Energetic Cheers and Chants for Young Football Cheerleaders

Create team spirit with these lively and motivational kids' cheers

Updated February 10, 2025

Cute Football Cheers and Chants


Keeping the cheers cute and supportive is the key to a successful cheerleading squad. The following cheers are perfect for kids' football games.

Let's Go Team


Let's Go Team
G-O Go! clap, clap
G-O Go! stomp, stomp
Let's Go Team
And win this thing!

We Are Mighty


We are mighty!
We are strong!
We're fierce on the field,
And we can't be wrong!

When we pass and when we run
We all have fun
'Cause we're number one!

Today We Win



Today we win!
Tomorrow we defeat!
No matter how you slice it,
We just can't be beat!

We've Got Skills


istockphoto license

We don't win by luck,
We don't win by chance.
We've got the skills!
(Emphasize the "s" at the end of the world skills)

We pass the ball,
We punt and kick,
'Cuz we've got the skills!
(Emphasize the "s" at the end of the word skills)

We practice hard,
We love football,
But we win games
'Cuz we've got the skills!



With this cheer you can insert anything for touchdown such as a field goal, a first down, etc.

Touchdown, touchdown
We wanna touchdown!

We love racking up
All those points!

Super Runner

ActionPics / iStock via Getty Images

Use the running player's name in this cheer.

It's a bird,
It's a plane,
No, it's Gabe
Running for the gain!

We've Got Spirit

fstop123 / E+ via Getty Images

(said in a quiet voice) We've got spirit,
Can you hear it?

Louder now,
Shout it proud.

(said in a louder voice) We've got spirit,
Can you hear it?

Still too quiet?
Help us riot!

(said in a shout) You've got spirit,
Let us hear it!
(crowd shouts "We've got spirit!")

Field Goal

Steven Puetzer / Photodisc via Getty Images

Uprights ready,
Kick it steady.

Laces out,
Make it count.

Kicker focused,
Three points for us!

We Want More

Erik Isakson via Getty Images

Field goals are great,
Touchdowns are better,
Wins last forever!

Score, score, score,
We want more!

A Great Attitude Leads to Good Fun

Big Cheese Photo via Getty Images

Kids' cheerleading can be a lot of fun, but it's important to remember to not let competitiveness get the better of you. Guide the cheerleaders in chants and cheers that are supportive of your own team, but be careful never to make fun of the other team.

Looking for more? Check out Funny Football Cheers.

Energetic Cheers and Chants for Young Football Cheerleaders