Get Fired Up for Aries Season: 9 Things to Expect

The hard-charging energy of the sun in Aries makes March 21-April 19 a dynamic time. Here's what to expect (even if you aren't Aries).

Updated March 12, 2025
Happy laughing young woman dancing to energetic music
LoveToKnow / Creative via Shutterstock

When the sun enters Aries on March 21, it's the start of a new zodiac year. And the hard-charging energy of Aries will be strong all month long, which means it's a great time to try something new or make a change. So even if you're not an Aries, you can take advantage of the energy this month with these helpful tips. 

Need to Know

Aries season runs from March 21 to April 19, and if you're feeling ready to take on something new, it's because Aries energy is powerful. Just like springtime, the Aries season is also a time of rebirth. 

It's a Great Time to Try Something New

Whether it's a new relationship, a new job, or a fun new hobby, Aries energy could drive you to try some stuff. It's a great time to reinvent yourself — or at least dust off the cobwebs and get out and try something you've always wanted to. 

Related: Discover Aries, the Ram of the Zodiac

New Relationships Could Be on the Horizon

The initiating energy of the sun in Aries often draws people together, especially strangers who are about to become friends or more. You may find new people entering your life this month, and they could turn out to be future friends, partners, mentors, colleagues, or other people who will play an important role in your life.

You'll Be Feeling Bold

Aries energy could fill you with confidence this month. So if there's stuff you've been putting off or are afraid to face, this is a good time to get to it. The energy of Aries season will fill you with courage. 

It's a Great Month to Make Career Moves

If your career has been feeling a little stagnant, Aries season can give you the initiative to make a change. Of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention that even though you're feeling brash, you'll want to come up with a sound plan to make these moves because Aries energy can sometimes lead to rash decision-making that you'll want to temper with a thoughtful plan.

Watch Your Temper

There's a reason that people born with their sun in Aries have reputations for being a little hot-headed — all that fire sign energy and those ram-like tendencies, along with the influence of Mars, can make passions bubble up and over into fits of frustration or anger. So while you have this powerful influence this month, we'd suggest being at least a little mindful of how quick you are to anger. Think before you speak, and take a beat if you feel the heat rising.

You'll Be Especially High Energy

The initiating, fiery energy of Aries season could leave you feeling like you've had a few extra jolts of caffeine. It's a great time to capitalize on all that extra energy with something that helps you burn it off — a new fitness regimen, some challenging hikes, or taking on a challenging project at work, for instance.

Your Impulses Could Get the Better of You

Even the steadiest, most measured signs (we're looking at you, earth signs) could go a little buck wild with impulsivity during Aries season. And while acting on impulse can sometimes have a positive impact, rushing in where angels fear to tread can also cause some serious challenges in your life. If you're an extra-impulsive sign (air signs and fire signs, we mean you), it could be helpful to have some strategies to help you pause before you speak or act. Even taking a few breaths first can help.

Your Drives May Be Through the Roof

And yep, we're talking all your drives. Hunger. Sex. Creativity. This is a passionate time of year, and you could be feeling extra passionate about — well — everything! This can definitely lead to a lot of hedonistic pleasure, which we're all for. But you can also channel your extra drive this month into things that can have a long-term positive impact on your life as opposed to short-term pleasure — strengthening family ties, advancing in your career, chasing your goals, that type of thing.

Adventure Is Calling

Even the most cautious people can feel a call to adventure during Aries season. That doesn't mean you'll suddenly find yourself dangling from a rope as you rappel off a cliff (although it could). Adventure can take all sorts of forms, from trying new foods to taking a class to exploring a new place to getting your adrenaline pumping with some risky physical activity. So if you find yourself feeling the call to adventure this month, find a way to satisfy the urge that works for you.

We're All Fired Up for Aries Season

We love the fiery energy that comes with Aries season. It's full of new beginnings and energy that, when correctly channeled, can set you up for your best zodiac year yet. 

Get Fired Up for Aries Season: 9 Things to Expect