Coping with loss can be very difficult, but it's important not to bottle up your feelings. Reading a thoughtful poem about losing a sibling, losing a parent, losing another loved one, or perhaps even writing one of your own, can help you express your grief and begin working through it.
Poems About Grieving
Whether you're struggling with the loss of a close family member, friend, or beloved pet, these poems may bring you some comfort and peace. Examples of touching and poignant poems may help you cope when dealing with your grief over time.
My Constant Companion
By Kelly Roper
Grief is my companion,
It takes me by the hand,
And walks along beside me
in a dark and barren land.
How long will this lonesome journey last,
How much more can my weary heart bear?
Since your death, I've been lost in the fog,
Too burdened with sorrow and care.
People tell me my sadness will fade,
And my tears will reach their end.
Grief and I must complete our journey,
And then maybe I'll find happiness again.
Grief Haiku
By Kelly Roper

Grief pours like water
Draining my heart and my soul
Leaving me empty...
Poem About Grief and Healing
By Michele Meleen
Like the tides of the ocean,
ebbing and flowing,
growing stronger and weaker
grief moves forward and back
in my life.
Like the moon in the sky,
waxing and waning,
growing thicker and thinner
healing moves forward and back
in my life.
Words of Comfort for a Grieving Friend
By Michele Meleen
When the deep, dark clouds of grief
come rolling through your mind,
turn on your internal lighthouse
and I'll find you there my friend.
Inspiring Poem About Grief
By Michele Meleen
As the shadow that walks
beside you every day,
grief can be your partner
in good times and in bad.
Your shadow looks dark
but it reacts to light
showing you when the sun is high.
It walks with you
and reflects who you are,
not a burden, but
a partner to walk beside.
Poems for Losing a Parent
For the most part, everyone will experience the loss of a parent at some time in his or her life. The death may be sudden, or the parent may pass away after a long illness. Grief poems for mothers and poems in memory of a dad can help ease the pain, even if only for a short time.
Grief Poem for Mom
By Michele Meleen
Dear Matriarch, Dear Mom,
You left your mark,
a map to lead me home.
I see the paths
and read the words,
but my compass is broken.
Grief has stolen
my Magnetic North
spinning the arrow
round and round.
How will I ever
find my way home
without your
hand to guide?
Grief Poem for Dad
By Michele Meleen
My fortress has crumbled,
it lies in a heap of stones.
There's no hope of rebuilding
my Dad has come and gone.
I think I'll sit awhile
and stare at these stark ruins.
The dirt and dust still settle
on my hunched shoulders.
I'm vulnerable and open
without a safe place to hide.
My dad's loving memory
can't save me deep inside.
Loss of a Child Poems
It has been said there is no greater pain than the loss of a child. It doesn't matter if that child was still in the womb or 50 years old; the loss and pain will always stay with that parent. Some poignant poems about losing a child include those for mothers, fathers, and siblings.
My Grief Lives Longer Than You
By Michele Meleen
My baby you
should have lived
longer than me.
But, now my grief
lives longer than you.
Poems About the Loss of a Spouse, Friend or Companion

When your friend, lover, spouse or companion dies, a bit of you dies as well because this was the person you shared everything with, including your thoughts, desires, and dreams. Bereavement poems can capture this type of grief well.
They Say I Should Be Over It
By Michele Meleen
They say you were just a friend,
not a parent, child or lover.
They say my grief should be short,
not long, painful and lonely.
They say I should be over it,
but your death haunts me every day.
Holiday Grief Poems
Coping with grief during holidays can be even more difficult because these days are all about spending time with loved ones. Whether it's a poem about grief in the new year or on a birthday, holiday grief poems capture your feelings and help you find some joy in these special occasions.
My Holiday Without You Haiku
By Michele Meleen
Barren, sad, and dull
My every holiday now
lonely without you.
Pet-Related Loss Poems
For many people, their pets are like children. There is a bond and a friendship so deep that those who do not have pets can hardly understand. Grieving pet owner poetry might include animal themes or a religious tone such as a Christian perspective on the loss of a pet.
I Miss My Furry Friend
By Kelly Roper
Your footprints used to muddy my floor,
Now that you're gone, I'll see them no more.
They trail up the stairs to Heaven's gate,
Leaving me behind and filled with heartache.
You were more than a pet, my dear old friend,
Yet I knew that your life would eventually end.
The day that I've dreaded has come and gone,
I feel so alone, and the days seem so long.
Sometimes I think I can feel you near,
And if I listen closely, just maybe I'll hear
The sound of you barking, play growling and such.
The truth is I just miss you so very much.
How long will it take for my broken heart to mend?
When will I be ready for a new furry friend?
The answers to these questions I truly don't know,
I just know I'm not ready yet to let you go.
More Poems About Grief
Losing someone you care about is never easy. Grief looks different for each person, so look for poems that support your unique journey with grief.
- Sad poems on death focus on the worst feelings associated with a loss.
- People from different cultural backgrounds can find comfort in ethnic poems related to grieving.
- Famous poems about death and grief often capture universal feelings.
- Mourn the loss of a brother and your grief through poems about big brothers or little brothers.
- Grief, sadness, and hope can all be topics for poems about the loss of a sister.
- Poems in memory of a grandfather often pay tribute to these special men.
- Express your grief over the loss of the family matriarch with funeral poetry and Bible verses for grandmothers.
Grieving Takes Time
Grieving through poetry can help you release your feelings in times of sadness, but grieving still takes time. Losing a loved one is never easy, so give yourself as much time as you need to heal.