Geminis are well-known for the dual natures of their personalities. And while Geminis can be fabulous partners, when things aren't right, Gemini women aren't afraid to cut their losses. Is your Gemini partner over you? Look for these signs that she's done.
She Seems Like She's Less Into You
Yeah, thanks to their dual nature, Gemini women can appear to blow hot and cold, but those changes usually happen fairly rapidly. But if she seems less interested in you than she once was over an extended period, there's a good chance she's getting ready to cut and run. She may appear to be disengaged or frustrated most of the time.
She's Distracted Most of the Time
Geminis are super bright and curious, so even in healthy relationships, she could seem distracted from time to time. But if she's distracted most of the time and doesn't seem to pay attention to what you're saying or doing because something (or someone) else is holding her attention, she could be getting ready to cut and run.
She Appears to Daydream All the Time
Gemini women spend a lot of time with their thoughts — they can be pretty analytical. But when she's mulling over a problem, she'll be in her head even more than normal. And if you aren't aware of something that's bothering her and you catch her staring off into space daydreaming frequently, then you could be the problem she's mulling over.
She Starts to Neglect Your Life Together
If she used to be full of chatter about her dreams for the future, engaged in activities to strengthen your relationship, and always planning fun stuff for you but now she isn't, it's not a great sign. This lack of focus on your life together can take multiple forms, from neglecting everyday household activities (like no longer putting effort into maintaining your shared space) to spending more time at work.
She's Indifferent to You
In the last stages of a Gemini being done with you, she grows indifferent to you. This is done with malice or meanness; she simply is shutting down her feelings for you. It's just a matter of time before she ends her relationship with you.
She No Longer Responds Emotionally to You
Whether it's no longer melting into a kiss or not getting upset if you try to draw her into an argument, when her emotional responses to you stop or lessen significantly, it's a good sign your relationship is in trouble. She's withdrawing and putting her energy elsewhere.
She Stops Communicating
Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac and can be a chatterbox. She always wants to share information with those around her, especially a love interest. When your Gemini partner stops talking and no longer shares the news of her day or new information she's come across, your relationship may not be much longer for this world.
She's Suddenly Busy With Everything & Everyone but You
Is your Gemini partner suddenly so busy she doesn't have time to hang? When she's getting ready to withdraw from the relationship, she'll often add all sorts of stuff to her schedule so she doesn't have to spend as much time with you. From long daily workouts at the gym to super busy weekends with everyone but you, if this is outside of her normal routine, it could be a sign she's disengaging from the relationship.
Signs Your Relationship Is Over
It's often easier for a Gemini woman to let you know she's over it with her actions instead of her words. If you notice these behavior changes and they're outside of her normal personality, don't assume she's over you. Ask her. Even though she hates confrontation, she'll probably give you a straight answer. And if the answer is that she's done, it's time to let her go so you can both move on.