feng shui rules state a better building site is midway, the highest and lowest point of the mountain.
Feng Shui Architecture Cardinal Rule
The cardinal rule for feng shui architecture is to strive for a mountain behind your home or office building and water in front of it. This is often symbolized in cities with tall skyscrapers mimicking mountains and the streets serving as the water.
Feng Shui Goals for Home Design
The goal of designing a house using feng shui rules and application is to maximize the benefit of auspicious chi energy. Your feng shui floor plan and room placement will ensure you reap the most benefits of your feng shui home.