Uncovering the perfect arrangement of flowers by month ensures a glorious garden year-round. Although the exact timing of blooms does vary slightly by zone and micro-climate, this article will outline general guidelines for color in your garden all year long. Each variety of plant, shrub, or tree listed here will have a different bloom time dependent on your home's weather patterns. Once you have developed a basis in your yard, contact your local nursery or our zone guide listing for which specific species will thrive in your area.
Some Months Offer More Blooms, Some Less
The easiest time of year for flowers by month is through mid-spring and early summer. This is a time of abundant blooms in all climate zones. For many areas the toughest time to find color in your yard is the colder months. Some of the coldest areas may need to look to indoor plants for their wintertime color. Houseplants in the coldest seasons and annuals in the hottest are great transition plants to help maintain the consistency of your flowers by month.
In summary, look for the following plants to fill your yard with year-round blooms and follow the links to specific articles on each plant type.
List of Flowers by the Month

crocus Source: iStockPhotos Permissions: licensed
In most zones, January is a barren month in the garden. If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse or even a sunny window, this month is an excellent time to savor indoor garden blooms. Another way to add color to a January garden is through ornamental plants known for their bare beauty such as the red and yellow-stemmed dogwoods or through the depth of evergreen shrubs.
In addition, the following plants are known for a wintertime show of flowers:
- Winter Jasmine
- Algerian Iris
- Winter Aconite
- Witch Hazel
- Crocus
- Contorta
- Cornelian Cherry
- Amaryllis - indoors
- Additional Forced Bulbs Indoors
Even though it is a time when most of us are ready for spring, February is a reminder of the hardships of winter. Often a month of turmoil in the skies, many plants are content to stay hidden until February storms have past.
A few options for February blooms:

snowdrop Source: iStockPhotos Permissions: licensed
- Galanthus Snowdrop
- Iris Danfordiate
- Iris Reticulata
- Hellebore
- Camellia
- Garrya
- Oregon Grape Holly
Days finally seem longer and the official equinox is upon us, but still the garden has yet to completely awaken.
- Forsythia
- Scilla
- Anemone
- Arabis
- Daphne
April is often a torturous month for the dedicated gardener. When the sun shines, it can be glorious and flowery, but then the rain will hit and pour down on all the new spring glory.
- Daffodils
- Rhododendrons
- Azalea
- Trillium

daffodils Source: iStockPhotos Permissions: licensed
- Winter Hazel
- Spicebush
- Serviceberry
- Chokeberry
- Whitebud
- Redbud
- Cherry Trees
- Spirea
- Viburnum
- Selected Magnolias
- Crabapples
The height of the year for flowers is certainly the month of May.

peonies Source: iStockPhotos Permissions: licensed
- Viburnum
- Mock Orange
- Clematis
- Weigela
- Abelia
- Laurel
Summer is coming and you can hear it in the trees and flowers abound.
Although the glory days of spring have passed, the garden still has many blooms to offer.
- Daylilies
- Phlox
- Lilies
- Summersweet
- Sun Rose
- Carpenteria
- Busy Lizzie
- Crocosmia
- St John's Wort
In many areas the true heat of summer hits and often enjoying the outdoors becomes sweaty and uncomfortable. Instead, spend your evenings in the yard or do your garden chores early as the sun rises.
- Southern Magnolia
- Dahlia
- Chinese Abelia Bush
- Butterfly Bush
- Franklin Tree

poppy Source: iStockPhotos Permissions: licensed
The colors of September are the beginnings of golds, yellows, and reds. First the flowers and then the trees will quickly follow suit.

Aster Source: iStockPhotos Permissions: licensed
For many outdoorsy individuals, October is a true month of joy - cooler nights and bright sunny days, while still the glory of fall blooms.
- Aster
- Monkshood
- Japanese Anemone
- Chrysanthemum
- Cyclamen
- Colchicum
- Nerine
- Saxifrage
- Chinese Lantern
The beginning of death in the garden, November is often the toughest month to find flowers in bloom. Consider adding the following to your home and yard to help color the drab of this month:
- Skimmia
- Photinia
- Pampas Grass
- African Violets - indoors
A festive, busy time indoors, often the garden gets over looked in December. Although, in many zones there are still some plants to offer up a flower or two.
- Hellebore
- Mahomia
- Cyclamen
- Viburnum
- Poinsettia - indoors
Enjoy Flowers Year Round
With so many flowers blooming year round, there's bound to be at least one that appeals to you. Consider the flowers listed here, and choose the ones you like the best.