It's hard to outrun an invasive plant once it has taken root. Invasive plants are non-native plants that will cause havoc on the ecosystem, and they can have some detrimental effects for humans too. For invasive plants, the saying, "a pound of cure an ounce of prevention" is true. Hinder those meddlesome plants by arming yourself with the knowledge of what villainous greenery to keep an eye out for in your state.
Alabama Invasive Plants
Teresa Kopec/Moment via Getty Images
Every state is going to have invasive plants itching to plant themselves into the soil. Even one as pretty as wisteria is a danger to the ecosystem. Dive into the official forestry website to learn a little more about the 14 most invasive species in Alabama.
Autumn olive
Alaska Invasive Plants
Westend61 via Getty Images
Flying up north to Alaska, the land of wilderness and sprawling space, there are quite a few plants that aren't native to that state. Dive into the full list to learn more about the ACCS program that's been documenting species since 2002.
Ornamental jewelweed
Giant hogweed
Scotch broom
Arizona Invasive Plants
Faba-Photograhpy/Moment via Getty Images
From chilly Alaska to scorching Arizona, invasive plants don't care about temperature. While Arizona might have a harsh desert environment, there are plenty of non-native plants that are beginning to sprout up, crowding out native plants. Interested in learning more? Arizona's forest community has you covered.
California, with all of its rolling wineries and occasional superblooms, is a hotbed for plants to thrive. Stubborn plants, that is. And California is as rich with invasive plants as it is with wineries. Take a closer look at California's "Don't Plant Me!" list to dig a little deeper.
Like Connecticut, Delaware may not have a ton of area to cover, but there are still plants weeding their way in. The Delaware Invasive Species Council works hard to keep several dozen of these at bay.
The Peach Tree state is working hard to keep invasive plants at bay. Georgia EPPC Invasive Plant List is a great place to start when searching for plants that are a threat to those native Georgia plants - including those sweet peaches.
Marsh dayflower
Garlic mustard
Hawaii Invasive Plants
Евгения Матвеец/Moment via Getty Images
Say aloha to these invasive plants in luscious Hawaii. Threatening native plants, these invasive plants are at the top of Hawaii's noxious weed list. And at the top of your do not plant or spread list.
So many of Illinois's invasive plants are hidden among the local, native plants. Illinois works to counter those invasive plants by having an entire awareness month dedicated to them. Take some time to learn what plants this state would love to see in your yard - and those you need to avoid.
Approximately 500 of the more than 2,000 plants you'll find in Indiana are invasive plants. That's a lot of plants. The good news? The Indiana Department of Natural Resources is there to guide you and make sure you don't lend those noxious weeds a helping hand.
Photos from Japan, Asia and othe of the world/Moment via Getty Images
You have Iowa in your heart and hair, you owe Iowa so much. Why not pay that debt by keeping these invasive plants out of Iowa? Thankfully, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources makes it easy with their invasive species guide.
Purple loosestrife
Salt cedar
Kansas Invasive Plants
Lord_Blackwater / 500px via Getty Images
Like Dorothy returning from Oz, make sure you aren't bringing anything to Kansas that wasn't meant to be growing there. The Kansas Forest Service will help you know which spores, seeds, and greenery are better suited elsewhere with its invasive plants list.
Hidetsugu Mori/Aflo/Score by Aflo via Getty Images
Keep New Orleans and Louisiana thriving by avoiding adding these invasive plants to your yard. LSU works to keep an updated list to spread awareness - and minimize the spread of noxious weeds through the Big Easy state.
Those Mainers are maniacs for keeping invasive plants away from their native plants - and it's understandable! The Maine Natural Areas Program has kept a list since 2019 of plants that people need to be mindful of spreading, planting, or growing.
Michigan has no shortage of invasive plants that're choking the ecosystem: trees, vines, herbs, grasses, and even aquatic plants are making themselves at home. The Michigan government keeps a close eye on each category, so you can be a mindful gardener.
