12 Pretty June Flowers That Welcome Summer

One thing we love about June is all the colorful flowers that bloom. From fragrant honeysuckle to brightly colored yarrow, these are our favorite June flowers.

Published May 15, 2024
Jorge Salcedo via Shutterstock

June is the month we wait for when our gardens burst into full bloom. And from June's fragrant birth flowers (rose and honeysuckle) to pretty-as-a-picture peonies, these June flowers are some of our favorite early summer blooms. 


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I have fragrant memories of coming home on a warm June evening and smelling the scent of the honeysuckle that grew in our backyard, vining up a trellis that ran along the side of our garage. With flowers ranging from delicate yellow to bright pink, these sweetly scented vines or bushes flower in June and July and attract a ton of hummingbirds and butterflies. They'll perfume your entire yard. 

Honeysuckle will grow in zones 5-9. 


Tibor Bognar / The Image Bank via Getty Images

A classic summer flower, roses start to blossom in June and carry on throughout the summer. We love their fragrance and all the different colors roses come in, from creamy white to vibrant orange to classic red. 

Roses do best in zones 5-8.

Related: 10 Red Rose Bushes That Will Level Up Your Garden


Krisztina Kovacs / EyeEm via Getty Images

With their fluffy blossoms made up of mini blooms and colors ranging from white to the deepest of blues, hydrangeas add a ton of color to any June garden. They also make spectacular cut blooms to add to arrangements with some of your other favorite June flowers. 

Hydrangeas do well in zones 3-9.


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These sweetly scented showy flowers are my absolute favorite of the June blooms. The perennial blossoms will grace your garden year after year, and they come in colors ranging from creamy white to vivid pink. 

Peonies are hardy in zones 3-9. 

Sweet Peas

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These pretty flowers come in watercolors ranging from white to red to purple to blue, and they smell amazing. My mom grew hers vininig along the fence, and sweet peas grow up to six feet tall. You'll love their sweet blossoms, but it's the fragrance that makes them truly special. Oh — and butterflies and bees love them.

Sweet peas grow in all gardening zones, but to have them reach their glory in June, you'll want to be in a cooler weather zone.


Reina Smyth / EyeEm via Getty Images

With their bright colors, ranunculus reach their peak in June. They make great cut flower arrangements, and they're also deer-resistant. (Although our neighborhood deer were so hungry, they nibbled my ranuncs right off the stems and then spit them out next to the planter. Thanks, deer.)

Ranunculus are cold-hardy perennials in zones 8-11, but you can grow them in cooler zones (up to zone 4) as long as you bring them someplace warm in the winter.

Bee Balm

Katrin Ray Shumakov / Moment via Getty Images

You're going to love the whimsical, Dr. Seuss-y nature of red, purple, or white bee balm flowers, and hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees (naturally) will love them, too. These fragrant perennials love full sun, and they're winter-hardy from zones 3-9.


Dreet Production / Cavan via Getty Images

We love the tall, spiky delphiniums with their distinct aroma and vivid flowers. They grow to up to six feet tall and feature white, purple, and blue flowers that are just so pretty.

These perennials are hardy in zones 3-7, and they need 6 to 8 hours of sun per day.


andrii antonenko via Shutterstock

We adore the wildflower appearance of poppies, as well as all the vivid colors poppies come in. These perennials need full sun, and they grow well in zones 2-10.

Bleeding Hearts

Karen Faljyan via Shutterstock

These late spring and early summer flowers have a unique shape with a pretty droop, and they come in sweet colors including white, red, yellow, and pink. These perennials are easy to grow, and they're hardy in zones 3-9. These were a mainstay in my mom's garden when I was a kiddo, and they add a sweet touch to cut flower bouquets. 


Lynn Yeh via Shutterstock

Fill your whole yard with fragrance by planting English lavender in your garden. It starts blooming in June (or sooner in warmer climates) and will bloom throughout the summer. I love its dusty purple color, and I like to use the flowers to make all sorts of tasty lavender drinks all summer long. Make sure you're using a culinary lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) if you use it for drinks, and avoid using pesticides on your plants. 

Lavender grows in zones 5 to 9.


Emilija Manevska / Moment via Getty Images

With bright yellow, pink, red, or white flowers, yarrow is the perfect plant that'll bring all the pollinators to your yard. Bees and butterflies love it, and it adds a pop of color to your garden. The clusters of flowers will grow to as high as 3 feet tall.

Yarrow grows in zones 3-9.

Colorful June Flowers

ryota.www via Shutterstock

Welcome summer with beautiful June blossoms that attract pollinators, smell great, and add tons of color to your yard (and floral arrangements). Make the most of the first days of summer with these beautiful June flowers. 

12 Pretty June Flowers That Welcome Summer