150 Irresistible Italian Boy Names for Your Bello Baby

Give your son a magnifico moniker by choosing an Italian baby boy name!

Updated October 3, 2023
Portrait of joyful baby boy
RodicaCiorba / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Italian boy names are an incredible choice for parents-to-be who have Italian ancestry or who simply enjoy the romance of the language. No matter if you are looking for a traditional Tuscan name, a unique Italian boy name for your little ragazzo, or a classic Italian American epithet, we've compiled an impressive collection of Italian names for boys that you will absolutely amore! 

Unique Italian Boy Names

For moms and dads who are looking for an Italian boy name, but want to ensure that it is as memorable and unique as their little guy, these are some excellent epithets to consider.

  1. Alessio - Defender or helper of mankind
  2. Aurelio - Golden one
  3. Beffa - Practical joker
  4. Benedetto - Blessed or well-spoken
  5. Benvolio - Happy face
  6. Borachio - Lightning
  7. Brio - Lively
  8. Carmine - Song
  9. Cipriano - From Cyprus
  10. Constanzo - Constant or firm
  11. Elio - Sun or sunshine
  12. Faro - Lighthouse or beacon
  13. Fedele - Faithful or loyal
  14. Ferro - Iron worker
  15. Fio - Flower or blossom
  16. Gavino - Hawk or falcon
  17. Gennaro - January
  18. Ilario - Joyful or happy
  19. Lazzaro - God has helped or God is my helper
  20. Leone - Lion
  21. Lucio - Light or illumination
  22. Mikel - God's angel or messenger
  23. Montay - Mountain
  24. Nereo - Water or sea
  25. Ottavio - Eighth
  26. Roc - Rest
  27. Roko - Rest
  28. Sansone - Sun
  29. Selvaggio - Savage or wild
  30. Zanebono - The good one
Need to Know

The Italian language stems from Latin. It's considered one of the main romance languages, which also includes French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Romanian. This gives parents an array of baby boy name options to consider that may not be on traditional Italian boy name lists. 

Popular Italian Baby Boy Names

Ever notice that certain names tend to be more common than others? Research shows that this is likely related to prosody — the way in which they roll off the tongue. Of course, since Italian is considered a romance language, it's hard to find any Italian boy name unappealing, but some just seem to pique the interest of the ear a little more than others. Here are some of the most popular options!

  1. Alessandro - Defender of the people
  2. Andrea - Manly or brave  
  3. Antonio - Priceless or invaluable
  4. Carlo - Free man or manly
  5. Dario - Possessing goodness
  6. Davide - Beloved
  7. Ettore - Loyal
  8. Flavio - Gold or blond
  9. Francesco - Frenchman or free man
  10. Gabriele - God is my strength
  11. Gioele - Jehovah is his God
  12. Giovanni - God is gracious
  13. Giulio - Youth
  14. Leonardo - Brave lion 
  15. Lorenzo - A city in ancient Italy
  16. Luca - Light or illumination   
  17. Marcello - Little hammer or little warrior
  18. Marco - Warlike
  19. Matteo - Gift of God 
  20. Mattia - Gift of God  
  21. Michaelangelo - God's angel or messenger
  22. Michele - Who is like God?
  23. Nicola - Victory of the people
  24. Paolo - Small or humble
  25. Pietro - Rock or stone
  26. Riccardo - Brave ruler or powerful leader
  27. Silvio - Wood
  28. Simone - Hearing or listening
  29. Ugo - Bright in mind and spirit
  30. Valente - Brave or valiant
Fast Fact

According to the Italian statistics agency Istat, Leonardo was Italy's most popular baby boy name for 2021. It has held this spot since 2018.

Family in Venice
Alija / E+ via Getty Images

Traditional Italian Names for Your Classic Little Lad

If you come from a devout Christian family, Italian boy names can be an exemplary choice because many of the meanings are rooted in religion. Or maybe a classic Italian name and its meaning feels like the perfect fit. Regardless of the reason you're considering something on the traditional side, here are some great options to ponder for your little tyke!

