21 Things to Say on the First Birthday After the Death of a Loved One

It's even more important to send a friend birthday wishes during a sad time, and we've got tips to help.

Updated May 3, 2024
woman embracing her daughter
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We know it can feel strange to wish someone a "happy" birthday after a friend or family member has just passed away. The first birthday after the death of a loved one can be a really sad time, but you can make things just a little bit brighter by showing you remember and care.

While the standard "happy birthday" might not work here, there are ways to acknowledge your friend or family member's special day with sensitivity. It's all about keeping the emotional complexity of the situation in mind.

How to Wish Someone a Happy Birthday After a Death in the Family

It can feel difficult to know how to wish a bereaved person a happy birthday. While everyone is different, it's always best to err on the more sensitive side after a loss. We like messages that focus on thinking of the person, rather than expecting them to have a specific emotional response to their birthday. Try one of these.

  • I'm thinking of you today and sending you lots of birthday love.
  • On this day, I just need you to know how special you are and how many people love you.
  • I know that this birthday may be a difficult one for you, and I wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you today.
  • I know how hard this past year has been for you. I wanted to let you know that you are an amazing friend and deserve to be celebrated today.
  • Sending you love on your birthday. I wish I could be with you today.
  • I know this may be a really hard day for you, but I need you to know I'm so glad you were born.
  • Milestones like birthdays are always hard after we lose people, but you should know how special you are to me.
  • Thinking of you on your birthday. I love you so much.
  • I know this may be a difficult birthday for you, and I want you to know that I'm here for you.
  • I know you may have complicated feelings about your birthday this year, but please know I'm thinking of you today.
Quick Tip

Everyone has their own expectations when it comes to birthdays, as well as grief. If your friend or family member is still in the midst of grief, be there for them. If they want to celebrate in a small or big way, help them do so without judgment. Everyone processes grief differently, and birthdays may or may not be triggering depending on the individual.

Birthday Wishes for Someone Grieving a Specific Loss

If you're close to the person, it's always good to tailor your birthday wishes to the specific loss they've experienced. You can use the person's name or simply talk about the relationship.

Birthday Wishes After the Death of a Parent

Celebrating a birthday without a parent can feel really sad, so it's good to reach out on this day. If you're not sure what to say in a birthday card or text, try one of these.

  • I know you may be thinking of your father today. We all miss his amazing presence and are sending you bunches of love on your birthday.
  • Thinking of you today on your birthday. Your mom loved you so much.
  • Today is an important day, even though it may be hard to experience it without your dad. Just wanted you to know how special you are to me.
  • I know today may be bringing up memories of your mom. I'm thinking of you on your birthday and am here for you if you need anything.

Birthday Messages After the Loss of a Spouse

Losing a spouse is one of life's greatest challenges, and celebrating a birthday without a life partner can feel especially hard. Reach out and let friends and family know you're thinking of them with a special message.

  • While you may be thinking of your partner today, I want to tell you just how loved you are. I hope you experience some special moments on your birthday. I know this day isn't the same without Jim, but I want you to know I love you. You're very special.
  • I'm thinking of you today on your birthday. I know it's going to be different this year, and if there's anything I can do, please reach out.
  • Just wanted you to know you're amazing. Kelly always said she was lucky to have you in her life, and that's how everyone who knows you feels.

Birthday Wishes After a Sibling Has Passed Away

Siblings have a lifelong bond, and they're often a part of birthday celebrations from childhood. It can be especially painful to celebrate a birthday without a brother or sister, so send the person a message to let them know you care.

  • I realize your birthday may be bringing up memories of your little brother. I know today may be painful, but I am here for you and love you so much.
  • I imagine you may be thinking of your sister today and may be missing them a ton. I am here to support you. Let me know if it's okay to drop off something special for you today. I love you.
  • I know your birthday may be challenging this year without Joan. I just need you to know you're not alone and that you're special.
  • Your brother always knew how to make your birthday special, and I'm sure it's hard to be without him this year. I'm thinking of you and sending you love.

How to Give a Birthday Gift After a Loss

If you have a gift for a friend or family member on their birthday, you can mention it in your message. It's important to be flexible about timing, since they may not want to have visitors on their actual birthday. You can add any of these to your message on the first birthday after the death of a loved one.

  • Would you be okay with me dropping off a gift for you today or any other time this week?
  • I'd love to drop off some dinner or take you out to eat if you're up for it. You deserve a special moment today.
  • I'd love to drop off something special for you if you're comfortable with that.
  • I have a little gift for you today, but I'd be happy to drop it in the mail if you're busy.
woman embracing senior man
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What to Say on the Birthday of a Deceased Loved One

On the birthday of a deceased loved one, you can reach out to their close friends and family to let them know you are thinking of the person they lost, as well as of them on this day. You can consider saying something about a birthday in heaven if you know the person believes in an afterlife.

Related: 100+ Heavenly Birthday Quotes for Sisters, Brothers, Parents, & Loved Ones

  • I know today is (insert deceased individual's name) 's birthday. I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of them, especially on this day, and I'm here for you if you'd like to talk.
  • I know today may be a difficult day for you. I love you and am here for anything you need.
  • I am thinking of you and (insert deceased individual's name) today. Is there anything I can do for you today?
  • I know this is the first birthday since the loss of (insert deceased individual's name). I wanted to know if I could bring over some food for you today.
  • I'm sure your sister is having a happy birthday in heaven, but I know today may be hard for you here. If you'd like to get together or talk, please know I'm around and thinking of you.

Tips for Sharing Your Birthday Wishes

Birthdays can be a painful trigger for your loved one, so knowing when to say happy birthday is an important aspect of connecting with them thoughtfully.

  • Consider wishing your loved one a happy birthday privately, instead of via social media. Those who don't know what happened may see what you wrote and subsequently flood their social media pages with happy birthdays, which may feel triggering.
  • If you aren't one for words or would like to show your friend or family member that you're thinking of them on their birthday, you can consider sending them a gift. If you aren't sure what to get them, you can offer to drop off a special treat or birthday meal for them if they are comfortable with you doing so.
  • Besides letting a loved one know that you're thinking of them on their birthday, ask if you can spend time with them. Be there for them emotionally when you speak with them. While they may not want to celebrate their birthday this year, your support may help them feel loved during this painful time.

Let Them Know You're Thinking of Them on Their Birthday

It's just as important to give a family member or friend birthday wishes during a sad time as it is a happy one, and in many cases, it's even more meaningful. Letting a loved one know that you're thinking of them on their birthday can help them feel loved and supported on what might be a very difficult and triggering day for them.

21 Things to Say on the First Birthday After the Death of a Loved One