100+ Positive Affirmations for Kids to Keep Them Confident

Published December 26, 2021

Positive affirmations for kids are encouraging and motivating. They help children focus on what's really important, and offer comfort when life feels overwhelming. Affirmations can aid people of all ages, but they can be especially empowering for children. The following positive affirmations will remind kids that they are strong, capable, wonderful people who are destined for great things.

What Is a Positive Affirmation?

Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that people repeat to themselves. The concept is that when an affirmation is repeated often, the mind begins to believe the message, and in turn, the person saying the repeated affirmation tends to live more positively. To be effective, affirmations should be:

  • Purposely positive
  • Memorable and easily recitable
  • Inspiring and emotionally driven
  • Personal for the person saying them
  • Believable

Children can build their self-confidence and self-esteem by repeating positive affirmations throughout the day.

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are not magical. They won't guarantee a good attitude and a positive outlook, but they might reduce certain negative behaviors and thoughts. Positive affirmations can increase one's ability to effectively problem solve, decrease defensiveness, and lead to more positive thought patterns.

Powerful and Enlightening Affirmations to Start the Day

Start a child's day off with simple sayings that can set them on a positive path. A good start to the day can help kids continue on with a positive outlook, regardless of what the day brings.

  • I will start this day with a smile.
  • Today is a great day to be my best self.
  • The day is waiting for me to be amazing.
  • Today will be great, because I am great.
  • I will do my very best today.
  • I can make today a great day; it is my choice.

Related: 160+ Positive Affirmations for Teens to Movitave & Inspire

Use Affirmations to Encourage Confidence in Kids

Confident kids grow up to change the world! Help children become secure and comfortable in their skin with powerful affirmations that will put a smile in their heart every day.

  • I am capable.
  • I can do hard things.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I am funny.
  • I can always give it my best.
  • I am confident in my capabilities.
  • I only need to believe in myself.
  • I deserve the good that comes my way.
  • I believe I can do anything.
  • I am powerful.

Joyful Quotes to Make Kids Shine

Woman laughing with friends during yoga class
young friends enjoying together
Family having fun while having breakfast

Positive Affirmations for Kids to Boost Self-Esteem

Kids need to feel good about themselves. When they increase their self-esteem, they work harder, try harder, and learn to love themselves. These powerful affirmations help children believe in themselves.

  • I am a special person.
  • I deserve happiness.
  • I love myself.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I am enough.
  • I respect myself.
  • My parents and teachers are proud of me.
  • I deserve the compliments people give me.
  • I am beautiful inside and out.
  • I belong.

Positive Affirmations to Teach Kids Self-Respect

Having self-respect leads to a cascade of positive occurrences for kids, as the right attitude attracts good energy and discourages negativity.

  • I matter.
  • I love myself, and others will love me too.
  • I refuse to let the negative in.
  • I only allow good vibes.
  • I am worthy of joy and love.
  • I treat myself kindly.
  • My body is a temple.
  • I will take care of myself.
  • I stand up for myself.
  • I value myself.

Motivating Affirmations That Remind Kids They Are Smart

Children must grow up believing that they are smart individuals who can move mountains. These affirmations are specifically designed to help kids remember that they have big brains, big dreams, and big futures.

  • I am smart.
  • I can find solutions.
  • I am bigger than the problem.
  • If I try, I can achieve.
  • I will reach my goals.
  • My dreams will be my reality.
  • My brain works wonderfully.
  • I learn in my own way.

Affirmations to Inspire Strength in Kids

Youngsters need to harness their strength to succeed in life. These affirmations help kids realize their inherent strength; and that with a positive attitude and a bit of courage and bravery, nothing can break them.

  • I am a leader.
  • I can inspire others.
  • I won't be broken.
  • My heart and mind are tougher than my challenges.
  • My power lives within me.
  • I am fearless.
  • I am courageous.

Try Again Affirmations to Teach Kids Resilience

Everybody fails from time to time, and building resilience to adversity is a life lesson for children. When things don't go as planned, help kids remember that a failure doesn't mean that success isn't right around the corner.

  • I can always try again.
  • Today is a fresh start.
  • Even if I fall, I can get back up.
  • There is always a next time.
  • New beginnings are always around me.
  • I am defined by my successes, not my failures.
  • I can be scared, but I will not be scared off.
  • I can do it.
  • I learn from my mistakes.
  • I am good at solving problems.

Positive Affirmations to Encourage Self-Love

You have to learn to love yourself before you can fully love others. Teach kids from a young age that they are perfect just the way they are.

  • I am already whole.
  • I am perfect, just as I am.
  • I possess wonder and beauty.
  • I love many things about myself.
  • There is goodness inside of me.
  • I am lucky to be this person.

Affirmations for Kids to Encourage Hard Work

Hard work and determination can carry people far in life. Help kids realize that their efforts are worthwhile, and if they keep grinding it out, they are able to accomplish great things.

  • I am a hard worker.
  • I never give up.
  • My dreams are worth fighting for.
  • I'm determined to keep going.
  • I can turn obstacles into opportunities.
  • When a door closes, I can always open the window.
  • No one can stop me from achieving my goals.
  • I am my motivating factor.
  • Every day is a stepping stone to my goal.
  • I keep my eye on the prize.

Positive Affirmations for Kids Promoting Kindness

If you can be anything in this entire world, choose to be kind. Lead kids through life with this philosophy, because the universe can always use more loving and kind individuals.

  • My kindness is a gift to the world.
  • Everyone deserves a smile and a hug.
  • I will never regret being kind to someone.
  • Kindness is my superpower.
  • I care about others, and I care about myself.
  • Love is meant to be spread.
  • Every day, I choose to be kind.
  • How I treat other people is a reflection of who I am.

Proud to Be Me Affirmations for Kids

Teach kids to be proud of who they are. Help them own their individuality and encourage them to walk their own path in life.

  • There is no one else like me.
  • I shine like a diamond.
  • People love me for me.
  • I cherish my individuality.
  • I make the world brighter and more sparkly.
  • There's not only one right way; I should follow my own path.
  • I am proud of who I am.
  • I am loved for who I am.
  • I am unique, and people love me.
  • This is how I was made to be.

In Charge of My Choices Affirmations

Making the right choices is a crucial component of growing up. Use these positive affirmations to remind kids that they are in charge of the good decisions they make throughout their life.

  • Good choices make me happy.
  • My good choices make my friends and parents happy.
  • I feel good when I make the right choice.
  • I can always choose the correct choice.
  • I am in control of the choices I make.
  • My positive choice helps me have a good day.
  • My heart is happy when I choose the right behavior.
  • I am proud of my choices.
  • I can make a good choice for myself.
  • My positive choice benefits me.

Positive Affirmations for Kids Who Feel Lonely

For children who find it challenging to make and maintain friends, use positive affirmation to remind them that they are never alone and that they are worthy of friendship.

  • I am loved.
  • I care about people.
  • I am a good friend.
  • I am a nice person.
  • I help those around me.
  • I try to use kind words towards others.
  • I am a good person.
  • I give to other people.
  • My smile is my superpower.
  • I deserve to be surrounded by kind people.

The Power of Words

Words are extremely powerful. Kids can feel good about themselves and their place in the world by reciting specific affirmations throughout the day. All children should believe that they are wonderful, special, and unique individuals who are cherished by the people in their lives. Teach your kids meaningful mantras to accompany them throughout all of life's ups and downs, and encourage them to use words of self love whenever they can.

100+ Positive Affirmations for Kids to Keep Them Confident