8 Colors + Their Spiritual Meanings & Uses

Color is more than just something pretty to look at. It's symbolically and energetically active and can provide deep information & insight.

Updated March 5, 2025
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Color has vibration and frequency. And since the entire universe is made up of vibrating energy, colors can have a spiritual meaning — particularly in things like the human energy field (auras and chakras), dreams, or even spirit orbs. 

When you understand the spiritual meanings of each color, you can interpret all sorts of things, from what it means to have certain colors in auras to symbolic messages from spirit that come in dreams or visions. So if you're noticing the sudden repetitive appearance of certain colors, it could contain information or a message. It can even help you choose energy healing therapies like crystals or color therapy that improve your own vibe and correct energy imbalances.

Common Spiritual Meanings of Primary Colors
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Red is the color of intense passion, and energetically it represents your root chakra. Red can infuse vitality and energize your spiritual nature. It can fuel your journey along the exciting inner path of self-discovery while supporting your desire to explore the depths of your spirituality. 

When you explore some of the modern spiritual meanings for the color red, you may be surprised how powerful the vibe actually is. The color often overwhelms people with its vigor and visual brilliance. Lighter tones of red can be a little less powerful and more gentle.

Because it's associated with the root chakra, red is also a grounding color, and it can help you tap into earth energy. It's a foundational color that's linked to who you are at your core — fear, passion, safety, and security.

Related: 4 Grounding Meditations & Why You Should Ground Yourself Regularly


Yellow is the color of joy, love, hope, and creativity. It's associated with the third chakra.

When you use yellow, you immediately feel how positive the color is. It's the symbol of sunlight, wisdom, and optimism. Yellow energy makes you feel free and provides you with divine inspiration. This may be the joy you feel when you tap into the stream of divine love. If you need an infusion of high spiritual energy, the color yellow will deliver for you.

The solar plexus chakra vibrates at a frequency that shows up as the color yellow. The energy of this chakra is all about self — willpower, self-confidence, self-worth, ego, and self-restraint. 


You may suddenly be drawn to the color blue as your spirituality grows. This color represents the sky and heaven. It's often used as the color that represents infinity and the desire to reach enlightenment.

Many intuitives, psychics, mediums, and healers are drawn to the color blue. It's not surprising since the eternal umbilical cord that connects each soul to divinity is blue. It's the stream that allows you to communicate and tap into the divine spirit world. Other symbolic meanings of blue include angels and truth.

Blue is also associated with the fourth chakra — the throat chakra. This is the seat of your creative expression, communication, truth, and integrity. It's also where things like judgment arise. 

Common Spiritual Meanings of Secondary Colors
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Green is the color of renewal, rejuvenation, healing, and rebirth. It's also associated with the heart chakra. Much of nature is green. In the energy field, green indicates someone who is a healer and/or has a deep spiritual tie to nature. If you find yourself drawn to the color green along your spiritual journey, you should celebrate how far you have advanced. In your spiritual journey, green arrives to announce a new path for you to choose. You are at a crossroads and must now rely on all you've learned to guide you in choosing the best direction to travel.

Green is also associated with the heart chakra, which is the seat of love and the bridge between your physical and spiritual self. 


Orange is considered the color of fire and is associated with the second chakra. It's a powerful color that inspires risk-taking and allowing yourself to embrace all of your emotional nature and carry it into a spiritual level, so you can achieve balance. If you only recently discovered your spiritual nature, you may be attracted to this color.

Orange is a highly charged color vibration that's undisciplined. You may be highly energized and motivated to explore your spirituality at a fast pace.

In your energy field, orange represents your sacral chakra. This is the seat of your sexual power and where you begin to recognize yourself as an individual and a member of a community. It's also where creative ideation is born.


Purple is a color of divinity and represents enlightenment. It's associated with the sixth chakra. Purple is also the color of cleansing of spirit and the connection with heaven or the spirit world. If you're drawn to the color purple, your personal energy is reflecting your spiritual nature that has become highly developed. This color vibration connects you directly to the spiritual realm of divinity.

Your third eye chakra vibrates as the color purple. Many people with psychic abilities or highly developed intuition have powerful third-chakra energy and purple in their aura. This chakra is also associated with reasoning, critical thinking, sleep, and dreams.


The color white is typically revered as the color of purity and is considered a holy color. It is a color that is associated with angelic beings and the light of the Divine. It represents purity, deep spirituality, and oneness and is a color often associated with angels.

White is the inclusion of all colors — it's the Source light that moves through a prism to split into all the colors that make up your energy field. This is why it's associated with Source energy and why white light is believed to be so cleansing and purifying.

Your seventh, or crown chakra, vibrates at white energy. This is where you connect with Divine energy and where the part of you that is pure spirit dwells. White can also represent communication with spirit guides and angels. 


Black is often considered a negative spiritual color, such as the dark and evil forces. However, in some religions, black takes on a different type of spiritual meaning that represents historical events. It can also represent your shadow self — that part of you that you hide because you find it unworthy.

Black can be protective, too. For example, crystal healers use black crystals to absorb negative energy, ground, and protect from negativity. 

A Spectrum of Spiritual Meaning

Color is infused with meaning, and it has spiritual, religious, and cultural significance beyond just looking pretty. By understanding the meanings behind each color, you can use it to receive guidance and balance your energy field. 

8 Colors + Their Spiritual Meanings & Uses