Haitian Culture: Understanding Family Values and Beliefs

Updated September 21, 2021
Haiti family in front of home
MoMo Productions / Stone via Getty Images

Like much of the Caribbean, Haitian culture is a unique mix of European, West African, and Latin American influences. The history and geography of this collection of islands help shape the rugged culture. Find out what makes Haiti one-of-a-kind through an exploration of the cultural values and traditions.

Basic Haitian Culture and Values

Haitian culture developed mostly out of slavery, poverty, and hardship, so personal relationships are important. The history of the country shapes everything from language to food.

Brief Haitian History

Haiti, an independent Caribbean nation, shares the second largest island with the Dominican Republic. Ninety-five percent of Haitians are of African descent because the island was originally used as a port for the North American and South American slave trading industry. The Spanish first colonized Haiti, then the French, before gaining independence. So, you'll see those influences in their modern culture.

Dominican Republic and Haiti
KeithBinns / E+ via Getty Images

Haitian Language

French and Haitian Creole are the official languages of Haiti, setting them apart from other Caribbean nations. While Creole is the preferred spoken language among most Haitians, French is used often for writing and formal circumstances.

Traditional Haitian Values

Since many Haitians live in rural areas and Haiti is considered one of the poorest nations in the world, traditional and communal values take center stage. The median age of the country is 24 years old, which shapes some cultural beliefs. Common Haitian values include:

  • Hospitality
  • Friendly and expressive nature
  • Obedience of elders
  • Respect for family
  • Embracing Haitian culture
  • Working together

Haitian Culture Relationships

Reputation in Haiti is important. It can affect your status in Haitian culture and determine the level of respect you gain from society. Families are viewed as one large unit. So, the wrongdoings of the child can affect the perceptions of the family as a whole. This can extend to parents, grandparents, and other extended family members.

Haitian Food

Plantains, bananas, corn, yams, and rice are staples grown in Haiti. Their main cash crops, though, are arabica coffee and sugarcane. Haitians prefer to cook with local spices whenever they can. Thyme, anise, black pepper, oregano, and cloves are local favorites. You can regularly find shaved ice and fritay or fried pieces of pork or plantains at corner stands.

Man Holding Cacao Beans
Ernesto Bafile / EyeEm / EyeEm via Getty Images

Haitian Music and Dance

Merengue is a popular musical style developed in Haiti. Rap, hip-hop, and reggae-inspired political music are also popular. These styles of music help shape the Haitian dance style, which tells stories and promotes fellowship.

  • Compas dance originated in Haiti and is similar to merengue dancing, only slower.
  • The Rara Festival is a unique event from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday about getting everyone to dance.
  • Yanvalou is an African dance that's popular in Haiti and performed as a group prayer.

General Haitian Family Structure and Values

Most Haitians place great importance on family life, no matter what class they belong to. Family comes first, above work or other responsibilities.

Hatian family values
Juanmonino / iStock via Getty Images

Urban Haitian Family Life

Middle-and upper-class Haitians often live in urban environments, celebrate formal marriages, and have family values similar to modern American values. The upper classes in urban areas live very different lifestyles from the lower classes in urban areas. Upper-class people may have cars and live in mountainside villas. The lower classes live in unsafe structures made from found materials.

One of Haiti's biggest shantytowns
© Nina Dietzel / Moment via Getty Images

Rural Haitian Family Life

The lower socioeconomic class families often have plasaj, or common-law marriages, and live in more informal, extended-family environments. Houses are typically two-room dwellings made from mud and thatch. These homes do not have running water. Some of the houses are decorated in vibrant colors. Extended families often live in compounds following a male's lineage.

Haitian Men, Women, Family Gender Roles & Decision-Making

Both Haitian men and women work; however, their roles in the family are distinctly different.

  • In the family structure, men are considered the head of the house and are typically responsible for making money to support the family.
  • However, it is the women who are the decision-makers in a Haitian household.
  • While they have less equality in society, women typically make decisions for the family, especially the children.
  • Important decisions are also discussed with the elder family members as well.

Children in Haiti

A Haitian child is considered a gift from God. Haitian parents teach their young to protect the family structure and privacy. From a young age, children are taught to respect their elders, never show anger toward elders, and be obedient to community members. Children are required to go to school from ages six-twelve, but a lack of resources prevents many from attending at all.

Smiling kids
Juanmonino / E+ via Getty Images

Role of the Elderly in Haiti

In the traditional Haitian household, especially in the rural areas, the extended family lives together. This could mean they all live under the same roof or live in different structures on a shared property. The elderly are respected and thought to have wisdom and experience from which the rest of the family can learn. The senior generation is a regular part of daily life and usually helps raise the children.

Haitian Religions and Beliefs

Haiti does not recognize a single state religion. They take pride in allowing religious freedom. Three major practiced religions in Haiti include Catholicism, Protestantism, and Voodoo.

Catholicism in Haiti

Catholicism was first introduced to the island nation by the Spanish in the 1500s. The French Capuchins and Jesuits helped establish it as the main organized religion during that time period. Currently, nearly 80 percent of Haitians are Roman Catholic, according to WorldAtlas.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Cap Haitien
John Seaton Callahan / Moment Open via Getty Images

Haitian Voodoo

Vodou, or voodoo, is the oldest religion in Haiti and is frequently practiced alongside Christianity. The rituals in voodoo may seem odd or extreme to outsiders, but they all serve a purpose.

  • Practicing Voudons believe a life force connects all living beings, and everything and everyone has a spirit, including animals and elements in nature.
  • They also believe that the ancestors' spirits are with them, and they should be honored and respected.
  • One of the main components of this religion is the practice of healing rituals done by Voodoo priests or shamans.
  • Animal sacrifices are common as a way to replenish the universe's life-giving energy.
Voodoo Spiritual Woman Holding Snake
Bob Krist / The Image Bank via Getty Images

Haitian Superstitions

Most Haitians are superstitious and believe many events or occurrences are connected to future events and bring good or bad luck. Common superstitions include:

  • Many believe God decides health care decisions like pregnancy, so contraceptive use is low.
  • After birth, infants may wear special beads to ward off evil spirits and cloth around their middles for strong bodies.
  • Some Haitians will not allow their infant to cry at night because it is believed zombies will snatch their souls.
  • In one wedding superstition, a bride will use her thumb to block the wedding ring, going over her knuckle to avoid the man dominating the relationship.
  • People do not attend funerals if they are ill, to avoid the next one being their own.
  • It is believed if you eat the top of a grapefruit or watermelon, your mother will die.
  • One less serious superstition is, if you put something down with your left hand, you'll forget where you left it.

Adaptability of Haitian Culture

Why is culture so important? In 2010, many Haitians lost their homes, jobs, loved ones, and family members in the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake that left the small island country in shambles. Many turned to their faith to get through the tragedy. As Haiti continues to rebuild, family and religion have an even greater value in most Haitians' lives. Some Haitians have become more steadfast in their beliefs, while others have adopted new values and stronger religious views.

Haitian Culture: Understanding Family Values and Beliefs