11 Things Having an Indigo Aura Could Reveal About You

If you have a lot of (or a little) indigo in your aura, these are some common traits that you may possess.

Updated February 28, 2025
Indigo Aura Meaning

If you have psychic abilities, there's a good chance there's indigo in your aura. This color aura shows a deep level of spirituality and a mature connection to the Divine, where you receive spiritual and practical guidance. So if part or all of your aura is indigo, it could show a lot about you. 

Indigo Aura Meaning Infographic
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You're in the Midst of a Spiritual Awakening

An indigo aura often appears as you undergo a spiritual awakening. These events usually happen over a long period and with a lot of Divine guidance, and indigo is the color of Divine guidance and the third eye chakra (which is where you receive the guidance). So, people who are receiving a lot of intuitive information often have indigo in their auras as Spirit guides them towards a higher vibrational state. 

You're Empathic

Being an empath is a natural extension of an indigo aura. Most highly empathic people have at least some indigo in their auras, and many have a lot. Being an empath gives you a deeper understanding of your fellow humans, giving rise to compassion and spiritual growth. As your vibe rises, your indigo aura coloring grows deeper and more extensive.

You're Guided by an Inner Voice

You may suddenly realize that your perception and discernment are finely honed and accurate. You now understand what is meant by the intelligent mind and begin to listen to your inner voice above all else. You have clarity of any circumstance you encounter, and you can cut right to the heart of a matter without being distracted by chatter. 

You Can See and Read Auras

You are a natural psychic/medium/seer. You don't have to learn techniques to access information or see spirits. An open third-eye chakra gives you unlimited access to your abilities. You can see auras as well as read them, even long distance, since time and distance no longer prevent you from seeing, thanks to your third eye chakra.

You Have Psychic Abilities

People with all types of psychic abilities often have indigo in their aura. That's because your third eye region, where you receive psychic information, has an energetic vibration that reads as an indigo color. The stronger these abilities get, the more indigo appears in your aura.

Related: Tips for Channeling Your Psychic Abilities

You Can Access the Akashic Records

An indigo aura means you may be able to visit the Akashic depository, where the records of every soul and every event of all time are kept. This access allows you to help others understand their karma and life's purpose. Many refer to this as tapping into the collective consciousness of all humankind.

You're an Astral Traveler (or at Least Have the Ability to Be)

There are no boundaries for you. You can astral project at will or bypass it altogether and simply think about it, and you're transported to your destination in the spirit world.

You're Wise

You are kind and sincere. You give the impression of a sage full of loving energy. Your love for life and knowledge is evident to all who know you.

You're Seek Divine Knowledge

You're a devoted student of understanding your purpose. You easily pull back the curtain that separates the human soul from its creator. This aura color indicates you're connected to the wellspring of Divine knowledge, and you're eager to share what you know with others.

female touching chakra on forehead
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You're Easygoing

Your personality is very easygoing. You don't have any hidden agendas or play games. You view the world and everyone very clearly, and you're an open book. All anyone needs to do is ask, and you're eager to share your knowledge.

You Get Distracted Easily

It's easy to become distracted and not be in the present, especially when you are living in two worlds simultaneously. You can miss out on a lot of nuances in your relationships if you aren't in the present. You can learn to turn off the noise, so you can be 100% focused on what's going on around you.

Need to Know

The clarity and shade of the indigo in your aura can give you further insight. The clearer the indgo, the more clearly you'll hear Divine messages. The more vibrant the indigo, the more the universe is inviting you to put this energy to work in your life. 

Indigo Indicates Messages From the Divine

If you have an indigo aura, in one way or another, you're receiving messages from the Divine. Whether you choose to listen to those messages or what you choose to do with them is entirely up to you. 

11 Things Having an Indigo Aura Could Reveal About You