Curly-leaf pondweed
Giant hogweed
Multiflora rose
Minnesota Invasive Plants
Valter Jacinto/Moment via Getty Images
Flowering plants, trees, shrubs, and grasses are all part of the invasive plants list in Minnesota. And just when you thought that was it, vines add themselves to the conversation. Stay on top of the Minnesota invasive plants list.
Montana is waging a battle against several noxious weeds, from those with a limited presence to those that can really impact the ecosystem and be detrimental to other plants and animals. The Montana Weed Control Association keeps a running list from the worst to the least detrimental.
There's more to Nevada than the desert and Las Vegas. Do your part when you're traveling through Nevada or settling into your home and planning a garden. Keep these invasive plants far away. The Nevada Department of Agriculture keeps a list to help you out.
Mayweed chamomile
New Hampshire Invasive Plants
By Eve Livesey/Moment via Getty Images
You may find yourself scratching your head at how anything can grow in the Granite State, but it sure can. Invasive species can thrive there as well as anywhere. You can rely on the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food to make sure you aren't illegally transporting or planting any of these invasive plants.
Reed sweet grass
Autumn olive
New Jersey Invasive Plants
Massimiliano Finzi/Moment via Getty Images
No plant proves that invasive plants are quite as dangerous like the mile-a-minute vine. Once that takes hold in New Jersey, it can grow up to six inches a day. Do your part to keep invasive plants out of New Jersey.
The Empire State is more than just New York City. Sprawling landscapes, hills, and lakes are prime for invasive species. Keep an eye out for these in your yard, and take care not to help them spread. Consult Cornell University's list of invasive plants in New York before planting.
Just because you want to add that exotic plant to your North Dakota garden doesn't make it a great idea. Will it look great? Probably! Could it be an invasive plant that chokes out the existing plants and tilts the ecosystem off its balanced axis? Quite likely.
Ohio isn't buckeye-ing around when it comes to invasive plants. Help to protect native plant species and keep invasive plants from taking up precious space.
Flowering rush
Common teasel
European frogbig
Oklahoma Invasive Plants
Cris Cantón/Moment via Getty Images
The sooner you can kick and keep these invasive plants out of your yard in Oklahoma, the better. The Oklahoma Invasives website allows you to search for invasive species not only by habitat, but by region.
Brush up on your South Carolina invasive plant knowledge and how you can help to control the dispersion of those plants. You can help the South Carolina Native Plant Society by keeping the invasive plants out of your yard completely.
Like most states, Utah divides their invasive plants into categories: early detection, rapid response, control, containment, and prohibited. The Utah Commissioner of Agriculture and Food keeps a detailed list, including some that aren't viewed as a noxious weed in some counties.
Myrtle spurge
Hoary cress
Vermont Invasive Plants
Albert Fertl/Moment via Getty Images
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, non-native plants were introduced to Vermont and those stunning Green Mountains. Vermont keeps close track of those terrestrial invasive plants, making it easy for you to be a mindful gardener.
Cypress spurge
Bishop's weed
Wild chervil
Virginia Invasive Plants
VO IMAGES/Moment via Getty Images
Virginia, in all its glory, is waging a war against invasive plants, and you can do your part by checking your planting plans against the list of invasive plant species. The list ranges from high to low, with plants that are a significant threat and those that aren't as harmful.
While you're enjoying your Wisconsin cheese curds and dreaming of your yard, keep an eye out for these invasive plants. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources keeps a running list of non-native plant species that are disrupting the local ecosystem.
Orange daylily
Queen Anne's lace
Field bindweed
Wyoming Invasive Plants
Jacky Parker Photography/Moment via Getty Images
Take a glance at both the designated and invasive plants you'll find through Wyoming, courtesy of the Wyoming Weed Pest Council. Help to keep Wyoming beautiful and green by digging up those noxious weeds out of your yard and the state.
Leafy spurge
Oxeye daisy
Russian knapweed
The Most Invasive Plants From Alabama to Wyoming
Spiderstock/E+ via Getty Images
If you continue to be drawn to those invasive plants that are just too pretty (who can blame you for wanting to grow baby's breath?), keep them potted indoors and away from anywhere they can spread. Be a mindful, conscientious gardener. The beauty of nature can be awfully hard to resist.