13 Ways to Attract a Pisces Man

If you want to attract a Pisces man, you'll need to let your softer side show. Be yourself, but keep in mind these ways to make him more interested in you.

Updated May 21, 2024
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So you have your eye on a Pisces man. We get it. Pisces men are dreamy and romantic, and there's just something about them. If you have your sights set on this dreamy guy, we have tips for how to attract a Pisces man. 

How to Attract a Pisces Man

Since Pisces men can be a bit emotional and withdrawn from the world, they need partners who can help balance these tendencies. Such individuals should be able to draw them out into the world without forcing them to face reality and help them strike a balance between being totally exposed and withdrawing into their emotional cave.

Learn His Interests

Romantic Pisces men are looking for a soulmate — someone who can be there for them physically, mentally, and emotionally. They want a partner who's interested in art, spirituality, music, and all the other immersive experiences. For someone to attract a Pisces man, they should be interested in the same things.

Related: Pisces Compatibility & Best Matches for Love

Be Creative

Pisces are extremely creative, and they need someone they can be comfortable and creative with. Creativity plays a huge role in a relationship with a Pisces, but it can only unfold when your Pisces man is comfortable with you. If you can show him that he can trust you, he'll open up emotionally and shower you with affection.

Be Gentle

Pisces males are pensive creatures with a low tolerance for loud and garish displays. A sweet demeanor is key to winning their affection.

Be Open-Minded

Pisces is a considerate sign. Firm or extreme opinions don't help to keep the peace. Even if you feel strongly regarding an issue, it helps to not force your opinions on a Pisces man and hear him out when he has opinions. 

Be Generous

Be generous, giving, and helpful. Like Cancer, Pisces embodies charity. He seeks an equally helpful mate.

Be Sensual and Affectionate

The water signs are heavily driven by intuition and sensuality. Pisces requires a very profound connection with his partner in order to feel complete. Shared sensuality is a great way to seduce a Pisces man. 

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Appreciate Art

Pisces embodies the artistic temperament and is naturally drawn to art in all forms. Showing an interest can increase your commonalities and feed his fantasies.

Be Genuine

Intuitive Pisces can spot artifice from miles away. Don't try to be something your not to attract a Pisces man. Be yourself. 

Be Compassionate

Pisces men have deeply compassionate hearts, and they appreciate a partner who also cares about others. Show your genuine compassion in your thoughts, words, and deeds. 

Have a Sense of Humor

Pisces may be a compassionate and gentle soul, but he loves to laugh just as much as the next guy. So don't be afraid to share your sense of humor with a Pisces man you're attracted to.

Be a Good Listener

Pisces men have a lot of feelings. And if he's sharing his feelings with you, it shows that he trusts you. So take the time to hear what he has to say and show him you understand by using great communication and listening skills. 

Don't Gossip

Pisces men are essentially dreamers. They like living in their own world and being detached from all the day-to-day drama that people carry around with them. If you start off a conversation by talking about the latest celebrity gossip, your Pisces man will instantly tune out. The same goes for the stock market, the evening news, or career development. It's not that Pisces are ignorant — they just have deeper subjects to think about.

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Igor Alecsander/ iStock via Getty Images

Don't Be Cruel

The worst thing you can do around Pisces men is to be cruel to others. They are very generous and helpful, and they look for similar qualities in a mate. They will go out of their way to help other people and are turned off by those who don't have the same desire to serve.

Avoid Being Judgmental

Being closed-minded is another turn-off. With their detached viewpoint, Pisces men see people as equally valuable. They attract a wide range of friends from all backgrounds. If you're going to be with a Pisces man, you shouldn't be judgmental.

How to Make a Pisces Man Want You

Make sure he dives into deep waters. The key to luring a Pisces man truly lies in the depth and passion of your personality. Unlike other signs that may be blinded by beauty alone, Pisces is interested in looking into your soul and seeing what lurks there. If a Pisces man falls in love with you, congratulations! This means that he has looked past the physical straight into your heart, and, happily, he likes what he sees!

13 Ways to Attract a Pisces Man