Whether you have Korean heritage or you simply love the sound of the language, a Korean girl name could be perfect for your baby. From popular names to those with a ton of meaning, these are some of our favorite Korean girl names.
Most Popular Korean Girl Names
As of 2024, these are the top 10 most popular Korean girl names, according to Haps Magazine Korea. Note that for some names, the traditional spellings are listed with Westernized spellings in parentheses.
- Yi-seo (Yiseo) - means "happiness and wisdom"
- Seo-ah (Seoah) - means "auspicious and beautiful"
- Ji-yoo (Jiyoo or Jiyu) - means "wisdom and wealth"
- Ha-rin (Harin) - means "summer" and "talented"
- Ha-yoon (Hayoon or Hayun) - means "beautiful summer" or "natural talent"
- Ah-yoon (Ahyoon, Ayun, or Ahyun) - means "beautiful and elegant"
- Ah-rin (Ahrin or Arin) - means "beautiful and pure"
- Seo-yoon (Seoyoon or Seoyun) - means "auspicious omen"
- Ji-an (Jian) - means "intellectual and wise"
- Ji-ah (Jiah or Jia) - means "beautiful purpose"
A Korean name's meaning can change based on the Hanja characters used to write it. Not all names are written in Hanja, which are Chinese characters used to write Korean names. Some use Hangul, which is the modern form of Korean writing.
More Popular Korean Girl Names
These girls' names have also been super popular in Korea in the past decade or so, so they're perfect for your modern baby.

- Eun-ae (Eunae) - means "grace with love"
- Eun-Hye (Eunhye) - means "grace"
- Ha-eun (Haeun) - means "great summer"
- Ha-na (Hana) means "my favorite"
- Hee-young (Heeyoung or Heyoung) - means "joy and prosperity"
- Hyun-ok (Hyunok) - means "wise and beautiful pearl"
- I-seo (Iseo) - means "younger sister"
- I-seul (Iseul) - means "morning dew"
- Ji-a (Jia, Jiah) - means "refined wisdom"
- Ji-woo (Jiwoo or Jiu) - means "purpose"
- Kyung-soon (Kyungsoon or Kyungsun) - means "honored and mild"
- Seo-yeon (Seoyeon) - means "auspicious omen"
- Soo-ah (Sooah) - means "elegant water"
Super Cute Korean Girl Names
Your baby deserves a name that's as cute as she is. We love how adorably these sweet Korean girl names roll off the tongue.

- Ae-cha (Aecha) - means "love and laughter"
- Chae-won (Chaewon) - means "gather at the source"
- Da-e (Dae) - meaning "great one"
- Eun-ji (Eunji) - means "kindness and wisdom"
- Eun-joo (Eunjoo) - means "little flower"
- Gyeong-hui (Gyeonghui) - means "honor and respect"
- Hye-jin (Hyejin) - means "precious and rare"
- Jie-un (Jieun) - means "hidden"
- Ji-min (Jimin) - means "gentle"
- Jin-ae (Jinae) - means "truth and treasure"
- Ji-young (Jiyoung or Jiyung) - means "wise and courageous"
- Mi-cha (Micha) - means "beautiful girl"
- Mi-hi (Mihi) - means "beautiful joy"
- Mi-kyung (Mikuyng) - means "beautiful sunshine"
- Min-ji (Minji) - means "sharp intellect"
- Min-jung (Minjung) - means "the people"
- Min-suh (Minsuh) - means "dignified people"
- Mun-hee (Munhee) - means "educated and literate"
- Seo-hyeon (Seohyeon) - means "luck and clarity"
- Soo-min (Soomin) - means "excellence and cleverness"
- Sun-jung (Sunjung) - means "goodness and noble"
- Ye-ona (Yeona) - means "heart of gold"
- Yoo-na (Yoona) - means "gentle and abundant"
- Yoon-suh (Yoonsuh) - means "eternal youth"
- Young-hee (Younghee) - means "pleasure and prosperity"
- Young-mi (Youngmi) - means "eternal beauty"
Meaningful Korean Girl Names
What parent doesn't want a meaningful name for their daughter? Consider one of these pretty Korean girl names with tons of meaning for your daughter.

