How to Tie a Scarf on a Purse: 7 Tutorials to Help You Stand Out

Transform the winter accessory into a summertime staple by learning how to tie a scarf on a purse using our seven favorite styles.

Updated August 9, 2024
Medium shot of a woman holding a leather handbag with a bouquet of flowers and a tied scarf
Mariia Boiko via Shutterstock

If you think scarves are only a winter-wear accessory, think again. Learn how to tie a scarf on a purse, and you can transform this wintry ornament into a summertime staple in seconds. Luckily for you, we have seven goof-proof tutorials to get you started. 

How to Tie a Scarf on a Purse in 7 Stylish Ways 

Unless you have a diamond-dollar budget, you're probably picking up a novelty scarf at your favorite designer handbag store. Learn seven ways to put those Burberry and Hermes scarves to good use by following our tutorials for tying a scarf on a handbag.

1. Single Handle Scarf-Wrap Tutorial 

The easiest and most popular way to tie a scarf on a purse is to wrap it around the handle. If you have two handles, then choose the handle closest to the front of the purse so you can show off the cute pattern. Or, if you've got matching scarves, you can wrap both of them.

Purse With Single Handle Wrap Scarf
Inês Saldanha for LoveToKnow

How to Securely Wrap a Scarf Around a Purse Handle 

  1. Lay the scarf out on a flat surface.
  2. Take two opposite corners and fold them over to the center, slightly overlapping them.
  3. Take the folded side closest to you and fold it over to the other side.
  4. Careful to keep the scarf folded, thread one end of the scarf through the metal handle ring that attaches the handle to the bag.
  5. If your bag doesn't have a ring and is sewn directly onto the bag, loop the scarf around the handle near where it's sewn to the bag.
  6. In both instances, draw the end of the scarf up to make a knot so the end of the scarf hangs down from underneath the knot.
  7. Hold the knotted scarf in place and begin wrapping it around the handle at an angle to keep the fabric from slipping. 
  8. Once you get to the end of the handle, either thread the end through the ring or wrap it around the handle.
  9. Tie a knot and leave a bit of the pointed end of the scarf dangling below it.

2. Flap-Wrap Scarf Bow Tutorial 

Have a larger scarf in your wardrobe just waiting to be used? Give this flap-wrapping bow style a try. 

How to Wrap a Square Scarf Around a Purse Flap & Into a Bow 

  1. Lay the scarf out on a flat surface.
  2. Take two opposite corners and fold over to the center, slightly overlapping them.
  3. Take the folded side closest to you and fold over to the other side.
  4. Center the scarf underneath your handbag's flap.
  5. Take each end of the scarf, one on either side of the flap.
  6. Pull the ends over the flap's front. 
  7. Tie the two ends of your scarf together and create a bow.
  8. Adjust the bow so it's in the center of the outside flap, and you're ready to go!

3. Scarf Knot Wrap Tutorial 

If your purse doesn't have a flap but you want the look grab a large rectangular scarf and our easy instructions.

Purse With Bow Wrap the Flap
Inês Saldanha for LoveToKnow

How to Tie a Knot Wrap Using a Rectangular Scarf 

  1. Lay the scarf out on a flat surface.
  2. Fold the scarf in half lengthwise.
  3. Fold it one more time lengthwise, making sure it matches the bag's depth. 
  4. Place the purse on the scarf, front-side up and centered. 
  5. Grab one end of the scarf in each hand.
  6. Bring the two ends over the front of the purse. 
  7. Tie the two ends into a knot.
  8. Stand the purse upright and fold any scarf excess onto itself to create layers. 
  9. Fluff up the ends of the scarf around the knot for a final finish. 

Related: 13 of the Most Affordable Designer Handbag Brands for Budget-Friendly Style

4. Simple Single-Knot Tied Scarf Tutorial 

Don't want to fuss with the more complicated scarf-tying tutorials. Give this simple single-knot a try.

Purse With Simple One Knot Trailing Scarf
Inês Saldanha for LoveToKnow

How to Tie a Single-Knot Scarf on Your Handbag 

  1. Fold two opposite corners of the scarf into the center.
  2. Fold each side into the center.
  3. Fold the scarf onto itself to create a narrow band.
  4. Find the center of the scarf by folding the two lengths together until they're even. The opposite end is the center.
  5. Position the scarf at the back of the handle so the scarf's center is even with the handle.
  6. Bring both ends of the scarf to the front of the purse and tie a knot.
  7. Fluff up around the knot for a final finish. 
Quick Tip

Add an asymmetrical flare by arranging the ends off-center. This will leave one longer and one shorter scarf end trailing from the bag's handle. 

