Simple Graveside Service Program Templates & Outline

Sometimes, a gravesite service is the best way to say good-bye. Our outline and template can guide you through planning.

Updated August 22, 2024
graveside service
RubberBall Productions / Brand X Pictures via Getty Images

When you've lost a loved one, there's so much to do during a time when you already have a ton of stuff on your mind. So we're all for using a little bit of help — like a graveside service example to help you plan the perfect goodbye. Using a direct burial template can help with planning. You can use our sample gravesite service to get you started creating your own, or download and customize the printable templates to make things even easier.

Need to Know

A graveside service, sometimes called a "direct burial," provides a ceremony at the burial site. A funeral celebrant officiates, and the deceased is buried immediately following. Generally there is no visitation period and no embalming provided, so it's less expensive than a traditional funeral. Using a program for the service creates a memory for the future.

Sample Graveside Service

The order of service at the graveside is brief. Several options can be included for services needing a military or civic organization recognition. You can use this outline as you plan your service.

  1. Opening reading or scripture
  2. Invocation or moment of silence
  3. Reading of obituary
  4. Eulogy
  5. Benediction

Opening Reading or Scripture

Whether it's words from the Bible or a comforting poem, an opening reading sets the tone and offers words of solace. If the service is nonreligious, there are a number of secular funeral poems that share comforting words, or you can even use meaningful song lyrics. If the service is religious, you can choose a Bible verse that was a favorite of the deceased or their family or read a passage that's often read at funerals like any of the following. 

Related: 5 Poems for Different Kinds of Funeral Tributes

Invocation or Moment of Silence

The reading is usually followed by a prayer in a religious service, asking for God's blessing on the service and time together, and for His comfort for the family. Some non-religious services would insert a moment of silence here to transition into the reading of the obituary.

Reading of Obituary

The obituary is given at this point in the service, acknowledging respect for the deceased and condolences for the family. In some graveside services, the obituary is printed in the program rather than read aloud. If no reading of the obituary is given, it may be replaced by an additional scripture, poem, or a meaningful quotation.


At this point, the celebrant can give the eulogy, or a chosen person can do it, such as a family member, clergy, or friend. The eulogy for the graveside service is brief and respectful.


A final prayer or moment of silence concludes the ceremony. A formal dismissal is usually given, allowing time for the immediate family to have their final quiet moments before the burial.

Graveside Service Program Template Examples

Using a program for the service creates a tangible item that can be used during theproceedings, and then cherished as a memento. To prepare for using a graveside service program template: 

  • Secure a single photo of the deceased.
  • Have the dates of birth and death prepared for the front page.
  • The obituary is usually included on the left inside page with the outline of the service on the right inside page. The funeral director can provide you with a copy of the obituary.
  • The back page is reserved for a statement of thanks and a note concerning donations, if applicable.

To download the templates, click on the images below. These templates are fully customizable and you can include a photo of the deceased in the blank spaces provided. If you have any trouble with these PDF files, use our troubleshooting guide for assistance. 

Religious Graveside Service Program Template

View & Download

Non Religious Graveside Service Program Template

View & Download

Generic Graveside Service Program Template

View & Download

Characteristics of a Graveside Service

A graveside service features many characteristics of a traditional funeral service, but minimal and scaled back. These are some things you'll find for typical graveside services.

  • A visitation time or viewing is either very brief or not a part of the service.
  • The funeral celebrant can be a member of the clergy, the funeral director, or a family member or friend. The service is brief and requires less time.
  • Pallbearers are usually not needed. The casket is in place by the time people arrive.
  • One eulogy is delivered, rather than several.
  • There are fewer readings, scriptures, and prayers than at a funeral service.
  • Usually there are no flower arrangements, or at most one or two at the head and foot of the casket.
  • Musicians are usually not needed, with the exception of Taps played at a military service.
  • Photo or video tributes are not needed, as the location likely does not have the facilities for them.

A Respectful Time of Remembrance

The graveside service can be a meaningful ceremony to remember a deceased loved one in a respectful manner. Using a graveside service outline and program templates helps guide those attending and preserves the features of the ceremony.

Simple Graveside Service Program Templates & Outline