Peruse a list of boy names that start with F to find the finest name for your flawless little boy. Find F names for your little guy from around the globe including Europe to Africa.
Boy Names That Start With Fr
Naming your baby boy can be a difficult task. This is especially true if you are looking for names that start with F for your little guy. Explore an array of boy names that begin with Fr to fit your little one.
Francis - French man (English)
Francisco - French man (German)
Frank - Free (France)
Frankie - Truthful (American)
Franklin - Landowner (English)
Fraser - Strawberry (French)
Fredrick/Fred/Freddie - A peaceful ruler (English)
Friday - The day of Frige (Old English)
Fritz - Peaceful ruler (German)

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images - Modified by LoveToKnow First-Class Boy Names That Start With F
Boy Names That Start With Fe
While Fr has a lot of good choices, Fe names might also strike your fancy. Jump into your name game with ease by finding boy names that begin with Fe.
Fedele - Faith (Italian)
Federico - Peaceful ruler (German)
Felix - Lucky (Latin)
Fell - Dweller on the mountain (English)
Felton - From the town by the field (English)
Fergus - Angry one (Scottish)
Feri/Ferke - Free man (Latin)
Fernando - Daring/adventurous (Spanish)
Ferris - A man of iron (Latin)
English Boy Names That Start With F
Take your name game on a global world tour by exploring different names with an English origin. These boy names work if you have English heritage or just like the flow of these F names.
Fabian - Bean grower
Falcon - Relating to falconry
Fane - Happy; joyful
Farnley - Fern field
Farris - Iron, strong
Fletcher - Arrow maker
Floyd - Gray
Forrester - Manages forest
Fox - Wild animal
Frewyn - Noble friend
French Boy Names That Start With F
Are you looking to give your bouncing baby boy a fabulous French name? Well, then you've come to the right place. Learn a few fun French boy names for your darling little mon fils.
Fabrice - Craftsman
Fernand - Adventurer
Filibert - Very bright
Finn - Fair
Firmin - Steadfast
Fontane - Fountain
Forest - Woodsman
Fortune - Prosperous
Francois - French man

Irish Boy Names That Start With F
When looking for the perfect boy name starting with F, it doesn't end in England and France. Explore a little more of Europe by checking out some Irish boy names for your little lad.
Fachnan - Malicious
Fallon - Leader
Farren - The land
Ferrell - A man of valor
Finbar - Fair-headed one
Finnegan - Fair-haired
Finnian - White
Fintan - White fire
Flanagan - Ruddy
Flannan - Red-haired
Flannery - Red; ruddy
Flynn - Red; reddish
African Boy Names Beginning With F
Now it's time to take a ride to the African continent to examine unique African boy names that begin with F. Many of these fabulously fetching names are perfect for your fearless little warrior.
Faraj - Cure
Fayiz - Victor
Fauzi - Attainment
Fadil - Giving, generous
Faraji - Consolation
Foluke - Placed in God's hands
Funsani - A request
Fahim - Keen; intelligent
Asian Boy Names Starting With F
Are you looking for a name with an Asian meaning or twist? Then, it's time to enjoy these Asian and Japanese boy names that start with F. These names have a powerful meaning for your little boy.
Fa - To offer
Fai - Beginning
Feng - Phoenix
Fudou - God of fire
Fugan - Feeling the blessing
Fuhua - Fortune flourishing
Fujita - Rice paddy
Fumi - Lotus; beauty
Furuya - Old valley
Fushigi - A miracle
Fuyu - Winter
Hindi/Indian Names Starting With F for Boy
Indian or Hindi names can have a fun flare for your child. Not only are they deeply rooted in ancient meanings, but those meanings are influential. Get lost in a few strong Hindi names for your little.
Fahad - Strong; fast
Falak - The sky
Falgun - Springtime
Farid - One of a kind
Fazal - Superior
Feoras - Rock
Feroz - Shining
Firaas - Skilled horseman
Firoh - Happiness; joy
Florian - Flourishing; flowery

Arabic Names Starting With F for Boy
Sometimes finding names that begin with F can be challenging. But depending on where you are looking, there are a lot of them out there. If you need a meaningful Arabic or Muslim boy name that begins with F, look no further than this list.
Fadi - Savior
Fahd - Panther
Farasat - Keen eye
Faraz - Ascent
Fardeen - Radiant
Faris - Knight
Farouk - Knows right from wrong
Fayzan - Ruler
Fazan - Grace
Fiddah - Redemption
Fizan - Popularity
Rare Boy Names That Start With F
If you are looking for a rare name, then F is a pretty good place to start. These rare gems are found throughout the world and might be perfect for your sweetheart.
Fabio - Noble (Latin)
Ford - River crossing (English)
Finnley - White warrior (Irish)
Filip - A friend of horses (Polish)
Fitz - Son of (English)
Felipe - A friend of horses (Spanish)
Flint - Stream (English)
Fidel - Faithful (Latin)
Fulton - Bird-catcher town (English)
Favian - A man of wisdom (Latin)
Ferdinand - Peace (German)
Finch - To swindle (English)
Firas - Bold lion (Arabic)
Finding the Finest Boy Names
Not all names are created equal. Therefore, if you are looking for a fiery F name for boys, then there are many options out. Now the only problem is finding the best one to fit your baby.