50 States and Capitals List in Alphabetical Order

Check out our state capitals list and see how well you know your geography!

Updated June 26, 2023
Capitol building
Tetra Images - Henryk Sadura / Brand X Pictures via Getty Images

If you need to memorize US states or capitals, or just need to have a handy reference, you can use one of the two lists below. One is organized alphabetically by state and the other is organized alphabetically by the capital city. No matter which you choose, these state capitals lists can help you learn some fundamental facts about the U.S. of A!

Capitals Alphabetically by State

You can either print out the pdf list or use the following state capitals list below:

50 States and Capitals in Alphabetical Order

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  • Alabama - Montgomery
  • Alaska - Juneau
  • Arizona - Phoenix
  • Arkansas - Little Rock
  • California - Sacramento
  • Colorado - Denver
  • Connecticut - Hartford
  • Delaware - Dover
  • Florida - Tallahassee
  • Georgia - Atlanta
  • Hawaii - Honolulu
  • Idaho - Boise
  • Illinois - Springfield
  • Indiana - Indianapolis
  • Iowa - Des Moines
  • Kansas - Topeka
  • Kentucky - Frankfort
  • Louisiana - Baton Rouge
  • Maine - Augusta
  • Maryland - Annapolis
  • Massachusetts - Boston
  • Michigan - Lansing
  • Minnesota - St. Paul
  • Mississippi - Jackson
  • Missouri - Jefferson City
  • Montana - Helena
  • Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Nevada - Carson City
  • New Hampshire - Concord
  • New Jersey - Trenton
  • New Mexico - Santa Fe
  • New York - Albany
  • North Carolina - Raleigh
  • North Dakota - Bismarck
  • Ohio - Columbus
  • Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
  • Oregon - Salem
  • Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
  • Rhode Island - Providence
  • South Carolina - Columbia
  • South Dakota - Pierre
  • Tennessee - Nashville
  • Texas - Austin
  • Utah - Salt Lake City
  • Vermont - Montpelier
  • Virginia - Richmond
  • Washington - Olympia
  • West Virginia - Charleston
  • Wisconsin - Madison
  • Wyoming - Cheyenne

50 States and Capitals Alphabetically by Capital

You can either print out this pdf list or use the following state capitals list below:

50 States and Capitals Alphabetized by Capital

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  • Albany - New York
  • Annapolis - Maryland
  • Atlanta - Georgia
  • Augusta - Maine
  • Austin - Texas
  • Baton Rouge - Louisiana
  • Bismarck - North Dakota
  • Boise - Idaho
  • Boston - Massachusetts
  • Carson City - Nevada
  • Charleston - West Virginia
  • Cheyenne - Wyoming
  • Columbia - South Carolina
  • Columbus - Ohio
  • Concord - New Hampshire
  • Denver - Colorado
  • Des Moines - Iowa
  • Dover - Delaware
  • Frankfort - Kentucky
  • Harrisburg - Pennsylvania
  • Hartford - Connecticut
  • Helena - Montana
  • Honolulu - Hawaii
  • Indianapolis - Indiana
  • Jackson - Mississippi
  • Jefferson City - Missouri
  • Juneau - Alaska
  • Lansing - Michigan
  • Lincoln - Nebraska
  • Little Rock - Arkansas
  • Madison - Wisconsin
  • Montgomery - Alabama
  • Montpelier - Vermont
  • Nashville - Tennessee
  • Oklahoma City - Oklahoma
  • Olympia - Washington
  • Phoenix - Arizona
  • Pierre - South Dakota
  • Providence - Rhode Island
  • Raleigh - North Carolina
  • Richmond - Virginia
  • Sacramento - California
  • Salem - Oregon
  • Salt Lake City - Utah
  • Santa Fe - New Mexico
  • Springfield - Illinois
  • St. Paul - Minnesota
  • Tallahassee - Florida
  • Topeka - Kansas
  • Trenton - New Jersey

Learning the 50 States and Capitals in Alphabetical Order

Colorful United States map illustration with state labels
RLT_Images / DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

Learning states and captials is often taught in social studies in either upper elementary or middle school grades. In addition to the studying for that state capitals test, a printable list of the 50 states and their capitals can come in handy for other things as well. For example, you can use it to:

  • Create geography flashcards
  • Make a United States board game
  • Form the starting point of a comprehensive unit study of the states
  • Review spelling skills
  • Practice putting words in alphabetical order
  • Play the '50 states game'
Fast Fact

Fans of the popular television show Friends will not be surprised, but there's a large percentage of the population that can't name all 50 states! In fact, CBS News reported in 2014 that the trivia site Sporcle found that only 45% of players could name all 50 states correctly. Oh, and their states game was played over 12 million times and it has a map for reference.

Make Memorizing States and Their Capitals Fun

Memorizing long lists doesn't need to be a daunting task. Along with tools like out lists and printables, there are several online games which turn a possible chore into entertainment, including a fun carnival style game from ABCYa.com.

If music is more your thing, then check out this amusing 50 States Song by Kids Learning Tube (KLT). They can both make memorization a breeze! Once you are an expert on these locations, also check out the 50 U.S. State Birds!

Quick Tip

One fun way to help kids learn the states and their capitals is to make it memorable with adjectives. Use WordList Finder to help kids find descriptive words that correspond with the first letter of each capital city and state. For example, Tallahassee, Florida becomes Terrific Tallahassee in Fantastic Florida. Make it fun to help them remember! 

Know Your Geography

It may not always seem like useful information to know that the capital of North Dakota is Bismarck when you live in, for example, Georgia. However, you never know when this information might come in handy. From social studies tests to just being knowledgeable about our country, knowing the states and capitals is an fantastic skill for all ages to have.

50 States and Capitals List in Alphabetical Order