5. Scarf Rose Tutorial 

For this one, you'll need a 21" square scarf. Once you've got the perfect one in hand, you can start following our thorough instructions. 

Purse With Rose Wrap Scarf
Inês Saldanha for LoveToKnow

How to Make a Scarf Rose Accessory for Your Purse 

  1. Fold two opposite scarf corners into the center.
  2. Fold each side into the center.
  3. Fold the scarf onto itself to create a narrow band.
  4. Slip a corner end through the purse handle ring from the back so the scarf tag/corner is extended 2"-3" out. 
  5. Wrap the scarf around the handle one time, being careful to hold the scarf in place at the handle ring so it wraps snugly. 
  6. Take the other end of the scarf and thread it through the back of the handle ring as well.
  7. Bring it over the top of where you just wrapped. This secures the end at the handle ring.
  8. Gently tug on the two ends to tighten the scarf slightly.
  9. Twist the length of the scarf in a loose motion to keep it evenly twisted.
  10. Continue to twist until you reach about 2"- 3" from the end of the scarf.
  11. Grasp the end where you've stopped twisting and continue to twist the scarf.
  12. The scarf twist should begin to coil around itself.
  13. Assist the coil by wrapping it around itself as you continue to twist the scarf length until it is completely wrapped around the coil. Think of it like wrapping your hair around itself when you're twisting it into a bun. 
  14. Pull the end of the coil that you didn't twist around the rose around the back of the rose and feed it through the back of the handle ring. This will secure the rose in place. 
  15. Splay the two ends out from the rose to create the 'leaves.'
Need to Know

A silk, satin, or charmeuse scarf will be too pliable to hold up to the rose design. Choose stiffer fabrics like taffeta or tulle when trying this tutorial. 

6. Twilly Scarf Twist Handle Tutorial 

If you don't like the handle on your purse, try making this twisted twilly scarf handle instead. A twilly scarf is long and narrow, but you can substitute just about any long and thin scarf in your collection. 

Purse With Twilly Scarf for a Bag Handle
Inês Saldanha for LoveToKnow

How to Create a Twilly Scarf Handle for Your Purse 

  1. Find the center of the scarf by placing the two ends together and holding where they meet between your forefinger and thumb.
  2. With your other hand, thread the scarf through the purse ring for the handle.
  3. Gently pull the scarf through the ring until you reach that center point.
  4. Bring both halves of the scarf together, carefully keeping the center on the ring/tag. 
  5. Pull the scarf halves to a matching, full length.
  6. Begin twisting each length, making sure you twist the two halves in toward each other. Twist the right length to the left (counterclockwise) and the left length to the right (clockwise).
  7. Keep the twist tight but not overly so. It should just begin to turn into itself. If it starts knotting, adjust your tension. 
  8. While twisting, you can begin to braid the two lengths.
  9. Continue twisting and braiding until you reach the end of the scarf, leaving about 2"-3" of the scarf unbraided.
  10. Thread one side of the scarf length through the purse handle ring until the last twist keeps it from tugging through the ring. Make sure you have a firm grip on the other length to prevent the scarf from untwisting.
  11. Cross the two ends and tie a knot.
  12. Tie a second knot to secure everything in place. 

Related: 9 Clues Your Michael Kors Purse Is Real (& Spot When It's Not)

7. Scarf Bow Tutorial 

Add a little personality to your tote bag, messenger, or backpack with this oversized scarf bow tutorial. 

Purse With Bow Wrap Scarf
Inês Saldanha for LoveToKnow

How to Tie a Scarf Bow Onto Your Bag 

  1. Lay a square scarf out on a flat surface.
  2. Fold it into a triangle.
  3. Fold the tip of the triangle towards the length side.
  4. Fold the scarf once more toward the center until you have a long and narrow strip left.  
  5. Slide the scarf over the purse handle.
  6. Cross the two lengths and tie a tight knot.
  7. Now, tie a bow using those lengths, making sure to keep the loops even. 
  8. Fluff up the bow until it's perfectly in place. 
Helpful Hack

Not sure how to tie a bow? Lia Griffith's bow-tying tutorial on YouTube is super easy to follow. 

Scarves Are the Year-Round Purse Accessory Anyone Can Rock

So many of us only get a few months of use out of our favorite scarves. These scarf-tying tutorials transform the winter-ware staple into the purse accessory of your dreams. 

How to Tie a Scarf on a Purse: 7 Tutorials to Help You Stand Out