Teaching children division can be challenging. Try incorporating free printable division tables into your lessons to help make the concept of dividing more understandable. These valuable tools are visual guides for students, and they make learning division much simpler for kids.
1-12 Basic Division Charts to Print
Once your students master multiplication, division arrives on the scene. Multiplication facts make division a little easier, but it can still be tricky. A basic division printable can provide a quick reference sheet for working on math worksheets and memorizing basic division facts.
To print, you just need to click and download the table. If you have any issues, you can use this guide for Adobe printables.
Division Tables
Easy Tips for Using Basic Division Charts
These basic division charts provide division equations for numbers 1 through 12. Use these charts with your students to introduce division and point out patterns.
- Use the chart to point out the dividend, divisor, and quotient for each equation.
- Demonstrate how division and multiplication relate to one another. Division is the reverse of multiplication.
- Have students highlight easy division quotients like those by two, five, and 10.
- Have students fold or cut the chart to focus on one number at a time.
- Use the division table to explain special rules, like dividing by one and zero.
Printable Division Chart
The basic division chart is excellent for helping with division equation memorization, but the division table chart or grid provides an easy-to-use chart for working on problems. Why? Because it uses an easy table format for finding your dividends and divisors. To use the division grid, find the 1-12 number at the top or left-hand side of the grid and run down the column until you find the second number. Then you can quickly find the answer to the equation. The chart is the perfect visual aid for students struggling with division.
Division Chart
Tips for Using a Division Chart With Kids
Since children have a basic understanding of multiplication, the division chart should be easy to understand. However, you want to go over the chart and how it works. You can then use these tips to incorporate the chart into your math lessons.
- Create guides out of construction paper for students to use on the chart to make finding their answers easier.
- Allow students to color each row a different color to make a visual reference for each number.
- Explore any patterns they notice when they look at the chart.
- Laminate the chart for students to keep with them during lessons.
- Play division games with the chart, like breaking students up into teams and giving them division problems to solve with the chart.
Printable Individual Division Tables for Numbers 1-12
Math can be complex for some students to master. Visual aids can help. Individual division tables break down each number using equal group counters to help students see how the numbers are divided, and how the quotient is reached.
Division Table for 1
Division Table for 2
Division Table for 3
Division Table for 4
Division Table for 5
Division Table for 6
Division Table for 7
Division Table for 8
Division Table for 9
Division Table for 10
Division Table for 11
Division Table for 12
Quick Learning Methods With Division Tables
The individual charts can be a little difficult for kids to understand at first. So, you'll want to make sure to go over these as a class with students and show them how they work. For example, write an equation out, such as 12 divided by two. Create 12 dots on the board and show them how you circle two equal groups of six to find your answer. Once they see how the individual division chart works, try these tips for using it.
- Cover up the answers in the division tables and have students use the counters to find the solutions.
- Have them outline the blocks with a highlighter to see how the numbers are broken up.
- Give students real-life counters (i.e., M&Ms), and cover up the left side of the sheet. Have them use the counters to create the groupings.
- Put construction paper over the right side of the sheet. Have students use the counters to write the equation.
- Print the tables and put them up in a math area.
Division Strategies
Additional Teaching Strategies for Division
While division charts can make your life easier, they aren't the only math aids to help students with division. You can try these other strategies for teaching division to students.
- Point out the fact families. For example, 3 x 4 = 12 is the same as 12 ÷ 4 = 3.
- Demonstrate how to use repeat subtraction of the divisor to get to the quotient.
- Use finger math to skip count by the divisor until you find the dividend. The fingers equal the quotient.
- Have the students use the charts to create flashcards for each number to test their division knowledge.
- Have students memorize divisible numbers. For example, any number ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 is divisible by 2. Any number ending in 0 or 5 is divisible by 5, etc.
- Use division worksheets to help students master this concept.
- Have students play online math games using division for interactive learning.
- Use the blank printable below so students can practice their knowledge of division.
Blank Division Tables 1-12
Teaching How to Divide
Learning division doesn't have to be a struggle if you provide your students with the right tools. Using these visual aids and division tables can make math easy for even the youngest learners. They are also great visuals for children struggling with division concepts.