Our Pro Tips to Write a Meaningful Love Letter (That Doesn't Sound Like AI)

The perfect love letter doesn't sound like it was written by software pretending to be Shakespeare; it sounds like it was written by you.

Published January 29, 2025
Dreaming beautiful hipster girl looking away while resting
GaudiLab via Shutterstock

You know how you feel about your person, but putting those feelings into words can feel a little tricky. Sure, you could get AI to help you write a love letter, but we all know that's not going to be as special as the real thing. The truth is, a personalized love letter is one of the sweetest, most meaningful things you can give someone you care about, and writing it actually isn't that hard.

Get Specific About What You Love

Any chatbot can give you a generic love letter, but it's the specifics that provide the human touch. Take a few minutes to think about exactly what makes you smile when you're with this person. Is it the way they change their order every time they're at a restaurant? What about how they always jump when something scary happens on TV?

Make a little list (we're talking just four or five items) of the totally adorable characteristics that are unique to your person. You can use these throughout your letter to make it super personal and special.

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Think About a Funny Moment and What It Taught You

You might not think that a love letter should be funny, but trust us — humor can be pretty charming. It's even better if the humor is affectionate and about a moment you've shared. Think about the last time you were cracking up together. What happened? What did it teach you about the two of you?

For example, maybe you went for a hike and got super lost, only to realize you were somehow magically back at the parking lot. That's a moment that could have been a fight for some couples, but the two of you just laughed. Being able to laugh together when things aren't going your way is a really good example of why you're good together.

Share a Memory Where You Felt Really Seen

Part of what makes a relationship work is that feeling of being seen for who you really are. A love letter isn't just about telling someone what's so great about them. It's also about telling them how you feel when you're with them and how their actions make you happy.

Think about the times when your person really seems to get you. It might be the way they know just what your favorite coffee drink is and bring it to you on those mornings when you really need it. Or it might be when you start to tell a story and they turn down the music and show you that they're really listening. Tell them what they do to make you feel loved.

Related: 100 Different Ways to Say "I Love You" With Meaning

Talk About the Context of Your Love

Everything happens with context, and that's something an AI-written love letter can never really express. You don't just love this person in a perfect world; you love them in the world you happen to live in (with the history and life experiences you've each had).

For instance, if you've been hurt before, you can talk about how it's been hard for you to be vulnerable and trust this relationship. Explain how your person has helped you feel safe and made this a comfortable place for you to open up.

Write Like You Would Talk

You may not feel like a writer, but if you can say something out loud, you can write it. There's no need to use flowery language or make every aspect of your love letter sound perfect and pro; instead, make it sound like you.

If you use a lot of slang or say "I mean" or trail off instead of finishing your sentences, go ahead and do that in your letter. You could get AI to write something that sounds like Shakespeare, but what it really needs to sound like is you.

Quick Tip

One great way to do this is to use voice to text and just say what you're thinking. You can edit it afterward to make it a little smoother, but the key is just keeping it real.

Focus on Meaning Instead of Perfection

No one wants a love letter written by a machine, and no one expects your love letter to be flawless either. A meaningful love letter is totally personal and human, specific to the person you love and your relationship. Don't stress if it's not perfect; all it has to be is perfectly you.

Our Pro Tips to Write a Meaningful Love Letter (That Doesn't Sound Like AI)