Heartfelt Poems to Celebrate Volunteers

Express gratitude to volunteers with touching and original poetry.

Updated February 10, 2025
Thank you

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Poetry captures emotions in ways that transcend mere words. So what better way of saying thanks to valued volunteers than with poems written especially for them? The following samples can help you figure out exactly what you want to say with your original poems.

Dedicated Hearts

Dedicated hearts like yours
Are not so easy to find.
It takes a special person to be
So generous and kind.

To care so much for your fellow man
Is a quality all too rare.
Yet you give of your time and talents,
For all in need to share.

So thank you for being a volunteer,
We're privileged to work with you.
We want you to know how appreciated you are,
Not just today, but the whole year through.

To Be a Volunteer

To be a volunteer, it takes...

Generosity, a willingness to give your time to others
Understanding, because their lives might be very different from your own
Empathy, an ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they must feel
Compassion, to truly care about making someone else's life better
Patience, because the process doesn't always go as smoothly as it might
Dedication, to stick with the project and see it through

You've shown these qualities and so much more, so thank you for all that you do.

Everyday Heroes

Volunteer holding elderly person's hand

Here's to the everyday heroes,
The volunteers who do what they can,
To ease the suffering of others,
And be of service to their fellow man.

May they know the true satisfaction
That comes from helping others
Less fortunate than themselves,
But no less their sisters and brothers.

May they feel the gratitude in our hearts
For all of the good that they've done.
The appreciation that we all feel for them
Is truly second to none.

Thanks for the Difference You've Made

Because of you...

Someone will have enough to eat tonight.
Someone will have decent clothes to wear.
Someone will have shelter.
Someone will receive medical care.
Someone will learn the skills they need to survive and succeed.
Someone knows there's at least one person in this world who cares.

This world is a better place because you volunteered, and we thank you for it.

Shake a Volunteer's Hand

Shaking a volunteer's hand

Volunteers are a very special breed.
They're not afraid to step in when they see the need.

They're always willing to lend a hand,
To lift someone up who's sinking in quicksand.

They always have something encouraging to say,
And they manage to say it in the kindest way.

They share their skills, talents and time.
And in return, they don't ask for a dime.

So the next time you meet with some volunteers,
Shake their hands, and let them know you're happy they're here.

Show Your Gratitude

It has been said many times that actions speak louder than words. In addition to using poems to honor your volunteers, be sure to let them know in other ways how valuable their services are. You can honor them by taking them out to lunch or a special event, or list their names on a public display to highlight their achievements. Most people volunteer because they want to be of service to others, and they're not seeking recognition, but giving them that public acknowledgement is still a nice touch.

Heartfelt Poems to Celebrate Volunteers