- Ahn-jong (Ahnjong) - means "tranquil"
- A-ra (Ara) - means "beautiful"
- A-reum (Areum) - means "beautiful"
- A-yeong (Ayeong) - means "refined"
- Bong-cha (Bongcha) - means "superior daughter"
- Cho - means "beautiful"
- Cho-hee (Chohee) - means "beautiful joy"
- Eun-kyung (Eunkyung) - means "graceful gem"
- He-a (Hea) - means "graceful girl"
- Hi-ah (Hiah) - means "glad"
- Jung-hwan (Junghwan) - means "righteous beauty"
- Kyong - means "brightness"
- Kyung-mi (Kyungmi) - means "honored beauty"
- Kwan - means "strong"
- Mee - means "beautiful"
- Mi-kyong (Mikyong) - means "beautiful and bright"
- Mi-ok (Miok) - means "beautiful pearl"
- Mi-sun (Misun) - means "beauty and goodness"
- Mi-young (Miyoung) - means "everlasting beauty"
- Moon - means "smart one"
- Myung-hee (Myunghee) - means "cheerful joy"
- Sang-hee (Sanghee) - means "pleasant one"
- Se-na (Sena) - mean's "world's beauty"
- Sun-hee (Sunhee) - means "goodness and pleasure"
Pretty Korean Flower Names for Your Little Blossom
Your little one is as pretty as a flower, as delicate as a petal, and she deserves a darling Korean flower name to carry with her throughout her life. There are so many lovely flower name options in the Korean language. Which one suits your child best?

- Ailiseu - means "iris"
- Baeg-ilcho (Baegilchoi) - means "zinnia"
- Bong-seon (Bongseon) - means "impatiens"
- Chi-ja (Chija) - means "gardenia"
- Dallia - means "dahlia"
- Deiji - means "daisy"
- Haebaragi - means "sunflower"
- Haw - means "young beautiful flower"
- Hei-ran (Heiran) - means "graceful orchid"
- Hwa-young (Hwayoung) - means "beautiful flower"
- Jang-mi (Jangmi) - means "rose"
- Jelanyum - means "geranium"
- Jindallae - means "azalea"
- Kaneisyeon - means "carnation"
- Mindeulle - means "dandelion"
- Molan - means "peony"
- Nari - means "lily"
- Paenji - means "pansy"
- Soo - means "a perfect lotus flower"
- Soo-gook (Soogook) - means "hydrangea"
- Soo-yun - means "perfect lotus flower"
- Suseonhwa - means "daffodil"
- Tyullib - means "tulip"
- Yang-gwibi (Yangwibi) - means "poppy"
- Yon - means "lotus blossom"
Nature-Themed Korean Girl Names
Nature lovers might wish to name their baby girl something reminiscent of the great outdoors. Choose a celestial element, adorable animal, or other natural earthly objects to inspire your naming adventure. Some names have two meanings that add a romantic touch and, in some cases, a mystical feeling to the selection.

- Bada - means "ocean"
- Baram - means "wind"
- Bong - means "mythical bird"
- Bon-hwa (Bonhwa) - means "glorious"
- Byeol - means "star"
- Eun-jung (Eunjung) - means "grace and affection"
- Eun-kyung (Eunkyung) - means "graceful gem"
- Hae - means "sun"
- Hae-won (Haewon) - means "beautiful garden"
- Hee-jin (Heejin) - means "precious pearl"
- Ho - means - "lake"
- Joo - means "jewel"
- Myung-ok (Myungok) - means "bright pearl"
- Sook - means "she of pure nature"
- Haneul - means "heaven"
- Haru - means "day"
- Yuri - means "crystal"
- Tae-yang (Taeyang) - means "sun"
Pretty and Perfect Korean Girl Names
Korean language and culture offer parents tons of meaningful baby names to choose from. When deciding on a Korean female name, be sure to dive into the culture's naming traditions, name meanings, initials, and nicknames. Choose something that is sweet-sounding and packed with plenty of meaning.