JasonDoiy / E+ / Getty boy holding American flag walking through cemetery
In the course of American history, there are many people who have given their lives for the freedom and safety of their country. The best Memorial Day pictures capture the feeling of remembering that sacrifice. When you view these images, they communicate the real reason behind this late spring holiday.
Rick Berkowitz / Moment Mobile / Getty flags in front of gravestones
Memorial Day didn't officially become a holiday until 1971, but Americans have a long history of honoring military sacrifice. After the Civil War, people began celebrating Decoration Day to honor those who had sacrificed their lives in battle. Now, volunteers place flags on the graves of fallen servicepeople from all wars, including those who fought in the Revolutionary War. Images of flags on the graves of Revolutionary War soldiers are among the most patriotic and powerful.
Peter Garrard Beck / The Image Bank / Getty war veteran photos
Memorial Day is a good time to discuss the sacrifices family members have made over the years. Pictures are an important way to do this, since they can spark stories and memories about those who are gone. If you have photographs of servicepeople from previous generations, consider getting them out and talking about them together on this day.
CatLane / E+ / Getty military dog tags and US flag
For those who have experienced a more recent loss, Memorial Day can offer a chance to mourn and remember. Many families make annual trips to cemeteries to place flags and flowers on the graves of those they have lost in battle. Memorial Day photographs of these tributes can be especially moving.
Memorial Day Pictures Can Be Poignant
RealPeopleGroup / iStock via Getty Images
Memorial Day has personal significance for many service members. They may have lost friends and colleagues in battle, so the holiday can take on a deeper meaning. While they may appear sad, Memorial Day pictures that show soldiers mourning are very human and poignant. They can be effective at communicating this sacrifice to the public.
Anonymous images that show sacrifice without showing faces can also be extremely powerful. These anonymous images let the viewer step into the scene and feel empathy for those pictured.
Willowpix / E+ / Getty WWII and Korean Conflict USA Military Veteran At Home
Even after time has passed, many veterans still spend Memorial Day honoring other soldiers who have died. If you know an older veteran, it may be helpful if you're available to listen and look at pictures on this day.
Throughout history, there have been situations where fallen soldiers could not be identified. There are also circumstances where the family has no body or ashes to bury. Memorial Day offers a time to honor those who are unknown, and images of flags and flowers on the graves of unknown soldiers can be very powerful.
Karol Franks / Moment / Getty Los Angeles National Cemetery
Some of the most powerful Memorial Day photographs show the scope of the sacrifice. A seemingly limitless cemetery with fluttering American flags helps convey how many soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Memorial Day Images Can Show Intimate Detail Too
Leekris / iStock via Getty Images
Just as showing scope is important, intimate details like the boots of a fallen soldier can help people understand the personal nature of this sacrifice. This closer view also inspires empathy.
Ashley L Duffus / Moment / Getty red poppies in field
Although flags are part of many Memorial Day photos, another important symbol for this holiday is the poppy. You'll see poppies on some graves, and many people wear poppies to show they are remembering those who have died in battle.
In addition to poppies and flags, one of the most significant symbols of Memorial Day is the playing of Taps. Sometimes, people honor the sacrifices of soldiers by having a moment of silence and playing Taps on a bugle. This can be a unique Memorial Day image that really captures the spirit of the holiday.
Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Washington Monument in Washington D.C.
Although Americans may be divided in a number of ways, Memorial Day offers a time for people to come together to honor the sacrifices made for them. Great images show the unity the holiday provides and communicate why we celebrate Memorial Day in the first place.