Born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: Everything You Need to Know

As a Scorpio-Sagittarius cusper, you're on the "Cusp of Revolution." If your sun sign has this unique zodiac blend, you just might change the world.

Updated October 9, 2024
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What happens when the intense, shadowy energy of Scorpio starts to blend into Sagittarius, the happy-go-lucky wanderer of the zodiac? For people born in the last few days of Scorpio, their deep emotional energy blends with idealistic Sagittarius energy. 

If you were born on the Sagittarius-Scorpio cusp (November 20-22), you still have the depth and intensity of Scorpio, but it's tempered with unparalleled Sagittariun enthusiasm and several other Sagittarius traits.

Not sure what your zodiac sign is? Check out our sun sign dates chart

You're Friendlier and More Social Than a Typical Scorpio
Yaroslav Astakhov via Shutterstock

While they can be intensely magnetic and draw people to them, Scorpios are loners at heart with a carefully cultivated circle of people they allow close to them. However, when you mix in social Sagittarius energy, Scorpio becomes friendlier, more outgoing, and more engaging. 

Related: Scorpio Personality Traits & Characteristics

You're Passionate
Jacob Lund via Shutterstock

Scorpio is a deep feeler with intense passions. Sagittarius is wildly enthusiastic about — well, everything, really. So on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, the blending of Scorpio's deeply intense nature with Sagittarius's labrador retriever energy means that when you're passionate about something, you're REALLY passionate about it. 

You're Not Super Diplomatic (or at All, Really) - Yuri A via Shutterstock

Scorpio keeps a lot of secrets, but they also tell it like it is. And Sagittarius energy pushes that even further. Sagittarius energy is well-meaning, but brutal honesty often pops out of their mouth before they've given it a thought.

So when you blend this verbal impulsivity (some might call it brutal bluntness) with Scorpio's tell-it-like-it is nature, you have someone who can be brutally (and even hurtfully) honest. Diplomacy? Not your strong suit when you're on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp.

You Want to Change the World - Yuri A via Shutterstock

The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is called "The Cusp of Revolution." This is the cusp where Scorpio's willpower, resolve, strategic thinking, and tenacity meet up with Sagittarius's optimism, vision, courage, and idealism. Scorpio-Sagittarians are mysterious, complex, formidable, never-say-die individuals who have a lust for life and will stand up and fight for their beliefs — the perfect combo to bring about change. 

You Have a Clear Vision of Your Future
Ann Rodchua

Scorpio-Sagittarians often live lives of tragedy and triumph. They want to change the world and are impassioned speakers who are intuitive, eagle-eyed, and farsighted, with unshakeable convictions. They are passionate individuals who call a spade a spade and want to learn and achieve more than anything. While not everyone may understand where they're coming from, Scorpio-Sagittarians are purposeful, inspired, and have a clear vision of their future.

You Live in the Moment

Jacob Lund via Shutterstock

Scorpio's emotional fixed water can be brought to a warm simmer, a rolling boil, or boiled over by Sagittarius's unpredictable mutable fire. However, if a Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp can balance these two very different energies, they'll combine emotional empathy with excitement, compassion with hopefulness, and depth with creativity and openness.

This combo gives a Scorpio-Sagittarian the ability to live in the moment, even when they're carrying a load of psychological baggage.

You Remain Optimistic Even in Challenging Circumstances

GaudiLab via Shutterstock

Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, renewal, and transformation, gifts Scorpios with the ability to survive and thrive. Mars is the planet of will, action, and valor and endows them with drive. Jupiter, the great benefic, blesses them with optimism and hope. The Moon reveals their need for belonging.

These three planets' influence gives a Scorpio-Sagittarius the ability to face tragedy while staying calm, focused, and optimistic, even in the most challenging situations. They're wise leaders who have an innate appetite to nurture and care for the world's weak and downtrodden.

You're Most Compatible With Gemini-Cancer Cusps
LightField Studios via Shutterstock

Scorpio-Sagittarius individuals need a partner who is as revolutionary, passionate, intelligent, and fearless as they are themselves. They are loyal and committed to their partner and family, but the commitment must be balanced with freedom.

Probably the best match for a Scorpio-Sagittarius is someone born on the Gemini-Cancer cusp. These individuals are charming, intelligent, emotionally available, have bubbly personalities, and are also committed to home and family. All in all, these two have many relationship needs in common.

Celebs on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

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Joe Biden was born November 20, 1942, with his Sun at 27°34" Scorpio. Biden is a quintessential example of an emotionally sensitive and farsighted Scorpio-Sagittarian who has lived a life of tragedy and triumph.

Other Scorpio-Sagittarians:

  • Mark Ruffalo: Born November 22, 1967, Sun 29°33" Scorpio
  • Charles de Gaulle: Born November 22, 1890, Sun 29°50" Scorpio
  • Oscar Pistorius: Born November 22, 1986, Sun 29°44" Scorpio
  • Goldie Hawn: Born November 21, 1945, Sun 28°55" Scorpio
  • Björk: Born November 21, 1965, Sun 28°50" Scorpio
  • Jamie Lee Curtis: Born November 22, 1958, Sun 29°53" Scorpio

Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Is the Cusp of Revolution

Ground Picture via Shutterstock

With your deep empathy, strong values, and overwhelming enthusiasm, you're a true revolutionary at heart. When you're born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, you have all the raw materials to bring about revolutionary change — in your life or in the world at large. 

Born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: Everything You Need to Know