Where to Donate Stuffed Animals and Make a Child Smile

Check out these places to donate stuffed animals and share some joy with a child in need.

Updated November 18, 2023
handing teddy bear to a child
Hakase_ / iStock via Getty Images

Donating stuffed animals is a great way to clear out items that are no longer being used and to pass them along to children who may really appreciate this type of gift. If you are wondering where to donate plush toys, there are plenty of great options around the nation and your community where you can drop off your donations.

Places to Donate Stuffed Animals

When you're donating used or new stuffed animals, be sure to check the specific company's guidelines to ensure that your stuffed animals are appropriate to give. 

Stuffed Animals for Emergencies

This 501c3, otherwise known as SAFE, accepts both gently used and new stuffed animals, like teddy bears, for children who have recently experienced a natural disaster or emergency. If the stuffed animal is gently used, it will need to be washed appropriately according to their cleaning guidelines.

SAFE lists locations throughout the country that are updated frequently. If interested in donating, you can either drop off your stuffed animals or ship them to one of the locations listed where they are needed.

giving a stuffed bear
Dusan Stankovic/ E+ via Getty Images

Donation Town

Donation Town is an organization that helps connect individuals throughout the country with non-profit charities that will pick up your donations to deliver to those in need. Donations being requested include stuffed animals that are gently used and cleaned or new stuffed animals.

Ronald McDonald House Charities

The Ronald McDonald House accepts toys, including stuffed animals, but only if they are new. They will not accept any gently used toys or stuffed animals. 

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots accepts new stuffed animals and toys only. They will not accept used stuffed animals. To locate your nearest drop-off point, they have a search on their website where you can narrow down by state and then city to find options that are close to you.

Children's Hospitals

Children's hospitals may accept donations, but keep in mind that they will likely have specific instructions that need to be adhered to before donating. Most hospitals will also only accept new stuffed animals for hygienic reasons.

If you are interested in donating to your local children's hospital, be sure to check in on their website, or speak to someone to ensure that your donation meets their specific requirements.

child in hospital with stuffed animal
FatCamera/ E+ via Getty Images
Need to Know

Donating stuffed animals is extremely impactful. These plush toys can provide feelings of comfort, safety, and connection. For children who have experienced traumas, stuffed animals may be one of the only constants in a chaotic moment in their lives.

Where to Donate Used Stuffed Animals

Used stuffed animals can be donated to SAFE, as well as through some organizations found on Donation Town. You may also check with your local homeless shelters and safe houses to see if they can accept these types of donations.

Churches and animal shelters are other great places to donate stuffed animals. Just make sure to call and see what types of these plush toys they accept.

Tips for Donating Old Stuffed Animals

Old stuffed animals can be donated to some locations if they are still in good condition and cleaned before donating. It's best to check in with the specific organization you are interested in donating to before dropping off any used stuffed animals.

Donation Town can connect you with organizations that can pick up your donations. You can also contact the Salvation Army, who will pick up donations in some areas.

stuffie donation
Crispin la valiente/ Moment via Getty Images
Quick Tip

If used stuffed animals aren't accepted, you might consider selling your collection and using the money to buy new stuffies to donate instead. For example, learning how to sell Beanie Babies is one option you might try if you have a collection you don't wish to keep anymore.

Donating Stuffed Animals Can Make a Difference in a Child's Life

Donating stuffed animals is a wonderful way to gift a child something special that your family is no longer using or needing. Be sure to check regulations before donating your stuffed animals as each donation facility will have different guidelines they abide by.

Where to Donate Stuffed Animals and Make a Child Smile