11 Easy Kids Dance Moves to Get Them Moving & Grooving (With Videos)

Published January 4, 2022
Happy girls dancing
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/ DigitalVision via Getty Images

Is there anything better than a good, old-fashioned dance party? No way! Dance parties are fun for the young and old alike, easy to do at a moment's notice, and are guaranteed to leave all participants in a happy mood. Try these new and classic moves out at your next dance-off with the kids. Show them how you can still get down with the best of them and learn a few new moves together!

Siblings have a dance party in the living room
Lisa5201/ E+ via Getty Images

The Macarena Dance

The 90s dance move involves a few simple arm movements, a shimmy shake of the hips, and a quarter hop. For parents who came of age in the 90s, you'll quickly realize that even after thirty-some years of Macarena hiatus, the moves come back super quickly. Show those TikToking teens who's boss with this fun throwback dance.

The Chicken Dance

Every roller skating rink, youth group gathering, wedding, and bar mitzvah has celebrated good times with a few rounds of the good old chicken dance. Four simple moves make up the timeless routine, and anyone from your three year-old niece to your ninety year-old great aunt can partake in the silly dance move.

The Running Man

If your kids ask if you know any cool dance moves, tell them to stand back and hold your latte as you break out the infamous running man. Made popular in the eighties, the running man (which emulates the motion of running in place at a fast pace), will wow even the most selective kid dancers. (Pair this hip-hop move with high-top sneakers, neon-colored clothing, and some old-school MC Hammer tunes to appear completely legit in front of your children).

The Robot Dance

Stand up, feel the music and move your body like a robot. Creating stiff movements with your arms, legs, and neck will bring you to a move known by the masses as the robot. Gather the gang up and see who has the funniest robot routine, the funkiest routine, and the most intricate one. Can you pair the family off into teams and make up synchronized robot dances to show off in a family talent show? There is no limit to the moves that can be incorporated into a robot dance routine, and when it comes to this dance move, the only rule is to have fun!

Whip/Nae Nae

In 2015, an artist named Silentó released a little diddy called 'Watch Me' and from there, the dance move best known as the Whip-Nae Nae was born. In its most basic form, the Whip/Nae Nae involves doing a crouch-like move (kind of like a squat) with your arm out in front of you, positioned as if you are driving a car. That is the "whip part." The "Nae-Nae" portion comes directly after the "whip" and it requires you to raise your hand in the air and wave it back and forth while swaying side to side.

The Hokey Pokey

Can you even have a childhood without learning the hokey pokey? It is one of the most well-known, widely recognized kid dance moves in the nation. The dance involves a series of easy-to-follow directions and is set to the tune of the same song. Play it at birthday parties, at family reunions and any time the kids are bouncing off the walls and desperately need to dance off some of that seemingly endless energy.

The Floss

A few years ago, the floss entered our lives and became a move kids did all day long. If the kids were awake, they were flossing. They flossed as they stood in front of the television set, shared their day with parents, played on the playground, and any moment in between. These days, the floss is done by kids, parents, and even elderly people who know a good dance move when they see one. Get ready to giggle as this move takes an abundance of coordination to get right. But once you nail it, you won't be able to stop flossing... ever!

Baby Shark Dance

Little kids love listening to baby shark, and they love engaging in the corresponding dance moves even more. Get clapping and marching to the kid-centric song as you and the little ones pretend to be a baby shark, mama shark, daddy shark, and even grandma shark using arm and hand motions.


Vogueing originated in New York back in the 1960s and was made mainstream popular by none other than pop icon queen, Madonna. Madge showed the world how to use arm and body movements and a serious face to create an expressive dance that screamed, "bring it!" The great thing about the vogue is you really cannot misstep. The moves are what you make of them, so be free in your creative ideas and give the Material Girl a run for her money.

The Jerk

Full disclaimer: the other day I ran into the family room ready to throw down serious discipline when I heard my teenagers yelling out the word, "jerk." It turns out "the jerk" is a trendy dance move that is all the rage. Go figure. It involves some complicated footwork, some hopping, and a lot more natural rhythm than I was blessed with. This one takes a bit of practice, and there is a good chance that your kids will catch onto this move much faster than you will. The only way I could wrap my mind around it was to think of it as a backward running man.

The Twist

When it comes to dance moves from the past, it doesn't get more classic than the twist! Kids will love this move because it is easy to do and they can put their own funky spin on it. Parents and even grandparents can join in the moving and grooving as they have likely been twisting away for decades! Try it out with the original song of the same name and transport the whole gang back to the sixties.

Dancing: The Perfect Activity for Fun and Fitness

The great thing about dance is it combines fun and fitness, two core goals that families should strive to achieve. Dancing is an excellent exercise for people of all ages. It involves creativity and imagination, bonds the family with silly routines that everyone can smile over, and makes for cheap entertainment. You can break some dance moves out any time and any place. All you need to enjoy dance moves with the kids is music, your bodies, and good company! If you want to make it an even bigger event, throw in a few talent show ideas to increase the fun.

11 Easy Kids Dance Moves to Get Them Moving & Grooving (With Videos)