23+ Purple Flowers to Bring Your Garden a Pop of Color

Enjoy vibrant colors from spring to summer with these beautiful purple flowers.

Published March 6, 2023
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For centuries, purple was a difficult color to make dye for and because of this, only royalty was allowed to wear it. While your ancestors might not have had the chance to rock a purple sweater, they did get to admire the purple flowers blooming around them. Take a page out of their book and discover which purple flowers you can't wait to see every day you walk outside your front door.

African Violet

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African violets, with their rich deep color, aren't violets at all! First documented in western culture in 1892, they belong to the Streptocarpus genus and are pretty easy to care for. Perennials by nature, these houseplants can come in mini, standard, and large sizes, and will show off the fullest blooms under bright, indirect light and a temperate climate.


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It might surprise you, but pansies are actually a part of the violet family. These super small plants (6-12 inches tall) have golf-ball sized beautiful blooms in a variety of saturated colors. These purple flowers can range in shade from lilac and periwinkle to a deep eggplant. They're also low commitment since they only survive one season.


Penpak Ngamsathain / Moment via Getty Images

Petunias are a colorful, petite plant that belongs to the nightshade family. Although the most infamous nightshades have been used to concoct deadly poisons, petunias are anything but. Although they don't like shade, they're easy to care for and take up very little space. Best part? So long as you take care of them, they'll grow back every year.


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From true crime to famous films, dahlias have a ton of interesting associations in pop culture. Yet, these tuberous flowers are most striking for their super dense, brightly colored petals. With palm-sized blooms, these show-stopping perennials will take center stage in any garden or pot you plant them.


Daniele Ciabatti / EyeEm via Getty Images

If you feel like you're living in a fairytale, then wisteria is the purple flower for you. A lovely soft purple shade, these climbing plants have a reputation for being impossible to get rid of, and the fact they can live for 50-100 years probably doesn't help. But these drooping purple flowers are perfect for any cottage core lovers.


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With delphiniums you can get beautiful tall purple flowers year after year. Since they can grow up to 5' tall, they're a great way to add height and texture to your gardens and flower beds. All throughout summer, your backyard will be filled with hummingbirds and butterflies swarming your purple delphiniums.


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There are dozens of different lupine plants to choose from, ranging in color and size. For instance, you have the iconic Texas Bluebonnet variety that comes in a vivid shade of dark blue. But fans of the color purple will fall in love with the various purple hues they come in. With sweet-smelling, vertical blossoms and reaching up to 4' tall, these sun-loving plants are perfect for home gardens.


By Anna Rostova / Moment via Getty Images

Another pick for the cottage core lovers, larkspurs produce beautiful vertical blooms in a myriad of colors. Unlike other vertical blooms like delphiniums, larkspurs have gentle, thin stems which add to their delicate vibe. These colorful annuals have to be replanted every year, and although they're toxic when ingested, you're safe and sound planting them in an outdoor garden.


Amanda Knepp / 500px via Getty Images

Irises are best known for their unusual 6-petal flower arrangement that unfolds into a throne of sorts. These flowers love a sunny area and bloom the fullest in summer. Of course, if you're a fan of purple flowers, then irises probably come to mind right away since purple irises are the most common and popular color available.


Francesco Riccardo Iacomino / Moment via Getty Images

The lavender flower lends its name to both a color and a scent, each of which pays homage to these tiny-petaled stalks. These purple plants love sunlight and rocky/dry soil thanks to their Mediterranean roots. On top of that, their aromas are known for their calming properties, and you can easily dry them to be used in dishes, teas, and more. In short, lavenders are a multipurpose purple flower if there ever was one.


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You might know monkshood better by its other name - wolf's bane or aconite. With mythological roots stretching back thousands of years, these purple flowers with their drooping bell-petals will last well into the summer. These moderate to tall flowers come in a variety of colors and have been used for centuries as a potent medical aid. When growing monkshood, just beware of under-watering and overheating them.