  1. Allegro - Cheerful or quick
  2. Armando - Warrior
  3. Ciro - Sun
  4. Cristiano - Follower of Christ
  5. Donato - Gift from God
  6. Emilio - Rival or eager
  7. Enrico - Estate ruler
  8. Fabiano - Bean
  9. Federico - Peaceful ruler
  10. Galilao - From Galilee
  11. Giacomo - Supplanter
  12. Giorgio - Farmer
  13. Guido - Guide or lead
  14. Luigi - Renowned warrior
  15. Massimo - Greatest
  16. Nero - Strong or stern
  17. Nico - Victory of the people
  18. Nicolo - Victorious people
  19. Nuncio - Messenger
  20. Otello - Wealth or fortune
  21. Primo - First one
  22. Renato - Born again
  23. Romeo - Pilgrim of Rome
  24. Salvatore - Savior
  25. Santo - Saint
  26. Saverio - New home
  27. Sergio - Servant or attendant
  28. Tommaso - Twin
  29. Umberto - Famous German
  30. Vittorio - Victorious or conqueror
Fast Fact

The popularity of the name Tommaso has grown greatly in the past few years, reaching the 3rd spot on the list as of 2021. This is the Italian version of the name Thomas. 

Italian American Baby Boy Names

Parents wanting an anglicized version of their favorite Italian baby boy names also have a lot of options! While less traditional, they can still honor your Italian heritage and give your little guy a magnificent and more modern moniker at the same time.

  1. Alfredo - Wise counselor
  2. Angelo - Angel or messenger
  3. Anthony - Priceless
  4. Bosco - Shrub
  5. Cesare - Head of hair
  6. Charlie - Strong or free
  7. Daniele - God is my judge
  8. Dante - Steadfast or enduring
  9. Diego - Supplanter
  10. Dominic - Belonging to the Lord or of the master
  11. Edoardo - Rich guardian
  12. Elmo - Helmet or protection
  13. Felix - Happiness
  14. Frank - Frenchman or free man
  15. Giani - God is gracious
  16. Joseph - He will add or God will increase
  17. Leon - Fierce one from Naples
  18. Lombardi - Winner
  19. Mario - Manly
  20. Maury - Dark-skinned
  21. Michael - Who is like God?
  22. Nicholas - Victory of the people
  23. Orlando - Bright sun
  24. Roberto - Bright and famous
  25. Rocco - Rock or rest
  26. Rocky - Rock or rest
  27. Salvatore - Savior or rescuer
  28. Sebastian - Revered one
  29. Valentino - Strong and healthy
  30. Vincent - Conquering or victorious
Fast Fact

Giovanni is another popular Italian name, sitting at number 19 on Italy's Most Popular Baby Name list. Here in America, it sits at number 122. The most recognizable face in Hollywood with this Italian boy name is Antonino Giovanni Ribisi, who is best known for his roles in Sneaky Pete, Friends, and A Million Ways to Die in the West.

Mother giving a kiss her baby boy
MStudioImages / E+ via Getty Images

Sicilian Baby Boy Names

If your family history is rooted in Sicily, then we have just the names for you. These unique Italian boy names all hail from southern Italy!

  1. Adrianu - Man from Adria
  2. Alceu - Strength
  3. Antonino - Priceless or invaluable
  4. Antuninu - A highly praiseworthy man
  5. Biagio - Blessed or happy
  6. Cabbrieli - God is my strong man
  7. Caiu - To rejoice
  8. Carinu - Dear or beloved
  9. Carmelo - Garden or vineyard
  10. Cloru - Pale green
  11. Corrdo - Bold ruler or brave
  12. Cosimo - Order or decency
  13. Davidi - Beloved
  14. Enzo - From Laurentum
  15. Giovi - Father
  16. Giuseppe - He will add or God will increase
  17. Liuni - Lion
  18. Mancuso - Left-handed
  19. Mariano - Relating to the God Mars
  20. Maumettu - Praised or to praise
  21. Miceli - Who is like God
  22. Pasquale - Easter or born on Easter
  23. Paulu - Small or humble
  24. Quintu - Fifth
  25. Raffaele - God has healed
  26. Renzo - Laurel wreath or victorious 
  27. Salvatore - Savior or rescuer
  28. Severu - Stern
  29. Tiseu - To set or to place
  30. Vincenzo - Conquering or victorious
Need to Know

Renzo is a more modernized version of the Sicilian title Lorenzo, which is one of Italy's top five baby boy names. 

Bold Italian Boy Names Perfect for Your Little Bambino

Italian boy names suggest strength, devotion, and charm. They'll flow with a variety of last names and they're a wonderful way to pay tribute to your Italian heritage or just give you incredible name options to explore. 

150 Irresistible Italian Boy Names for Your Bello Baby