40 Genuinely Nice Things to Say to People

Make the people in your life smile with these great compliments.

Published September 5, 2024
Happy friends meeting and hugging laughing very funny on the beach

Sometimes, making someone else's day is as simple as a few perfect words and a warm smile. From people you pass on the street to your closest friends and family, there are lots of nice things to say that can put some positivity in the world.

Good Compliments for Friends

Your friends are special. After all, you've chosen them in this life. Let them know with these nice things to say.

You're my chosen family.
  • I always love how you see things. I'm so lucky you share your perspective with me.
  • You're one of the strongest people I've ever met.
  • I love spending time with you. You're so warm and inclusive.
  • Thanks for being real with me. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.
  • No one cracks me up like you do.
  • There's no one I'd rather have in my corner when life gets rough.
  • You inspire me.
  • I love our conversations.
  • That ____ (outfit, top, etc.) looks amazing on you.
  • You always seem to know how to handle any situation.
  • I want you on my team for the next trivia night.
  • You're my chosen family.
Quick Tip

The key to a really good compliment is being genuine. Think about what you actually admire or appreciate about the person. Then tell them about it. We guarantee it will feel special.

Nice Things to Say to People in Your Family

The people who share your blood also deserve a few great compliments. We're all about the specific here — try to mention something that's unique about the person. Here are a few examples of nice things to say for inspiration.

If we weren't family, I'd want you as my friend.
  • Thank you for teaching me to ______ (sew, fish, cook, etc.).
  • Some of the best times I've had over the years have been hanging out with you at family events.
  • No one makes a ______ (hamburger, birthday cake, etc.) like you do.
  • Your example has always inspired me.
  • I'm so lucky to have you as a ______ (brother, mom, etc.).
  • You're one of the most loving people I know.
  • If we weren't family, I'd want you as my friend.
  • It's your love that keeps our family bonds so strong.
  • I love that we can have conversations where we don't always agree, but we're still always kind.
  • We have so much fun together.
  • You always make me laugh.

Related: 85 Family Quotes as Relatable as Relatives

Compliments for Romantic Partners

The best days are the ones we get to spend together.

I feel so seen with you.
  • You make me try harder at everything in my life.
  • Thank you for being so patient with me.
  • Talking to you always makes me feel better.
  • You're a really wonderful listener.
  • I feel so seen with you.
  • I love the way you view the world.
  • I always love to hear what you think about things.
  • Seeing you always makes my day so much better.
  • No matter how long we're together, you make my heart happy.
  • You're the sexiest person.

Nice Things to Say to Strangers or People You Just Met

You don't have to know people well to change their day for the better. The key to making a stranger feel special is to offer a genuine compliment about something you can observe. These are a few great options.

I really love your style.
  • I really love your style.
  • That's a great ____ (shirt, pair of shoes, etc.).
  • You have an awesome laugh.
  • Your smile is amazing.
  • You have great taste!
  • It's been really interesting chatting with you.
  • Thanks for taking the time to help me out. It means a lot.

Base Your Compliment on Real and Specific Qualities

Whether you're talking to someone you know well or someone you just passed on the street, a good compliment is all about being real and specific. People respond when you say nice things that feel genuine, so base your words on your observation. We promise you'll get a smile in response.

40 Genuinely Nice Things to Say to People