The Capricorn Man: Everything to Know About the Sea-Goat

Have a Capricorn man in your life? Here's why you're really lucky to have him.

Updated September 6, 2024
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Do you have a Capricorn man in your life? If so, he's probably someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone and an eye on his wallet, his competition, and his level of success. These are well-known and nearly universal Capricorn male behaviors, but he's more than just super ambitious, successful, and a hard worker. A Capricorn man is also highly sensitive and a family man through and through. 

What Capricorn Men Are Like
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Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn, and its main symbol is the mythological sea-goat. To fully understand a Capricorn male, you need to know what these say about his behavior.

Aspect Capricorn Traits
Traits from earth sign
  • Steady and solid
  • Ambitious
  • Honest
  • Hardworking
  • Logical
  • Pragmatic
  • Courageous
  • Loyal
Traits from cardinal sign
  • Motivated
  • Restless
  • High achieving
  • Driven
  • Independent
  • Creative
Traits from sea-goat
  • Sensitive
  • Ambitious
Traits from Saturn
  • Authority figure
  • Father energy
  • Taskmaster
  • Self-reliant
  • Determined
  • Strong

Capricorn Men Are Ambitious
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Capricorn's many influences make him one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac. Capricorn men are grounded, practical, and in control of their emotions, and they steadily move toward one success after the other.

Like goats, they're sure-footed, steady, dogged, and take pleasure in climbing the roughest terrains to reach the pinnacle of success. Capricorn men yearn to see the world from the top down and work hard to ensure their dreams come true.

They Can Be Materialistic
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Earth signs tend to be materialistic, and Capricorn men are no exception. Success is the name of life's game for Capricorn men, and they want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. In today's modern world, that can mean driving an expensive car or living in a posh neighborhood. Still, a Capricorn man isn't really concerned with status or money except as recognition and reward for his hard work.

Related: Capricorn Personality Traits & Characteristics

Capricorn Men Crave Security
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Capricorn, like Cancer (its opposite sign), craves security. Still, unlike Cancer, who finds this security in home and family, a Capricorn finds it in success after success. A Capricorn man feels secure knowing that he can and has achieved and accomplished and can take care of himself and his family.

They Are Reserved Yet Sensitive
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Capricorn men are emotionally reserved, calm, serious, hardworking, ambitious, driven, take charge, and career-orientated individuals. Still, they have a surprisingly soft side. However, their sensitivity and compassion are often deliberately tucked away and hidden from view — unless you're a trusted friend, lover, or family member.

Capricorn Men Make Attentive & Loving Partners
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Capricorn men readily express their love and can be incredibly romantic. Still, his actions speak louder than his words. These guys will show their love and affection by being uber-attentive, caring, giving, and loyal. A Capricorn man is not a playboy. He's a traditional man in romance and love — his goal is marriage, family, and home.

They Tear It Up in the Sack - Yuri A via Shutterstock

While Capricorn men may appear stoic, they are actually exceptionally sexual and passionate. These are sensitive, sensual, and physical guys who take love and making love very seriously. Again, like their symbol, the sea-goat, Capricorn men are "randy as a goat," and they can immerse themselves completely in the emotions of sexual passions.

They Are Loyal Family Men
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A Capricorn husband and father has unbreakable loyalty and an iron-clad determination to secure a comfortable life for his partner and family. He wants to fulfill his partner's dreams and give his kids the protection and affection he felt a lack of when he was a kid. He's a man who understands what it means to love, support, and cherish forever.

Capricorn Men Make Fabulous Friends
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You're lucky if a Capricorn man considers you his friend because you won't find a better one. These guys are loyal and will stick with you through thick and thin and always seem to be there to help when you're having problems. Plus, they have a fun and crazy side that comes out around their friends.

They're Observers of Life
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A Capricorn man is a bit of a loner who often remains quietly on the periphery. He is an observer of life who enjoys socializing but is also dignified, calm, quiet, relaxed, and always has his eyes open for opportunities.

They Take a Cautious & Thoughtful Approach to Life
Miljan Zivkovic via Shutterstock

A Capricorn man avoids missteps by being cautious and thoughtful. He always tries to make the best and right decision in all circumstances, and when his decision is made, he's all in, and there's little that will deter him.

A Capricorn Guy's Greatest Strengths
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Understanding a Capricorn man is no easy feat. However, some things, like Capricorn's loyal and steadfast dedication to achieve their goals and meet their commitments, are the mainstays of their personalities. Whether it's work, family, or romance-oriented, you can count on a Capricorn man to be there in the end.

Capricorn Men's Biggest Weaknesses
YURII MASLAK via Shutterstock

Though Capricorn men have many wonderful traits, perhaps their most significant weakness is an inability to be vulnerable and a penchant for bottling up their feelings in an effort to protect themselves.

Capricorn Men Are Worth Getting to Know
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There's so much to love about a Capricorn man. Whether he's your friend, partner, or co-worker, Capricorn guys are people you'll want on your side. 

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The Capricorn Man: Everything to Know About the Sea-Goat