Ines Heinkel / EyeEm via Getty Images

There are a ton of different anemone species you can look for if you're interested in adding a bit more purple to your landscape. From anemone coronaria with its dark centers and rich petals or the daisy-like anemone blanda, you can bring your beds to life with a few anemone flowers. If you've got a penchant for cutting flowers, these will be a great choice.


Piyamas Dulmunsumphun / EyeEm via Getty Images

Hyacinths produce densely packed flowers with petals that curve sharply backwards. A perennial plant you can rely on, hyacinths come in a rainbow of colors and are one of the most pleasantly fragrant flowers you can plant. You aren't limited to garden beds either! They can thrive in pots and planters, too. Just make sure to keep your hyacinths in a moderately sunny area with well-draining soil.


M. Aleksandrowicz / Moment Open via Getty Images

Worried about deer devastating your gardens again this year? Plant a few purple heliotropes. These colorful perennials handle heat and drought like a champ and grow in delightful little clusters that'll add something eye-catching to your ground layer.


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Asters embody a huge number of different species, all of which have an iconic arrangement of long, thin petals and vibrant centers. They come in a few different colors and handle many environments, though they prefer cool, moist ones. These are a must-have if you like seeing your yard flooded with insects, as pollinators love them.


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While you might not have seen hydrangea bushes in the wild, you've definitely seen a few in offices and wedding bouquets across America. These flowers are so loved because of their super full hand-sized blooms, and they come in many colors. Because they're used in arrangements so often, these bushes are handy to have around. So long as you plant your new shrubs in the fall in partial sunlight and well-drained soil, and they'll last you for years to come.

Butterfly Bush

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Named after how well they attract butterflies, butterfly bushes will grow to be human sized when unpruned. These perennials come in a number of colors and give off a sweet aroma that you don't have to be an insect to enjoy. Remember to cut off the dead flowers throughout the growing season so they'll continue producing new blossoms. And, if you want a veritable butterfly atrium, make sure to plant caterpillar-supporting plants like milkweed and aster around it too.


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Unlike so many purple plants on this list, pasque flowers are native to continental Europe rather than the Americas. With thick tubers and purple flowers that have eyeball-sized centers, these plants have a unique appeal. And, if you have a ton of perennials in your garden, pasques are a spring-blooming one to include.


Joy Atkinson / Corbis Documentary via Getty Images

You've probably heard of freesias from the many times you've browsed through the perfume counters in any department store; the flowers give off a specific smell many people like to wear. These sun-loving flowers are perfect to plant if you want to fill your house with homemade bouquets and delightful scents.

Morning Glory

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Morning glory's flower petals' velvety appearance resembles petunias and pansies, though they're a vining plant made for decorating large swaths of property. You can enjoy vibrant purple, pink, red, and blue trumpet-like blossoms when they bloom in the summer and fall. Despite being a semi-annual plant, morning glories are pretty low maintenance, making them perfect for a new gardener ready to tackle a little vegetative landscaping.

Globe Thistle

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One look at a light purple globe thistle, and you'll see where Dr. Seuss must have gotten inspiration for the flower in Horton Hears a Who. These spiky-looking puff balls are whimsical and will take over a ton of your gardening space in only a few years if you don't take the time to deadhead and scale the onslaught back. Yet, they might be just the right kind of invasion for you.


Juliet Lehair / Moment via Getty Images

Lobelias are annual plants that can be planted in the ground or in planters/baskets, and they produce a smattering of lovely small flowers in a variety of colors. Whether you're looking for purple or a true-blue, lobelias have got you covered.

Other Purple Spring Flowers


Uma Shankar sharma / Moment

In addition to all of these striking purple flowers that nature has to offer, you can look for these purple spring plants that'll pull you out of your winter funk.

  • Crocus
  • Sweet violet
  • Creeping phlox
  • Catmint
  • Wishbone

Perk Up Your Garden With Some Purple Blooms

Yana Iskayeva / Moment via Getty Images

If you love purple, then you and Mother Nature have something in common. There are a massive number of purple flowers you can pick from; each one perfect for a different climate and growing season. If you want to add color to your landscape without overwhelming your property, try adding a few purple flowers the next time you start planting.

23+ Purple Flowers to Bring Your Garden a Pop of Color