7 Feng Shui Desk Hacks to Boost Success

Set yourself up for success feng shui-style with these tips to help you make the most of chi energy.

Updated February 24, 2025
Woman using laptop at desk
JGI/Jamie Grill via Getty Images

Want to be even more productive and successful at work? Don't we all! Our tips for desk feng shui can help you turn your workspace into an energetic powerhouse that can improve focus, invite success and prosperity, and more.

1. Select a Stable, Solid Desk

Choose a desk that you love, and pick one that feels solid and stable — nothing flimsy. This is essential for you to feel the stability of your work. Temporary or rickety desks could make your work feel insubstantial or non-permanent. While you're at it, select a solid, stable, and comfortable chair, too, to give you a base of stability and help you feel more in charge.

2. Place Your Desk in the Command Position

Put your desk diagonally across from the door facing it. This is the command position and allows for the optimal chi energy flow in the office. A lot of people put their desks facing the wall and sit with their backs to the door, but this isn't great feng shui. Instead, you always want to sit so you can see the door but aren't directly in front of it, so you can watch for the opportunities that enter your place of business. 

3. Clear Your Desk of Clutter

Clutter — on top of, around, and inside of your desk — can obstruct the energy flow needed for focus and success. The more chaotic the clutter, the more difficult it will be to focus due to chaotic energy. Keep your desk decluttered and clear it off at the end of the workday. Don't leave stacks of papers, files, or books on the desk and dust regularly. Have a spot for everything and keep it there.

4. Use a Bagua to Place Items on Your Desk

Feng Shui bagua sectors
LoveToKnow / Creative

Lay this bagua over your desk with the "front door" section where your desk chair goes. Then, you can focus on the sectors you feel are important for enhancing your career and productivity. 

  • Place something wooden in the wealth and prosperity area.
  • Place a lamp or a candle to represent the fire element in the fame and reputation area.
  • Place something metal in the creativity sector. 
  • Place a stone or crystal to represent the earth element in the knowledge section.
  • Your computer goes into the career area. To activate the water element, consider having a desktop image of a fish tank or the ocean.
  • Place something metal in the helpful people and travel sector to activate mentors and people who will help serve your career.

5. Don't Overdo It With Objects

When placing objects in each of the sectors, don't overdo it because this will create clutter. Instead, choose one object per sector you choose to focus on. Make sure you're selecting items that you truly love and enjoy.

6. Add a Plant to Your Desk

A plant with rounded leaves, like a jade plant or a money plant, invites prosperity and wealth, something most people want to gain in their business. Use the bagua grid above to place the plant in the wealth and prosperity sector.

7. Avoid Placing These Items on Your Desk 

There are a few things you should never place on a feng shui desk. You can prevent creating challenging energy by avoiding these items.

  • Columns or cylindrical objects — this type of object creates poison arrows
  • Boxes with corners pointed toward you also create poison arrows
  • Knives, swords, scissors, and other sharp/pointed objects on the desk surface are considered poison arrows; keep scissors pointed end down in a penholder or in a closed drawer
  • Negative images that reflect anger, war, disasters, or other symbols of destruction 
  • Never place plants with pointed leaves on your desk

Related: Feng Shui Poison Arrows: What They Are & How to Counteract Them

Dress Your Desk for Success

Once you understand how to feng shui your desk, you'll be taking the best advantage of the positive chi energy flowing into your office space. With such good energy flowing around you, you'll be in a better position to realize success.

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7 Feng Shui Desk Hacks to Boost Success